Sales incentives and contests provide Alison’s Pantry Reps with special opportunities to earn products for free, qualify for exciting prizes, and significantly grow personal sales during these marketing blitzes.
See the tabs below for details on upcoming contests, including opportunities for free samples to promote to your customers prior to the contest.

FEATURED PRODUCT: #1153 Parchment Paper 100 ct – We’ll be promoting it heavily in Catalog #3, social media and emails that month.
SALES INCENTIVE: For every 10 (100 ct.) packs of #1153 Parchment Paper sold on Catalog #3, you’ll EARN 1 (500 ct.) sleeve of 4 1/2″ baking cups (#1646).
3 GRAND PRIZES: Awarded to the top 3 Reps who sell the most Parchment Paper on Catalog #3. EACH top selling rep will receive THREE cases of Orange Bakery Strawberry Cream Cheese Strudel Bites (#2106, valued at over $160 per prize winner; total of 9 cases as prizes).
- Sales totals need to be reported to your RSM by April 5th.
- Winners will be announced on April 12th and prizes shipped with Catalog 4 or 5 deliveries. You will be notified by text once your prize is added to your order.
- Printable Parchment Paper Flyer
- Emails
- Texts
- Sample Ideas

CONGRATULATIONS to Melenny McNeill on her amazing Lehi Mills sales!
She sold 232 bags of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in her total of 261 Lehi Mills products sold on Catalog #11, which makes her our Grand Prize winner. She’ll be receiving 23 FREE bags of Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix, plus her Grand Prize package with one of each of the following:
- Raspberry Muffin, 2 lb. bag
- Blueberry Muffin, 2 lb. bag
- Fudge Brownie Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Cranberry Scone Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Lemon Muffin Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Sugar Cookie Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Buttermilk Pancake Mix, 2 lb. bag
- Blueberry Pancake Mix, 2 lb. bag
How’d she do it?!
Melenny saw this sales contest as an opportunity to help a member of her community while she also boosted her sales. She did a fundraiser for a local boy needing chemotherapy and donated $2 for each bag of pumpkin chocolate chip cookie mix sold. She ended up contributing $450 to the cause!
Contest Details
SELL 10 Bags of #3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
GET 1 Free Bag of #3364 Lehi Mills Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix
Grand Prize: The rep who sells the most TOTAL Lehi Mills products on Catalog #11 will win a prize package of one of each of the Lehi Mills mixes that we sell.
With Catalog #11 sales, for every 10 bags of Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, 2 lb.bag (#3363) sold, a Rep will receive 1 FREE bag of #3364 Lehi Mills Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix. (10 bags sold = 1 free bag, 20 bags sold = 2 free bags, etc.). Totals need to be reported to RSMs by November 24th. These amounts can be pulled from the alphabetical inventory sheet.
How can you maximize your sweet bonuses?
– Plan now to sample Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix to your customers to boost your sales! We mentioned ordering a bag early on Catalog #9 Rep Updates and in our Rep Facebook Group, and here’s one more reminder that it’s not too late!
– Then watch for helpful text templates in your #11 Rep Updates plus shareable images on Facebook and in your rep emails to help you market Lehi Mills on Catalog #11.
– #3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix will also be featured on the cover of Catalog #11!
Grand Prize: The rep who sells the most TOTAL Lehi Mills products on Catalog #11 will win a prize package of one of each of the Lehi Mills mixes that we sell.
Sales of any of these Lehi Mills products will qualify toward your total sales for the Grand Prize.
Your totals need to be reported to your RSM no later than November 24th. (Please pull the total from your alphabetical inventory sheet when you receive your #11 delivery and report your total # of 3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix AND total # of Lehi Mills products sold to your RSM.).
Winner of the Grand Prize package will be announced by December 1st.
All earned Lemon Blueberry Scone Mixes will be added to Rep orders by the AP office and shipped with #12 or #1, 2024 orders, depending on your Group.
Request a free sample of the current contest product here. You will be notified by text once your sample is added to your order.
To receive the sample with your current order, please submit your request BEFORE Noon on you’re closing day.
Please request your sample 2 catalogs ahead of time so you can sample the item on the catalog before the contest. EX: Catalog #3 contest, request the sample before your #1 order closes.