Catalog #4 Resources

Use this page for quick access to all the tools you need each month as a rep to send reminders, stay on task, and boost your sales!

Help your customers save money with our featured sales each month! Recommend other AP products to pair with them for affordable meals.

Our BIG DEALS flyer spotlights the sales for the current catalog. You can print it or send the PDF digitally.

Catalog #4 Big Deals Sales Flyer PDF

For just an image of the flyer:

PC: right-click the image and “save as”

Mobile: click and hold the image and “save photo”

Use this Monthly Calendar to help you remember important dates and keep you on schedule for a great order.

Catalog #4 Calendars

Social Media Images

Send a visual reminder to your customers of new products, sales, and order deadlines. Images can be used on social media, emailed, and even be texted!

Catalog #4

AP Quick Reference Guide

Print this Quick Reference Sheet and put it by your work station to help with monthly tasks!

OR bookmark it on your device and use the links for more info.

Click to download!

URL Shortener

Use Bitly to create a shorter link to the catalog or products and create a scannable QR code. It’s free to sign up and easy to use.