Why try punch cards?
- 64% of retailers say their loyalty/rewards program is the best way to connect with consumers.
- On average, loyal customers are worth up to 10x as much as their first purchase.
- The average repeat customer spends 75% more in their 31st to 36th months of their relationship with a business than in the months 0-6.
- 44% of Millennials say they are loyal to brands they buy, and 52% will choose quality over price.
Punch Card Guidelines
1. Incentivize new customers to stick around after purchasing your products.
2. Ensure existing customers still feel as if they are valued by you.
3. Improve customer appreciation and increase the chances that happy customers will talk about you and give you referrals. “The more a customer feels appreciated by a business, the more she is likely to support the company and recommend it to others. This in turn, carries on in a word-of-mouth cyclical nature that continues to achieve growth for your business.”
4. Punch cards deepen engagement. The more a customer engages with Alison’s Pantry, the more likely they are to refer you to their friends.
5. It’s a great way to say thank you to your loyal customers.
6. Punch cards make happy customers. Happy customers stay with you longer and happy Customers are also more likely to give you referrals.
1. Set goals for customers to achieve. Do you want them to order early? Pick up on time? Give you a referral? Spend more?
2. Determine your incentive. How many punches? Do they get a free gift? Free shipping? $10 off their order?
3. Structure the program the way you want.
4. Advertise, advertise, advertise! People need to know to participate. Email, text, Facebook, newsletter, phone calls. Tell everyone about it, and keep reminding them about it.
5. Track and reward. There are lots of ways to do this including tracking on an excel worksheet, or giving the customers their punch cards, or keeping the punch cards yourself (so the customer doesn’t forget to bring them), and punching them when they arrive.
Tip: You could introduce the punch card program in waves so not everyone receives the punch card at the same time so they are not all redeemed at the same time.
9 Possible Ways To Earn A Punch
1. Placing an order.
2. Ordering more than $100.
3. Early bird order.
4. Ordering consecutively for 3 months.
5. Trying a new product you have never ordered before.
6. Referring a friend who orders more than $25.
7. Picking up on time.
8. Ordering a certain number of products.
9. A new customer gets a punch for placing first order.
Punch Card incentive for new customers
Do you ever have a new customer purchase once and then never again? Use a punch card! This is how it works:
1. Ask for a new customer’s complete contact information including email address and street address so you
can get them a catalog and contact them through email.
2. When you give the customer their order, introduce the punch card. Give them a punch for their first order.
And give them a bonus punch because they are a new customer. Tell them when they order again they will
get another punch. Then they only need 7 more punches to redeem their prize.
3. Follow up with an email a week later asking them how they like their AP products. Thank them again for
their business. Staying in contact is important.
4. When it’s time to remind them about the next order going in, remind
Customizable Punch Card

Punch Card Front
Click the button below to download the template, then upload to Vistaprint or any another printing company. Next, just add whatever you want your reward to be when you’re customizing. Here are some ideas:
1. Free AP Mix
2. $10.00 off your next order
3. Other Free Product

Punch Card Back
Click the button below to download the template, then upload to Vistaprint or any other printing company. Then just add the ways you’d like your customers to earn a punch. Don’t forget your personal info at the bottom! Here are some ideas:
1. Placing an order.
2. Ordering more than $100.
3. Early bird order.
4. Ordering consecutively for 3 months.
5. Trying a new product you have never ordered before.
6. Referring a friend who orders more than $25.
7. Picking up on time.
8. Ordering a certain number of products.
9. A new customer gets a punch for placing first order.
Other Punch Cards