Tammy Harrison, Carlin, NV


Tammy Harrison has been an AP rep for 3 months.  She was excited to take over for someone and start selling.  Her first order was just over $1800.  Her 3rd order was over $4,000!  She has really built her business.  I think her enthusiasm and willingness to talk to everyone about AP is key to her success.  This is what she had to say:

I am a new rep whom was delivered this awesome opportunity to have my own business and still keep my job at our local school too.  I have lived her in Carin now for 14 years. I moved her from Elko where I had lived since 1986.  I graduated Elko High School in 1990. I have had food service positions over the years with Pizza Hut, Maverick Country Stores and now the Lunch Program here in Carlin.  So I have been in the public eye for a long time and I talk to everyone, even the people I don’t know.  I at least say hello and smile.  🙂

The ladies who sold before me built the customer list for me.  I now take a section of names and go through and look at all the customers’ information and call them.  I tell them who I am and ask if they would like to see a catalog.  I also have added each month 6 new customers of my own which of course are my friends closest to me.  My sister is a hair dresser and has had a shop here in Carlin for 20 years.  She has helped out a lot because she knows a lot of people.

Alison’s Pantry has great deals on bulk foods and we don’t have that available to us in our small town.  The closest for us to buy bulk is a case lot sale at the local grocery store.  The wide variety of products that Alison’s Pantry has to offer is amazing and everyone that I have talked to that has tried their products has been very satisfied.

I am still learning and trying to organize so I can be successful here in Carlin for a long time.  People say they are happy I am now their rep because I have lived here for so long and am established.  I LOVE MY TOWN.  I am very happy to keep providing Alison’s Pantry products here.

We are excited to see you continue to grow Tammy!


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