I have been selling Alison’s Pantry for around two years. My daughter was selling it when her life changed drastically and she didn’t have the energy to keep up so I took over her customers. My granddaughter, Emily had a reaction to the HPV shot and now can’t be left alone. She has daily seizures, no movement on the right side, and hasn’t spoken in two years. So I spend a lot of my time with her and this allows me the freedom to do that and have a little extra income. It has been a long two years but Alison’s Pantry has been so supportive as my family has traveled this path.
I have 4 children, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 sons-in law, 10 grandchildren, and one husband. We are retired and enjoy taking off when we can to camp and ride in our side by side. I love to craft. Painting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, and gardening are some of my favorite things to do. I always have some kind of project if not two or three in the works. I am getting back into family history and spend every Tuesday in Salem,UT working on this with my sister.
I live in West Jordan, Utah and I have a lot of competition from the big box stores as well as several grocery stores close by. I have had some people say to me that they can get anything in the catalog in the store for less. This mindset required a bit of thought from me to find what AP offers for my customers that the stores don’t. First thing I did was try something new each month so that I could answer questions and make recommendations. Since many of my customers are elderly with health issues, shopping is hard for them. This allows me to make deliveries to these families. They can shop the catalog and get food without leaving home. I carry the items into the house so they can easily deal with their order. On my group’s order week, I call, text, Face Book message or email everyone on Monday before order close to let them know when the order deadline is, then remind them on Wednesday, and on Saturday. I always ask about how they are doing before I ask about Alison’s. In my texts I comment about something before I bring up Alison’s. For instance “Hope your summer has been full of fun. Fall is in the air and the Alison’s catalog is full of fall specials. This is order week!”
I haven’t held contests but offer more incentive type rewards. I have given 10% off if they share their catalog with a friend and they both order over $25. Currently, I am refunding 1/2 of the shipping if they order over $100 on their order. Little samples sent home once in a while gives them a fun surprise with their order. I offer to keep orders if they are not going to be here when it comes in. I make sure to be available when they want to pick up their orders. If there is an issue with their order I give them something extra. (Webinar gifts were great for this) Also, I try to make them my main concern and not the order. My customers are what’s important and I try to remember that and not just worry about the orders.
I love the food, the ease of preparing it, and how wonderful it tastes. But most of all, it is the people who make Alison’s great. Thanks for letting me be part of it.
Reps like Beverly is what makes Alison’s Pantry great! Thank you for being such an important part of our company. We couldn’t do it without you.
Stacee Izatt RSM
I love reading inspiring stories of successful reps like this one! She’s not only a very caring person to her friends and family, she loves the products and it shows in her enthusiasm. Selling for Alison’s Pantry is exactly what Beverly is doing!!!