Rep Contests

Sales incentives and contests provide Alison’s Pantry Reps with special opportunities to earn products for free, qualify for exciting prizes, and significantly grow personal sales during these marketing blitzes.

See the tabs below for details on upcoming contests, including opportunities for free samples to promote to your customers prior to the contest.

FEATURED PRODUCT: #1153 Parchment Paper 100 ct – We’ll be promoting it heavily in Catalog #3, social media and emails that month.

SALES INCENTIVE: For every 10 (100 ct.) packs of #1153 Parchment Paper sold on Catalog #3, you’ll EARN 1 (500 ct.) sleeve of 4 1/2″ baking cups (#1646).

3 GRAND PRIZES: Awarded to the top 3 Reps who sell the most Parchment Paper on Catalog #3. EACH top selling rep will receive THREE cases of Orange Bakery Strawberry Cream Cheese Strudel Bites (#2106, valued at over $160 per prize winner; total of 9 cases as prizes).


  • Sales totals need to be reported to your RSM by April 5th.
  • Winners will be announced on April 12th and prizes shipped with Catalog 4 or 5 deliveries. You will be notified by text once your prize is added to your order.


CONGRATULATIONS to Melenny McNeill on her amazing Lehi Mills sales!

She sold 232 bags of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix in her total of 261 Lehi Mills products sold on Catalog #11, which makes her our Grand Prize winner. She’ll be receiving 23 FREE bags of Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix, plus her Grand Prize package with one of each of the following:

  • Raspberry Muffin, 2 lb. bag
  • Blueberry Muffin, 2 lb. bag
  • Fudge Brownie Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Cranberry Scone Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Lemon Muffin Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Sugar Cookie Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Buttermilk Pancake Mix, 2 lb. bag
  • Blueberry Pancake Mix, 2 lb. bag

How’d she do it?!

Melenny saw this sales contest as an opportunity to help a member of her community while she also boosted her sales. She did a fundraiser for a local boy needing chemotherapy and donated $2 for each bag of pumpkin chocolate chip cookie mix sold. She ended up contributing $450 to the cause! ❤️

Contest Details

SELL 10 Bags of #3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix

GET 1 Free Bag of #3364 Lehi Mills Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix

Grand Prize: The rep who sells the most TOTAL Lehi Mills products on Catalog #11 will win a prize package of one of each of the Lehi Mills mixes that we sell.

With Catalog #11 sales, for every 10 bags of Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, 2 lb.bag (#3363) sold, a Rep will receive 1 FREE bag of #3364 Lehi Mills Lemon Blueberry Scone Mix. (10 bags sold = 1 free bag, 20 bags sold = 2 free bags, etc.).  Totals need to be reported to RSMs by November 24th. These amounts can be pulled from the alphabetical inventory sheet.                                                                                                              

How can you maximize your sweet bonuses?
– Plan now to sample Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix to your customers to boost your sales! We mentioned ordering a bag early on Catalog #9 Rep Updates and in our Rep Facebook Group, and here’s one more reminder that it’s not too late!
– Then watch for helpful text templates in your #11 Rep Updates plus shareable images on Facebook and in your rep emails to help you market Lehi Mills on Catalog #11.
– #3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix will also be featured on the cover of Catalog #11!

Grand Prize: The rep who sells the most TOTAL Lehi Mills products on Catalog #11 will win a prize package of one of each of the Lehi Mills mixes that we sell.  

Sales of any of these Lehi Mills products will qualify toward your total sales for the Grand Prize.

Your totals need to be reported to your RSM no later than November 24th. (Please pull the total from your alphabetical inventory sheet when you receive your #11 delivery and report your total # of 3363 Lehi Mills Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix AND total # of Lehi Mills products sold to your RSM.).

Winner of the Grand Prize package will be announced by December 1st.

All earned Lemon Blueberry Scone Mixes will be added to Rep orders by the AP office and shipped with #12 or #1, 2024 orders, depending on your Group.

Request a free sample of the current contest product here. You will be notified by text once your sample is added to your order.

Please request your sample 2 catalogs ahead of time so you can sample the item on the catalog before the contest. EX: Catalog #3 contest, request the sample before your #1 order closes.

Email Validation

Verifying New Accounts

When setting up a new account through your portal you will need to use a valid email address which will receive a confirmation email to activate the account. Your customer must have access to the account in order to confirm their account creation and be able to order from Alison’s Pantry.

Here are some tips to make that easier!

  • Please create new accounts BEFORE your order day so your customers can validate their new account before your orders close. 
  • If your customer does NOT have an email you will need to create their account and have it validated by the office during office hours: M-F 8-5 MDT
  • Be sure to triple check your spelling of the email to guarantee the customer gets the validation email. If you misspell the email and then correct it after it’s created the validation email does not get resent. You would need to try to login to the website with that login and then ask for the validation email to be resent.
  • Check spam or junk for the validation email with the subject “Account Verification”.

Customers Without Emails

If your customer absolutely does not have an email account that they use, please create their account using the email and then notify the office to validate the account for you. Please be sure to allow time for us to validate it during office hours:   M-F  8-5 MT.

Rep Recognition 2019-2022

Former Rep Recognition Program 2019-2022

We’re excited to introduce you to our new Alison’s Pantry Rep Recognition Program. We love celebrating our Reps and seeing you continue to grow, both professionally and personally. When you reach your first $1000 in sales you receive an Alison’s Pantry lanyard to put all your pins on. See below for more pins to earn and other benchmarks to watch for .
Plan to show off your pin collection with pride at our Food Shows! We invite all Reps to wear their lanyards so you can celebrate your success when we gather for events.

Here’s what each pin represents, and how you can continue to build your pin collection:

Longevity: You’ll receive a pin as you reach your first year mark as a Rep and then at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30-year marks.

Sales: You’ll receive special sales pins as you reach these sales benchmarks: $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, $4,000, $5,000, $7,000, and $10,000 in monthly sales (based on subtotal sales amounts).

Personal Growth Pins:

Constant Contact: Schedule a monthly call with your RSM for 5 months in a row, and you’ll receive a $10 credit. Complete 10 visits in a year to earn the pin. New for 2021.

2021 Increase Your Sales Challenge: This is a challenge for you to earn free bonus gifts from the office. Each of the 4 quarters this coming year, you will have the opportunity to grow your sales by $100 each month. The first month of the quarter will start out as your base, you will then need to increase your sales for the following catalog and then another again for the 3rd catalog of the quarter.

For example, catalog #1, your sales are $1000, Then catalog #2, you sell $1100, and then Catalog #3 sales are $1200, you will qualify for the 1st quarter bonus gift. It will come with your #4 order.

If you meet the challenge for 2 of the 4 quarters, then you will receive the 2021 Increased Sales Pin for your lanyard.  

Sales totals will be your subtotals at the close of orders for the qualifications. The bonus gift will be AP products.

Sharing is Caring: Earned when you host your first tasting party, open house, or fair booth.
Can receive one per year.

Team Building: Earned when you refer a new Alison’s Pantry Rep.
Can receive one per year.

BYOBC (Be Your Own Best Customer): Earned by reaching $3,000 per year in personal Alison’s Pantry orders (subtotal) for your household (Tip: Purchasing $250/month in AP groceries for your family would reach this total and allow you to become much more familiar with AP products). Can receive one per year.

Food Show Pins: Receive when you attend our Food Show.
Unique pin for each event!

Selling is Helping: Earned when you host an approved fundraiser.
Can receive one per year.

20 in 2020: Earned when you gain 20 new ordering customers in 2020. Report customer names to your RSM.
One-time opportunity!

Increased Sales 2020: Earned when your sales reach a 10% increase on each catalog for 1 quarter. Earn once.

We want you to know how much we appreciate the way you serve your customers and represent Alison’s Pantry so well. Thank you for sharing great food with families in your area. We firmly believe that good busi-ness always comes down to good relationships. Your commitment and care for your customers will keep them coming back to you as your AP business grows.
Congratulations on reaching your first milestone

Contact, It’s the name of the game!

During rep calls each month, occasionally I hear a rep say “I only had one customer call me with an order” or “no one called me with orders”  When I hear these statements, I have to wonder how much follow up contact she is making with her customers. Is she waiting for them to call her with an order? Unfortunately, in the busy world in which we all live, this seldom happens. In my own personal business, if I don’t contact each customer until I receive a response, I wouldn’t even have a minimum order.  Part of the responsibility of being a rep is to work your business. By work, this means to advertise, promote and follow up with your customers.

One of the ways to follow up is to check with EACH customer through an avenue of communication i.e. Facebook messaging, Email, Texting and lastly phone calls. If you aren’t contacting your customers personally, then you are missing out on orders. Part of the customer service that we pride ourselves in is to watch out for our customers, to be an extra set of eyes for them. To offer her 100% customer service.  When I contact my customers, I am showing them that I care how busy their lives are and making sure that they didn’t forget to let me know if they wanted anything. As busy as we all tend to be, calling an AP rep with an order falls low on the list of priorities, right down there with cleaning up after the family dog!

rule of 7

Have you ever heard of the Rule of 7?  

This is an old marketing strategy. It states that a prospective customer needs to see or hear your marketing message at least seven times before they act and buy from you. Now, the number 7 isn’t set in stone, but you get the idea.  Our competition advertises in the media, our only form of advertising is our personal touch, through messaging and texting and calling.

Keeping the lines of communication is imperative in maintaining the working relationship with your customers. In Money Magazine, it states.

  “Part of relationship selling involves maintaining regular contact. If you neglect a client who has trust in your integrity as a person and as a salesperson, that client may finally be forced to turn to your competitor. (Who has probably been calling regularly to get their business.) So, make sure you not only build the relationship, but keep regular contact and keep all channels of communication open.”

As AP reps, we see our competitors every time we drive by the supermarket. If we want to earn the business of our customer, we must advertise just like the local grocery store. How do we advertise?  Here’s a couple of ideas for you to ponder on.

  1. If you hand deliver your catalogs, you are demonstrating one contact point to your customers. When you hand them a catalog, let them know that you will check back with them to see if they want anything.
  2. If you have your catalogs mailed, as convenient as it is, your customers are not receiving that personal touch. So, you MUST send out a notice to your customers to watch for that catalog, and to let you know if they don’t see it.
  3. Encourage them to order by offering contests. For example, an early bird contest, or when we go live with the new website, for anyone who places their own order.
  4. Make a Face Book post on your group or page once a week leading up to order week. You can use the pre-designed Face Book ads available on the pantryacademy blog
  5. Post once a day during order week on your Face Book group or page. Post pictures of your dinners, recipes using our products or share ideas from the Alison’s Pantry customer page.
  6. Text all your customers a reminder using a Mass Text app. (Hi Everyone, it’s order week, I know that life is busy and I don’t want you to miss out on any of our super deals this month. Please let me know by _________ if you want anything. I will check back with you if I don’t hear from you.)
  7. Finally, if you haven’t heard from them using any of the previous contact methods, please call them on the old-fashioned phone. (Hi _____, I hadn’t heard back from you and didn’t want to miss you if you needed something from Alison’s Pantry….. )

In the Rule of Seven an article in it states:

Too many entrepreneurs only market sporadically because they are “too busy” to market themselves. Then they wonder why they don’t have enough clients. Set aside regular times to engage in marketing activities, even when you’re busy.

We make the mistake of thinking that we are “bothering” the customer instead of offering great customer service. Look at it this way. If your friend found a screaming sale at the local mall and she went and saved a bunch of money and then didn’t tell you about it until the sale was over, would it bother you? You would think to yourself, (Wow, why didn’t you tell me?) Treat your relationship with your customers, the same way. Your customer wants to know of all the great products we offer and the sales, she isn’t always aware and doesn’t always have the time to look over the catalog. If you point out items that you love and use, then she will be more likely to trust you and order.

Good luck on your sales, and remember to check in with your customers often. If you need ideas for growth, please contact you RSM, she is willing to share ideas and help you grow.

Good Luck and Work Hard!

Stacee Izatt RSM

Catalog #3 Email Templates

Email #1 Catalog #3

Subject line: What if we could make getting dinner on the table easier?


If you are anything like me the dinner hour is the crazy hour.  I am finishing work, we are shuffling kids back and forth to various activities, and everyone is hungry and tired! Alison’s Pantry has the solution!

You asked and we’re delivering!   We’re excited to introduce 3 new Meal Kits to make dinnertime easier for busy families.  Each kit includes premium AP ingredients and an easy-to-follow instruction card for assembling the meal. 

Your family will love the warm nourishing food and you will love that all the thinking and deciding is done for you.  Just follow the simple directions for a quick, easy, delicious meal.  Now you can spend time chatting around the dinner table and catching up with everyone instead of worrying about dinner!

Picture #1597

Picture #1599

Picture #1598

Are you looking for more fresh ideas for dinner? Did you know Alison’s Pantry shares yummy meal plans and recipes every week?  Click here to receive yours for FREE every week: Get your free weekly menu plan here

Guess what?  Our favorite Daily’s Bacon and Pork Sausage Patties are on sale! Stock up!

Picture #4835

Picture #3298

Picture #4063

There are so many more great products in the catalog this month!  You can see it here or just let me know if you need a paper copy. 

The Alison’s Pantry order goes in (date).  Check out the catalog and text or call me with your order today!  Or you can place your own order here:

Thanks so much!

(Rep Signature)

Email #2 Catalog #3

Subject Line: Doing the happy dance!


I am doing the happy dance!  Chef Shamy butters (an absolute customer favorite) are back!  The options with these creamy favorites are endless!  Prepare with any meat, from chicken to steak for a juicy, flavorful meal.  They are heavenly melted over seafood or vegetables. 

Picture #8879

Picture #8124

Don’t miss our sweet flavored Chef Shamy butters either.

Picture #8128

Picture #8129

Can you believe Easter is just around the corner?  Spring is creeping up on us (thank heavens!).  Don’t miss out on the best ham you will ever eat our best- selling Carve Master Ham– on sale now.

Picture #7960

Picture #5986

You have to have dessert with that tasty ham.  Check out these great option!

Macaroon Mix is on sale!  There are so many thing you can do with this from cookies drizzled with choc to homemade Easter Egg nests with malted milk eggs. My very favorite is to top our Richly Delicious Fudge Brownie Mix with it!

Picture #1965

Brand new this month are these darling Grahm Tart Shells.  The filling ideas are endless!

Picture #1422

Don’t miss all of our other family favorites in the catalog this month!  You can see it here or just let me know if you need a paper copy. 

The Alison’s Pantry order goes in (date).  Check out the catalog and text or call me with your order today!  Or you can place your own order here:

Thanks so much!

(Rep Signature)

Good, Better and Best


For the next few months we would like to focus on helping you to strengthen your businesses and gain consistent sales each month. One of the best ways for you to maintain your sales is to have customers that order regularly and often. It is said that it costs more in business to find a new customer than to reactivate a previous one. We all have customers that have stopped ordering for no apparent reason, this is money that we are leaving on the table. With the switch from old portals to the new online system, many reps had customers that didn’t transfer over because they lacked emails or vital contact information. These customers are not lost or gone forever. These are what we call in the sales industry “hot contacts”. They have had contact with our company and have engaged in business previously and will likely do business again if they are contacted and approached. Your customer list is one of your most valuable resources when it comes to increasing your sales. What is the best way to contact your “lost” customers?
These “Lost” customers need a little more focus than just a random text. They need you to rekindle the relationship that you once had when they ordered. How do you do this? You must have personal contact, not just words on a screen. When you take the time to contact them through phone or in person, you are showing that they matter to you as a person. You are taking the time to show them that you will serve them and offer them your services. Take the time to ask them what they liked or didn’t like about AP, overcome any problems they may have had and then offer them an incentive to order again with you. If you are a brand-new rep and have been given a customer list from a previous rep, you will need to contact each customer face to face or minimally on the phone. Remember that these customers do not have any established relationship with you. Your focus should be to build a relationship by getting to know them and extending a hand to them. Whether the previous rep was bad or good at connection, you are following in their footsteps. You need to establish a connection to the new customer to gain their confidence in you. The faster you do this, the more likely you are to retain the customer. It takes a lot more energy to warm an ice cube than it does a glass of lukewarm water.
Of course, in a perfect world, we would like our customers to place their orders online without us having to do it for them. But we don’t live in a perfect world and most of us need reminders and encouragement for even the most common tasks. We can’t expect our customers to place orders without reminding them and sometimes it takes 3 or 4 times before they remember. So how do you go about contacting these customers? Whether they are regular customers or once a year ordering customers, they all need to have regular contact with you to keep the relationship open. How will you know if they have an order for you if you don’t ask? Remember, they aren’t likely to place the order without your contact. What is the best way to contact your customers? There are three types of contact.  Good, Better and Best.

Any contact is GOOD contact. Text message and email reminders are good but, unless the customer responds back to you, you won’t know if they have seen the text or email and you won’t know if they have an order or not. No response is not a “NO”. You need to make sure to ask them for a response and continue trying to contact them until you receive one.
Text or Email:

Hi, __________, I haven’t heard back from you and wanted to check and make sure that I didn’t miss you. Was there anything that you wanted in the catalog I dropped of the other day. The order will close on ________________, just let me know. If I don’t hear back from you, I will contact you again. Thanks, and have a wonderful day.

Texting reminder for orders:

Hi _______, Just a quick note to let you know about the Alison’s Pantry order. The deadline for catalog #___ is __________ and I didn’t want to miss you if you wanted something. Please let me know either by texting, FB messaging, or email, or you can go online and enter your own order. If I don’t hear back from you, I will call you back again so that I can be sure I didn’t miss you. Thank you for all your support! You’re the best!


A BETTER form of contact is to contact them by phone.
As mentioned before, a better way to contact your customer is through personally speaking to them, whether face to face or on the phone. When you talk to someone, you can distinguish underlying tones. They can feel your excitement and can sense your likes and dislikes of a product. In turn, you can distinguish their thoughts better in their voice reflection than in words on a screen. If they are interested in a product but are hesitant in their voice, you can reassure them of our money-back guarantee. You can also offer your suggestions and recommendations. They are less likely to brush you off if you are talking to them. Sharing your comments and thoughts on a specific product is much easier on the phone rather than texting it.
If you have a phobia to the phone and have a tough time initiating the call, you need to practice first. Just like anything we do in life, practice makes perfect. One of our previous reps Stacie Callahan, shared with me the difficulty she had in beginning her business. “I was shy and didn’t like to talk to people. I was afraid to call them. I began calling and it got easier and easier. After a while, it became something I enjoyed. I began to love the relationships that it had fostered. Alison’s Pantry has been the best thing for me as a shy person to help me to get outside of the box and meet new people. Along with helping me feed my family, it helped me gain confidence in myself as a person.” Pick up the phone; it just takes practice. Here are a few scripts to help you on phone calls:

An established customer:
Hi___________, this is _______. How are you? I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you received your Alison’s Pantry catalog. I left it the other day for you. I know that it is so busy this summer and I have a hard time getting back with you, and I don’t want you to miss out on anything if you want to order. If you have it ready, I can add it right now. If not I will call you back next week and check in with you. You can email, text or phone me when you’re ready. Thanks!! Have a good day!!!

Call back-Follow up:
Hi__________, I haven’t heard back from you since we last talked and I told you I would call you back. Did you get a chance to look over the catalog? If yes, then say. Good, do you have your order ready? I can take it now.
If no, say ok, do you need more time? I can check back with you tomorrow. The deadline is ___________. If you want you can text me the numbers or email it. Whatever is easier for you. Thanks!!! I appreciate your support.

Follow up on a catalog placement:

Hi ___________, Do you have a minute? Yes, great! I wanted to check back with you and get your thoughts on the Alison’s Pantry catalog that I left with you. What was your first impression? Did you see anything you might like to try? Yes: I love that product and it is one of our customers favorites. Did I tell you about our guarantee on everything in the catalog? Would you like to me to order it for you to try?
We have an online site where you can place your own order. O if you prefer I can do it for you with your information. If you prefer to do it yourself, that’s not a problem. I have already created an account for you so just log on with your email and the password 123123. You can change the password when you log in. Enter your items and the payment form and I will do the rest. Thank you for your help. I will be happy to help you or if you have any problems, please let me know. I appreciate your support!

Hi____________, Do you have a minute? NO- Is there a better time to catch you? I just wanted to ask you about the catalog that I gave you. I don’t want to keep you long because I know your time is tight. I will call you back. What time works best for you? Thanks!!

Another wonderful way to contact customers is in person. If you can introduce yourself and establish a face to face contact, this will be your best chance of gaining a customer. This is one reason why your friends, family and neighbors will make a good customer. They already have established a trust with you as a person. Find every opportunity to talk face to face when you can. Here are a few scripts to help you with this:


Scripts in person:

Introductions to AP.

“Hi ________, My name is __________ and I have recently started working with Alison’s Pantry. Have you ever heard of it? No, well, do you have a minute? We are a UT based company that offers restaurant quality food for your home. It is delivered by a truck about a week after the order deadline. Everything we sell is 100% guaranteed, if you don’t like it you will receive a refund. We send out a monthly catalog that you order from either through me or on our new website. I was wondering if you would mind taking one and then looking through it? I would like to call you in 2 days and get your opinion and thoughts on our catalog and products. Would you be willing to do that for me? Can I get your phone to call you back on _______? Thank you!”

Hi ________, I have been thinking of sharing this with you. Here is a catalog from a company called Alison’s Pantry. I have been using these products and love them. I thought you might like to see some of the things that I love. Would you mind taking a minute to look through it and I will check back with you to get your opinion and thoughts? What time is best for me to contact you? What is your number? Thanks, I will call you back and see what you think. Thanks!

The BEST form of contact is using all forms. Texting, phone, in person and messaging. By using all of these, your chance of contact is greater. I watch FB messaging on order week and, if any of my customers are active, I message them. Send text reminders along with email reminders. Most people will not check email daily, so you have a better chance of reaching them using text but use email too. You never know the best way each month of contact and it will likely vary. The most important thing is to follow up and maintain the contact. Work hard and your efforts will pay off. Contact is the most important part!

Stacee Izatt RSM

Meet Tammy Payne

Family Pic 2017

My name is Tammy Payne. I live in the Cleveland/Elmo UT area. I have been an Alison’s Pantry rep for almost 3 years. I have 4 children – A 10-year-old daughter, and 8-year-old son, and 2-year-old twin boys. I started selling Alison’s pantry when I was pregnant with my twins. Although I’ve always done all the contacting, ordering, delivering, etc. my husband would schedule his work week to be able to help me unload the truck (since I shouldn’t be lifting) and has continued to help me ever since. I love that he is willing to do that with me. My kids enjoy helping during the summer months, too.

20180206151439a0931c09f83ce257My favorite thing about Alison’s Pantry is interacting with customers and helping them fill their freezers with good, quality food. I also love how easy it is to “sell”. Everyone must eat. Although some months are better than others, I’m always amazed that if I do my reminders, the sales just come. The extra income has been great!


Besides selling AP and chasing my cute kiddos, I teach 30 piano students each week, and am currently the Young Women’s President in our ward. I understand busy, I love that I can work AP around my schedule.
As a family, we enjoy rodeo and horses. My daughter is a beautiful dancer. My son plays soccer and could saddle a horse before he could ride a bike. My twins are 2, so they enjoy making messes, hanging on my legs while I cook dinner, and making me laugh. I think I used to enjoy playing the piano, baking and being crafty. Now I enjoy an early bedtime. Thank you, Alison’s Pantry! The journey has been a joy!

Thanks Tammy, You do a great job of representing Alison’s Pantry and we are so happy to have you!

Stacee Izatt RSM

Do it Yourself!

When it comes to your Alison’s Pantry business, would your friends know that you were a representative for the company if they looked in your freezer or pantry today? If so, I applaud you. If not, here’s a few ideas to help you become better at what you are selling. The best way to become the sales person you want to be is to become the customer that you are looking for.

No one ever said sales were easy. To be good at what you do you must have a conviction for what you sell. How do you receive that loyalty and confidence in what you sell? By using your own products. By gaining a knowledge of how they work and how much you enjoy using them. How can you expect your customer to purchase products from you when you yourself will not purchase them? As a rep you even get a discount on your own products, why wouldn’t you buy from yourself? Why support the competition? A successful business person buys from him or herself. If you were in the market for a Toyota and happened to see your salesman drive away in a Honda, how much confidence would you have in the salesman and the product that you were planning on purchasing? The same is said for you as a representative of Alison’s Pantry. You should not be purchasing any products somewhere else that you can purchase from yourself. It’s the #1 rule of sales. Walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

Here’s a challenge for you, grab a black marker and your newest catalog, find five minutes to look through the catalog and circle all the items that you use in your home. Now look and see if you can find a competitor’s item in your cupboard or freezer. Make an additional mark in your catalog on that item. The next few months, concentrate on replacing those competing items with a product from your own store. This will take a few months, but at the end of it, you will have tried more of your own products and learned more about them to share with your customers. Besides learning and experience with your own products, you will also be gaining exposure to your products. You will also be making an investment in yourself and in your business. If a customer or friend stops by and happens to see in your cupboards or freezer, there would be enough of your own products there that they would know that you believe in what you sell. By supporting your own business, you support your customers.

Being your own best customer will not guarantee your success with Alison’s Pantry, you still must do the work, but not buying from yourself will certainly guarantee that your success will be more difficult.

This year be your own best customer!


Stacee Izatt, RSM


Do You Have a Business or a Hobby?

Alison’s Pantry is a great business and a fantastic way to earn extra money and stay in touch with your friends and family.  But are you treating it like a business, or is it more like a hobby for you?  How do you know the difference?  And why does it matter?

Your business is a hobby if:

  • You work when you feel like it.
  • You are not scheduling time to work your business. In fact usually you procrastinate until the last minute.
  • You aren’t intentionally adding and looking for new customers each month.
  • You customer information is not up to date in the new website including address, phone number, and correct email address.
  • Your customer service is spotty.  Sometimes you don’t respond to messages, emails and phone calls until you get around to it.

The biggest challenge of treating your business like a hobby is that it will pay like a hobby.  “If you treat your business like a business it will pay you like a business.  If you treat it like a hobby, it will pay you like a hobby.”

“Even though your hours are flexible, they are not optional.  If you want to achieve a consistent income and build a growing, thriving business.  Random actions produce random results.”  Lydia Martin

Here are some tips on how to treat your business like a business.

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  • Have a separate bank account for Alison’s Pantry and track your expenses, keeping good records for taxes.
  • Have a goal of where you are going and what you are doing. You may not want to grow your business, but you still need to regularly get new customers to keep things status quo.  What are you actively doing to get new customers?

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  • Block out time to work on specific tasks.
  • Get organized! Get current, up- to- date customer information into the new website.  Have folders and systems for tracking expenses and other important information you need every month with Alison’s Pantry.
  • Read your emails!
  • Take time to increase your knowledge of Alison’s Pantry and our great products by watching the monthly LIVE Sales Tip and Flex Friday posts, visiting with your RSM on a regular basis, and reviewing all the great tips at

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  • Consistently do your reminders and follow up with customers. They want to hear from you.  You need to ASK for orders if you want them.

For more information, check out this great blog post about treating your business like a business:  19 Ways To Start Treating Your Business Like a Business

Julie, RSM