Special Order Product Inquiry

Submitting this form is just a request for information on the item you would like to special order.

We will reply with pricing, availability and lead time.

We do not order the item until you have replied to the pricing email we send you and confirme that you want the item ordered.

Special Orders can take anywhere from 4 to 8+ weeks and are never guaranteed!

Average time is 4-6 weeks.

The following items cannot be special ordered due to production issues:

  • #1824 AP Richly Delicious Fudge Brownie Mix 4 lb. Bag EACH
  • #1823 AP Classic Creme Cake & Muffin Mix 4 lb. Bag EACH
  • #1822 AP Old Fashioned Buttermilk Pancake Mix 4 lb. Bag EACH
  • Please note that special orders are not guaranteed. We can still be shorted by the supplier or find out that it’s no longer available.
  • Once we receive your request we will reply with availability and pricing and then ask that you confirm if you want to order the item. Once confirmed, it is a commitment to buy when it comes in. Be sure your customer knows!
  • Special order items will be added to net 10 orders for your customers unless otherwise requested or a current order exists when the item is received.
  • Don’t forget that most items have to be ordered by the CASE.
  • HD (Hot Deal) Products usually cannot be special ordered and not at the same price or package size.
  • For items we have carried before, be sure to look online for the item you are wanting before requesting the special order to make sure there are none in stock.
  • Only previously carried cheese products can be special ordered.

Hi, (name of customer), this is ______ from Alison’s Pantry, how are you today?  Do you have a minute? Did you get a chance to look at the catalog this month?……….

 Yes? that’s great, was there anything that you had questions about?  Great, what can I answer? (answer questions, take order)

Also, I wanted to let you know that if ever you aren’t finding a certain item, please ask me about it and I will find out if it can be special ordered. We are doing more and more special orders for items for customers. It’s our goal to help you get the things that are important to you.

No? that’s too bad, I know how busy your days are. I would be happy to call you back so that you can get a minute to look it over.  Would that be ok?

Yes, Great. I will give you call on _______, but I want to let you know that we are starting to do more special orders for some of the items that aren’t in our catalog.  So, as you are looking at the catalog, if there is anything that you miss, or haven’t seen for a while, please let me know and I will check to see if it’s available to special order.  Thank you for your support, I appreciate it. Ill check back in with you. (schedule a time to call back)

No, ok, was there something that you need this time?   I can look up the numbers, if you don’t know them.  Also, I wanted to let you know that if ever you aren’t finding a certain item, please ask me about it and I will find out if it can be special ordered. We are doing more and more special orders for items for customers. It’s our goal to help you get the things that are important to you.

No, I don’t need anything this month. Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate you sharing that with me. Listen, I wanted to let you know that we are special ordering items that are not currently in our catalogs or have been removed. Is there anything that you remember ordering that we don’t offer anymore? We are interested in getting those items back or special ordering them for you if they are available.  Please let me know. Thank you, I’ll check back in with you, or feel free to text me if you remember.