The Best Kind of Advertising

What is one of the best kinds of advertising for your business?  The answer, Great Customer Service!!  Not only is it one of the best ways to advertise, it’s also one of the cheapest and everyone can do it with a little extra effort!


What are some great customer service tips you can use and what do they cost you?

  1. Put a smile on your face when greeting a customer in person or talking to them on the phone.  The cost is FREE and definitely worth the effort!  Who wants to be greeted by a grumpy person?!  Not me, so put that smile on, exercise those facial muscles and reap the rewards of happy customers!!  Customers who are happy with the people they do business with are more likely to increase what they purchase from them and purchase more often.  A Win Win for you and your customer!!6-smiling-women
  2. Have a positive attitude when dealing with customers, especially a difficult one. The cost is FREE but sometimes difficult to execute.  When dealing with an unhappy customer, listen to their complaint and then let them know you are sincerely sorry they are unhappy and assure them you will do everything you can to correct whatever is wrong.  DO NOT be afraid to accept responsibility if you have done something wrong.  No one is perfect and mistakes happen.  A sincere apology goes a long way to making things right again.  Consider offering the customer something for FREE (such as FREE shipping or a FREE item) to appease them and keep them as a customer.  It’s much easier to keep a customer than to find a new one.
  3. Be consistent.  This is especially important when doing reminders each month.  The cost is FREE but does require you to plan and make the time to do them every month.  If you are consistently sending reminders 4 or 5 days before order deadline, you are giving your customers enough time to look through the catalog and put their orders together and get them to you.  If you procrastinate until the last day, one or more customers may not have time to look and will just pass placing an order until next month and you’ve lost a sale.  Being consistent with your reminders is key to great sales!consistent

Great customer service is one of the best forms of advertising because when you take care of your customers, they are going to take care of you by telling others about you and how happy they are having you for a sales rep and having someone else vouch for you will speak far loader than you tooting your own horn!

Great Customer Service is treating EVERY customer as if they were your BEST customer!


Becky Price, RSM

10 Tips to Entice Customers to Spend More



A fantastic way to grow your sales is to increase the amount each customer orders each month.  There are several ways to do this.

1.Offer a drawing for a free gift for everyone who purchases $75, or another incentive for those customers who place larger orders.

2. Take advantage of the special offers on the front cover of the catalog. They are designed to increase customer sales, so tell your customers about them. Ask if they would like to bump their order up to reach the offer amount.

special-offers-circle3. Point out specials, hot deals, and new products available in the catalog. There is so much to see and you want your customers to know about what’s great in the catalog this month.

4. Offer everyone who orders $100 or more a small gift with their order.

5.  Get customers hooked with a free sample. Sampling lets people try our yummy foods and when they taste them they can’t wait to purchase something new.

These are samples that Mindy Raymond and Jacy Stolem have offered to their customers. 

6. Use our beautifully premade coupons to entice customers to order more.  Find them here: Coupons

7. Understand your customers’ needs. Don’t try to sell someone with dentures a steak.  jk, if your customer is a busy working mom with several children, tell her about the variety of ready made options we offer, such as chicken nuggets or Soup Supreme and Beehive Rolls. Listen to your customers.  They will tell you what their needs are and then you can suggest products to meet those needs.

upselling8. Up selling and cross selling are not hard and you don’t need to be pushy.  Think of products that go together, and when your customers order one, offer the other.  If the customer orders bulk spices remind them about our spice containers.  If they order the bacon wrapped pork fillets every month, let them know that if they purchase them by the case the will save almost $15!


9. Educate your customers on our products; how they work, what products pair well, and different ways to use them. For example, the Rizzuto Pizza Dough Balls can be used for pizza, calzones, and scones. Along with educating your customers, teach them some of the great things you have learned in the webinars.

recipe-card10. Share your favorite recipes with AP products and what you like to buy and eat at your house. Share the recipes from the blog.

Just a few small additions or changes to your conversations with your customers and what you do, can mean a big increase in your sales.  Choose an idea or two to try this month and see how it expands your bottom line!

Julie Hawkes, RSM

Customer coupons for rep use

Here are some coupons you can use for your AP business!  This is a sample of what they  look like. There are many to try.  Pick and choose the ones you think will work best for you and your customers.  Please read these coupon guidelines for details on how these work: Coupon Guidelines



5% appreciation
5% off new customer
$5 off new customer
Bacon coupon
Coupon sheet 1
Coupon sheet 2
oupon Sheet 3
Coupon sheet 4
Free gift appreciation
Free shipping for new customer
Free shipping for a referral
Pantry cash
ilgrims coupon
Popcorn chicken coupon
Pork coupon
Veggie coupons
Coupon Tracker

Here is a great video by Julie Hawkes on ideas of how to use these coupons:  Start at 44:38 if it doesn’t do it automatically.



Bringing Back Lost Customers

Order these premade post cards from our website!

Stepping into a new year always brings reflections on the past year and a determination to make good changes or improvements in our lives and our businesses.  How did we do? Where can we improve?  What do we want to accomplish this next year?

Many of you have expressed that a goal for next year is to grow your customer base and one area that could and should be considered is reactivating Lost Customers (past customers who are no longer ordering).

Why did they stop ordering? How long has it been since they last ordered?  How do I encourage them to start ordering again?  Research shows it costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep an existing one, even if the customer has strayed for a few months.  So what can we do to re-attract lost customers?

First, determine how many past customers are no longer ordering and how long it has been since their last order.  If known, note why they stopped ordering (family grown and gone, less money to spend, unhappy with product or services, unknown).  Then, based on time and finances available, decide which type of offer to try and how many past customers you will make the offer to.


1.  The Bundle Offer

One of the best ways to encourage past customers to order again is to make them an offer they can’t refuse.  A marketing professor at Georgia State University, V. Kumar, conducted a study to see what kind of offer wins the most customers back and found that a “bundle of freebies” is the best way to go.  (

Consider offering customers two freebies, like a discount and a free gift.  Offering a single incentive was effective, but not as effective as the bundle, according to Kumar’s results.

Be very specific with your promotional offer so there aren’t any misunderstandings and your past customers know exactly what they need to do to qualify.

EXAMPLE offer:  I/We Miss You!  Get FREE Shipping, plus a free gift, when you place an order of $50 or more on Catalog #1. *

*The offer states what they will receive when they order, how to qualify for it, and when it is valid.  Setting an expiration on the offer generates excitement.  If they don’t take advantage of the offer NOW, it won’t be available later. It also helps you to see how effective the offer is so you can try it again with another group of lost customers or if you need to offer something different to get past customers to start ordering again.  The FREE gift can be anything you choose, something that would compliment what they order, or you could let them choose their own gift up to a certain $ value.


2.  The Cool Perks Offer

Create a promotion that offers a cool perk or experience.  The idea is to offer something that is out of the ordinary – something that’s cool enough to bring customers back and ordering from you again!

For instance, win back customers by giving away tickets to a local event (pro game, concert, performance, etc.) with a minimum purchase, create a scavenger hunt for your customers out of the catalog and give away the prize to everyone who finds it or put their name in a drawing to win it, purchase an AP branded item (oven mitts, cooler bags, shopping bags) and offer it exclusively to your past customers if they place an order with you again.

EXAMPLE:  It’s a new year and we miss you!  Come back, place an order of $100 or more on Catalog #1, and get 2 FREE tickets to the Star Stadium ARQ Theater!


We’ve missed you!  Place an order of $50 or more from Catalog #1 and receive a FREE AP oven mitt!!  Don’t miss out on this HOT deal!!


3.  The Customer Feedback Offer

What would it take to win back customers?  ASK THEM.  Run a special promotion that asks lost customers to call you and tell you what they need to become a customer once again.*

*This kind of promotion should only be sent to customers who were loyal for 6 months or more and then stopped ordering.  You want to target customers that had a strong purchasing history with you.  These parameters will give you the best chance of turning lost customers into ordering customers again.

When past customers call, talk with them about why they aren’t ordering anymore.  You will get valuable insight that you can use to minimize current customers from not ordering for long periods in the future.

Ask them what it would take to get them to start ordering again.  If their suggestion is within reason, grant it.  If their request is a little too crazy or outside your means, negotiate with them to come up with a deal both of you are happy with. Or let them know what you are willing to offer them to have them back as a customer again.  Obviously, this promotion is personalized and time-consuming, but it could provide feedback that can drastically change your customer retention in the future and that is well worth it!

EXAMPLE:  Let’s start anew in 2017.  What would bring you back?  I want to know.  Call me at 1-555-555-555 and tell me how I can improve.  All feedback is good feedback!  I’ll give you $25 in FREE product on your #1 order.


These are just a few ideas on how to encourage past customers to start ordering from you again and I’m sure many of you can come up with better ones.  Please share your ideas on our Facebook Groups and Good luck with building your customer base!!

Becky Price, RSM


A Clean Work Location is Good Business!

Your order is being delivered tomorrow.  You go down your checklist to make sure you are ready.  Invoices printed – Check.  Freezers on and cleaned out – Check.  Work location clean – ?????

Part of preparing to receive your Alison’s Pantry order each month is to make sure that your work location, where you do your business and customers come to get their product, is clean and pleasant to the sight and smell.  You want your customers’ experience picking up their order to be a positive one so they will feel confident in telling others about you and Alison’s Pantry.  Word of mouth is the BEST way to grow your business so we want everything your customers share with others to be positive about you and Alison’s Pantry.

BUT, one thing that will quickly destroy your business is a dirty, disorganized work location!  When customers come to pick up their order, what do they see?

This??  (Unclean, disorganized)




Or something close to this?!!  (Clean, organized)




Wherever you do business, it must be clean and organized!  It looks good and smells good so that customers are not wondering if their food is okay.  The last thing you or Alison’s Pantry wants is to hear complaints from customers about the dirty condition of your work location.  **Sales reps have lost customers because of an unclean work location, especially their home.  And we really don’t want to see there be any issues that would involve the Health Department because that would shut you and potentially the whole company down immediately!

I also want to discuss the handling of your pets, if you have any, during order pickup. Please make sure your dogs are not running loose with the potential to jump up on your customers.  It would be best to make sure they are outside penned up or in a room with the door closed while customers are over. Cats also if you have customers who are sensitive or allergic to their hair or dander.  Also, do not place customers’ orders near cat litter boxes or animal food dishes or on tables with dirty dishes or other unpleasant items.

Again, we want your customers’ experience when they pickup up their food order to be a pleasant and positive experience that will be shared with others and will help to build and strengthen your Alison’s Pantry business.  So, please make sure a clean work location is a top priority each month when you are dealing with your Alison’s Pantry delivery and order pickup!

Becky Price, RSM

4 Ideas To Make Your Holiday Marketing More Fun!

holiday plate.jpg

The holidays are a great time to build your business.  Everyone is excited to purchase gifts for family and friends and create memories with nourishing holiday meals.  Creative holiday promotions can really impact this year’s profits.  Here are some great ideas.  You will need to start early!

  1.  Make a display of a few gift ideas and tags from the webinar. There were so many fun ideas for holiday gifts in our webinar a couple of weeks ago.  Make up a few of these, including the gift tags to have on display when customers pick up their #11 orders.  They will be excited to see such great ideas and will want to add AP items for gifts for Christmas.  Don’t forget to have our beautiful gift tags on display also to let them know all the work is already done; all they have to do is print the tags and wrap the gifts.


Webinar and Christmas Gift Tags

2.  Have a Treasure Hunt contest for #12. How it works is you choose an item in the catalog to give away.  Since it’s a holiday catalog; promote one of our great gifts on pages 44-45.  Give customers the item number and have them search the catalog and tell you what the item is.  Everyone who names the correct product is entered in a drawing to win that item. It gets your customers searching through the catalog; and of course they will see lots of things they want to buy.


 3.  Offer Alison’s Pantry Gift Certificates. Everyone has those difficult people on their gift lists.  Why not offer an AP gift certificate for those hard to buy folks?  Everyone loves food and we have such a great selection!  You could even get new customers out of the deal.


 AP gift certificates


*Bonus Idea- Have a holiday Facebook photo contest. Have your customers post pictures of their favorite AP holiday foods, or their Thanksgiving celebrations, or even their ugly Christmas sweaters!  Offer an AP product as a prize for the winner.  

ugly sweaters.jpg

 Happy Holidays!



What’s For Dinner?

If you are like me, there are days where the family is asking “What’s for dinner?” and I am clueless as to what I’m going to fix!  But have no fear!  Alison’s Pantry is here!!

We have such great products to meet the needs of every meal of the day and snacks in between but sometimes we need a little help to get that meal on the table and what better way than suggested meal plans!

Here is one with dinner meal ideas from the RSM’s, Rep Support, and our Marketing Director to get you started.


week-of-meals (.pdf of the above week of meals you can share with your customers)

Sit down today, write down a week’s worth of meals (breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner), list the AP products you used to prepare the meal, and then share them with your customers. It’s that easy!!  Including pictures of what you fixed for dinner to go along with your meal plans (or a quick post on Facebook) will really sell those products!  Your customers will love seeing how you use the amazing products we sell and they will want to try them too!

Good luck!!

Becky Price, RSM

2017 Customer Order & Delivery Schedules

NEW: 1/4 Sheet size Printables (4 to a page)







COMING SOON: Order Personalized Customer Schedule Magnets on Vistaprint!


The schedules have a space for your to put your Name and Contact info above the dates.


You can do this by ‘signing’ the pdf file. If you need help doing that, check out this tutorial from the special offers flyer by Becky.

Feel free to print them, email them, or make them into postcards, magnets or whatever you wish. 🙂

Be sure you have the correct schedule for your group!




2017 Order & Delivery Schedules

calendar shutterstock_228543910
Dear Alison’s Pantry Reps,
     Thank you so much for your hard work in 2016.  As this year draws to a close I’d like to make sure you receive and understand the schedule for 2017.
     Next year’s schedule will be very similar to this year with a couple of changes.  One change of note is that we will no longer be placing reps in red or blue groups.
     Instead, we’re assigning all reps to an order group (1,2,3 or 4).  By doing this we’re able to deliver to all reps one week after their order day!  So, just to be clear in 2017 there will no longer be a red or blue order group.
     As a company we feel like the faster delivery may not have increased sales like we thought it would, but the positive feedback has been amazing. So, we’re stepping it up next year to make sure all reps receive their orders the very next week after they order.
On your schedule, we’ve included four important dates you need to know for each month of ordering.
  • Update Addresses By this date, make sure all mailing addresses are up to date and you have turned in any requests for extra catalogs or mailings.
  • Portals Opens Date when you are able to start keying in orders for your customers in portals.
  • Order Day 5:00 pm deadline for entering in orders for that month.
  • Delivery This is the week you can expect delivery each month.  It’s always the week after ordering!
Please take note of the following deadlines for Catalogs #1 and #2:

October 24, 2016 – Have all customers updated for your #1 Catalogs

November 28, 2016 – Have all customers updated for your #2 Catalogs

Find your 2017 schedule below!

You will be receiving a magnet of your schedule with your #12 order.
These schedules are for reps only. We will be posting Customer Schedules soon!
Please make sure you are looking at the correct group before you download your schedule!
If you do not know what run you are on, check your last truck invoice!
8.5″ x 11″ (Full Page) Schedules

