Pricing Corrections

Due to extreme market volatility right now, some prices may not match our printed catalog pricing. Please visit our website for the most current pricing.

Catalog 6 Price Increases


#2094 Holten Boneless Pork Patty Rib Shape 40/4 oz. Patties CASE New price: $39.99


Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you know that we are seeing some pretty extreme price volatility in the meat market. I’m sure you’ve seen the news about meat packaging plants closing which is affecting most everyone. We recently saw some big price increases that have forced us to raise the price of the following items:

#9137 Daily’s Precooked Deep Applewood Smoked Bacon 2/150 ct CASE new price: $56.99

#6044 Double Red Provisions (Holten) USDA Choice Beef Flat Iron Steak 12/6 oz. EACH new price: $69.99

I do anticipate this to continue with other items so please be prepared.

This only affects new orders; all orders already in the system are locked in at the sale prices. This is only for new orders.


Sugar is always a volatile commodity and we’ve been fortunate to have very consistent pricing, but today we received an increase that necessitates a change from our printed pricing. The following two items will now show these prices on the website ($2 higher than our printed prices in Catalogs #5 & 6):

#1150 C & H Golden Brown Pure Cane Sugar, 7 lb.–now $10.99 Discontinued by supplier 6/3/20

#2261 C & H Pure Cane Sugar Golden Brown 4 lb. Bag EACH —now $8.99

#1151 C & H Confectioners Sugar Powdered Pure Cane Sugar, 7 lb. bag–now $10.99

Catalog #5 Pricing Corrections

Due to significant increased costs from our suppliers, it was necessary to adjust pricing on the following items:

#5768 Fieldstone Granola is now $14.99

Blue Cattle Truck

  • #6919 Vanilla 16.7 oz. bottle is now $29.99
  • #6702 Vanilla 8.4 oz. is now $19.99
  • #6945 Vanilla Bean Paste is now $22.99