Hello. My name is Lori Paulsen from Worland, Wyoming! I have been an Alison’s Pantry Rep for about a year and a half. I love the convenience of the products and the quality. I enjoy going through my delivery and seeing all the interesting products my customers have ordered; I actually make a list of products I want to order after seeing them. I get a lot of help from my boyfriend and son; they do most of the heavy lifting and help with boxing orders! I couldn’t do this without them!
Our list of favorite items keeps growing; it’s hard to find just one thing. A few of our favorite items are: Bacon Wrapped Pork Fillets, Potato and Cheese Pierogies, Trident Alaskan Salmon Burgers, the wonderful soups (love how they taste like I spent hours making them), and the Potato Pearls. I try to order something new each month.
I try to keep an eye on items I know my customers have an interest in and let them know if quantity is getting low or if it’s going on closeout. I have a calendar I use as a helpful reminder for me to make contact with my customers about upcoming order deadline, highlight a special item or new products. I note when contact was made, what I highlighted and how I made contact. Helps me track so I don’t unnecessarily repeat information. When I first started, it was a little overwhelming but I couldn’t imagine not being a rep today.
I’m a soup lover too!! I need to try some of your favorites!
When families in my area are sick or in need of meals; I usually take soup and the Beehive Rolls for a yummy and hot meal.
Thx for your sweet write up!
How do I get a catalog?
Hi Diana! We would love to give you a catalog. The first step is finding the Rep nearest you. You can use our handy Rep Finder tool to search by zip code and locate a Rep nearby, then she can get a catalog to you right away. https://www.alisonspantry.com/rep-finder