Our AP warehouse staff does a tremendous job at sorting and packing our orders, they double check each order to make sure that the order is correct and accounted for. Occasionally a product goes missing or gets damaged in the transport.
We all know that mistakes happen and sometimes they can’t be helped, however, as AP reps we can do our part to aid the situation. When you receive your order from the truck or as a local from the warehouse, rest assured that the order has been checked and should be correct. Occasionally you may find a mistake; maybe missing an item or an extra item may have found its way into one of your boxes. It is in these times that we ask you to assist us in being a solution to the problem.

One of the most important things you can do in your Alison’s Pantry business is to learn to do a complete inventory (click here for a video on doing your inventory) when your product is delivered to you. It is the only way to know if the entire order is complete and accounted for. An order should be inventoried before any product is delivered to your customers. When you inventory the products with in a 24 hour period, you will increase the chances of finding a short or missing product. In the past we have asked you to post on Facebook — this has not been as effective in finding the lost product as we would have hoped for. Instead please contact the 2 reps in front of you and 2 reps in back of you from the current delivery schedule to help in locating your missing product.

We understand that often the product is located miles down the road; in this case, please contact Rep Support to let them know where the product was located. They will let you know what to do from there, it is handled on a case by case basis. Contacting the other reps helps us to locate the product easier. If the missing item is not located with those contacted reps, then please contact Rep support within 48 hours to ask for an adjustment on your invoice. Please don’t post on Facebook any longer about missing items.
If you are a local pickup rep, this is also applies to you. While you won’t contact the previous reps, you will however be required to do an inventory and then let Rep support know if you are missing or have any extra products. If you are missing a product and it is still in stock, you may make arrangements to travel back to the warehouse to retrieve the missing product or to take back any extra product you may have received. Please return any extra product within a 30 day period.
If any of you find an extra item in your order and aren’t sure why, please contact rep support to let them know. As we know that freebies are a fun thing, realize that nothing is free. This extra item belongs to another rep or to the office, someone has to pay for it and it must be accounted for. If you receive an extra, you will be asked to try to sell it to your customers or friends. We ask that you advertise it at the regular retail price, then after 48 hours if you can’t sell it to anyone, you can adjust the price starting with a 25% discount. When you sell the item you can let Rep support know so that they can adjust your invoice.

When it comes to damaged items, this same principle applies. If the damage occurred before it reached you, please contact rep support. If it occurred while in your possession, like slicing a bag open when opening boxes, or not getting the product into the freezer in a timely manner, this is your responsibility. You will need to work out the problem with your customer. In the case of a sliced bag, (we’ve all done it), quickly tape up the bag and let your customer know of the accident when they pick up. You could offer them a discount on the product if they still want it. This discount comes off of your profit, not AP’s. It wasn’t AP’s fault. In most instances your customer will be happy with the 25% percent off, and we want happy customers. If the situation is handled professionally, then your customer will respect you and will continue ordering from you.
If your customer doesn’t want the product then it becomes your product. You can use it as a sample, a demo, or for your own family use.
We appreciate all your hard work and are here for you if you need any assistance. If you have questions about any of these situations please feel free to contact your RSM or Rep Support for the answers you need . Happy Selling!!
Stacee Izatt RSM