Taking Great Food Pictures

I have a confession to make; I take awful photographs.  If it’s people, someone’s head ends up getting cut off, or the picture is blurry.   Usually I delegate picture taking to someone else.  But taking great pictures of AP foods and adding it to your Facebook business page or an email can be a great way to build your business.  People love to see what you are eating and are always looking for good ideas for their families.  So with that in mind, here are some great tips to take better pictures of food:

  • Use lots of natural lighting. Overhead lights cast a yellow glow and are not very appealing.  Take pictures by a window.
  • “Food shot on a small plate is better. It’s more balanced, more inviting, and appetizing when it fills up the plate.”
  • Angle is important! Try tipping your camera at an angle to get the shot or shooting from directly overhead.
  • Composition is everything. Limit distractions in the background.  Add garnishes such as herbs to make the food more appealing.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Use an eclectic collection of dishes or glasses; experiment with the lighting, or by changing the white balance to alter the mood of the image.

It’s a great idea to take pictures while you are preparing the food, or your family eating the food.  If your children cook, grab a picture of them making dinner.  Adding pictures of your family and making it personal is more interesting and will get more engagement on Facebook.  Here is a great example from company founder Alison Chuntz and her grandson, William Kissee:



Making waffles with little William. I’m always amazed at the ability of small children to cook and bake. It adds a lot of confidence to their life and it makes grandma happy too.

Good luck with taking great pictures for your Facebook marketing!

Here are a couple of resources I used that you can check out for more information:


More Resources