Subtle Ways To Promote Your Business Without Being Pushy

Selling Alison’s Pantry can be simple and straight forward.  People love our food!  Find ways to get customers to try our products by taking Alison’s Pantry foods to potlucks, school functions, church events, treats for work, and sick friends. Your friends and family will ask you for the recipes and when they do you can share a catalog.

Blount mac and cheese

AP branded products are a great way to let people know what you sell. Vista Print sells some fantastic, inexpensive items that you can offer to your customers such as pens, chap stick and magnets.  Alison’s Pantry has recently gotten on the band wagon by offering totes and freezer bags with the AP logo on it. Watch for more great AP branded products to come.

freezer bag

Hopefully you purchased an AP T-Shirt.  To advertise, all you have to do is throw it on in the morning.  Then when people ask you what AP is you have a perfect opportunity to tell them how great it is without even having to do anything at all.

AP T shirt

Personal business cards are a wonderful idea too.  You can staple one to a catalog, add a spice sample and an order form, and you have a something great to hand to a potential new customer.


Get an Alison’s Pantry vinyl sticker or magnet for your car.  Be sure to have extra catalogs in your vehicle for the people that stop you and ask about Alison’s Pantry.  I put mine on the van on Wednesday and by Saturday I had an ordering customer!  Someone saw it at the baseball game and asked for a catalog.


Bring up AP in casual conversation with your friends.  Tell them what AP products you are preparing for dinner, how easy it is to prepare, and how much your children or grandchildren love it.

Alison’s Pantry products make great gifts! Wrap up one of our best selling Muffin Mixes or some of our delicious specialty candies.  Or bake up some of our yummy cookies and share them in a decorative tin.  Your friends and family will love the gifts and then of course they will need to reorder once they have tried them.  Watch for our #11 webinar where we will be sharing tons of great ideas to turn AP products into gifts everyone will love.

celophane cookies

When you are passionate about AP products because you love them so much you will be surprised at all the creative ways you can find to share what you love!


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