Former Rep Recognition Program 2019-2022
We’re excited to introduce you to our new Alison’s Pantry Rep Recognition Program. We love celebrating our Reps and seeing you continue to grow, both professionally and personally. When you reach your first $1000 in sales you receive an Alison’s Pantry lanyard to put all your pins on. See below for more pins to earn and other benchmarks to watch for .
Plan to show off your pin collection with pride at our Food Shows! We invite all Reps to wear their lanyards so you can celebrate your success when we gather for events.
Here’s what each pin represents, and how you can continue to build your pin collection:
Longevity: You’ll receive a pin as you reach your first year mark as a Rep and then at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30-year marks.

Sales: You’ll receive special sales pins as you reach these sales benchmarks: $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, and $10,000 in monthly sales (based on subtotal sales amounts).

Personal Growth Pins:

Constant Contact: Schedule a monthly call with your RSM for 5 months in a row, and you’ll receive a $10 credit. Complete 10 visits in a year to earn the pin. New for 2021.

2021 Increase Your Sales Challenge: This is a challenge for you to earn free bonus gifts from the office. Each of the 4 quarters this coming year, you will have the opportunity to grow your sales by $100 each month. The first month of the quarter will start out as your base, you will then need to increase your sales for the following catalog and then another again for the 3rd catalog of the quarter.
For example, catalog #1, your sales are $1000, Then catalog #2, you sell $1100, and then Catalog #3 sales are $1200, you will qualify for the 1st quarter bonus gift. It will come with your #4 order.
If you meet the challenge for 2 of the 4 quarters, then you will receive the 2021 Increased Sales Pin for your lanyard.
Sales totals will be your subtotals at the close of orders for the qualifications. The bonus gift will be AP products.

Sharing is Caring: Earned when you host your first tasting party, open house, or fair booth.
Can receive one per year.

Team Building: Earned when you refer a new Alison’s Pantry Rep.
Can receive one per year.

BYOBC (Be Your Own Best Customer): Earned by reaching $3,000 per year in personal Alison’s Pantry orders (subtotal) for your household (Tip: Purchasing $250/month in AP groceries for your family would reach this total and allow you to become much more familiar with AP products). Can receive one per year.

Food Show Pins: Receive when you attend our Food Show.
Unique pin for each event!

Selling is Helping: Earned when you host an approved fundraiser.
Can receive one per year.

20 in 2020: Earned when you gain 20 new ordering customers in 2020. Report customer names to your RSM.
One-time opportunity!

Increased Sales 2020: Earned when your sales reach a 10% increase on each catalog for 1 quarter. Earn once.
We want you to know how much we appreciate the way you serve your customers and represent Alison’s Pantry so well. Thank you for sharing great food with families in your area. We firmly believe that good busi-ness always comes down to good relationships. Your commitment and care for your customers will keep them coming back to you as your AP business grows.
Congratulations on reaching your first milestone