4 Ideas To Make Your Holiday Marketing More Fun!

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The holidays are a great time to build your business.  Everyone is excited to purchase gifts for family and friends and create memories with nourishing holiday meals.  Creative holiday promotions can really impact this year’s profits.  Here are some great ideas.  You will need to start early!

  1.  Make a display of a few gift ideas and tags from the webinar. There were so many fun ideas for holiday gifts in our webinar a couple of weeks ago.  Make up a few of these, including the gift tags to have on display when customers pick up their #11 orders.  They will be excited to see such great ideas and will want to add AP items for gifts for Christmas.  Don’t forget to have our beautiful gift tags on display also to let them know all the work is already done; all they have to do is print the tags and wrap the gifts.


Webinar and Christmas Gift Tags

2.  Have a Treasure Hunt contest for #12. How it works is you choose an item in the catalog to give away.  Since it’s a holiday catalog; promote one of our great gifts on pages 44-45.  Give customers the item number and have them search the catalog and tell you what the item is.  Everyone who names the correct product is entered in a drawing to win that item. It gets your customers searching through the catalog; and of course they will see lots of things they want to buy.


 3.  Offer Alison’s Pantry Gift Certificates. Everyone has those difficult people on their gift lists.  Why not offer an AP gift certificate for those hard to buy folks?  Everyone loves food and we have such a great selection!  You could even get new customers out of the deal.


 AP gift certificates


*Bonus Idea- Have a holiday Facebook photo contest. Have your customers post pictures of their favorite AP holiday foods, or their Thanksgiving celebrations, or even their ugly Christmas sweaters!  Offer an AP product as a prize for the winner.  

ugly sweaters.jpg

 Happy Holidays!



Meet Vicki with Rep Support


We would like you to meet Vicki from Rep support, one of the important reasons that our company moves along smoothly from day to day.  Vicki has been with Alison’s Pantry for two years, she began as a Rep in SLC and when the job opening came up at the warehouse, she decided to give it a try.  One of the reasons she is so good at what she does is because she understands how it all works from the perspective of the  AP Rep.  The thing she loves about her job is getting to know and work with all the Reps. She also is the person responsible for the majority of the social media posts.

The hardest thing about her job is keeping track of almost 400 reps. she makes a lot of notes and reminders.

Vicki is married to her husband of 5 years; they have a combined family of 4 boys from Vicki’s previous marriage and 1 daughter from her husband’s previous marriage. The two older boys and the daughter are married and together they have 3 grandchildren.  The third son is currently serving an LDS mission in Texas and the youngest son, just graduated from high school.

Vicki loves to travel in her spare time and she writes a personal weekly travel and food blog at www.lovetravelwilleat.com.She loves to cook and try new recipes.


Vicki loves many of our AP products, but her favorites are #9134 Janey Lou’s cinnamon rolls, #8925 Beehive Rolls and #3298 Daily’s Center cut Bacon.  Her family’s favorite family meal is the Soup Supreme or Blount soups served in the Janey Lou’s soup bowls.  Thank you Vicki for all your hard work!

What’s For Dinner?

If you are like me, there are days where the family is asking “What’s for dinner?” and I am clueless as to what I’m going to fix!  But have no fear!  Alison’s Pantry is here!!

We have such great products to meet the needs of every meal of the day and snacks in between but sometimes we need a little help to get that meal on the table and what better way than suggested meal plans!

Here is one with dinner meal ideas from the RSM’s, Rep Support, and our Marketing Director to get you started.


week-of-meals (.pdf of the above week of meals you can share with your customers)

Sit down today, write down a week’s worth of meals (breakfast, lunch, and/or dinner), list the AP products you used to prepare the meal, and then share them with your customers. It’s that easy!!  Including pictures of what you fixed for dinner to go along with your meal plans (or a quick post on Facebook) will really sell those products!  Your customers will love seeing how you use the amazing products we sell and they will want to try them too!

Good luck!!

Becky Price, RSM

2017 Customer Order & Delivery Schedules

NEW: 1/4 Sheet size Printables (4 to a page)







COMING SOON: Order Personalized Customer Schedule Magnets on Vistaprint!


The schedules have a space for your to put your Name and Contact info above the dates.


You can do this by ‘signing’ the pdf file. If you need help doing that, check out this tutorial from the special offers flyer by Becky.

Feel free to print them, email them, or make them into postcards, magnets or whatever you wish. 🙂

Be sure you have the correct schedule for your group!




#11, 2016 Marketing Images: ‘Black Friday’ Hot Deals, Holiday Favorites and the Free Offer Oven Mitt

Just right-click to download and save these beautiful images to market Alison’s Pantry “Black Friday” Hot Deals,  Holiday Favorites, and our great Catalog #11  FREE offer for an AP Oven Mitt!  Put these pretties to work for you on social media, newsletters, and in texts and emails.

Webinar: Thanksgiving Tips, AP Holiday Gift Preview, and Customer Appreciation Ideas

This month’s webinars were some of our best attended so far, and the reviews have been great on these fun ideas for the holidays.  If you weren’t able to attend, please treat yourself to watching the video, and downloading all of the helpful PDFs below. Be sure to share these wonderful resources with your customers as well!

Get to know our two new Norbest turkey breast products with this short video from our supplier.

Norbest Turkey Breast Video

Webinar Instruction:

Show Appreciation to Your Customers

Thanksgiving Tips & Tricks



Click to download and print adorable tags like the one below to use with your AP holiday gifts.

dough tag.JPG

Christmas Tags 1

Christmas Tags 2
























Tammy Harrison, Carlin, NV


Tammy Harrison has been an AP rep for 3 months.  She was excited to take over for someone and start selling.  Her first order was just over $1800.  Her 3rd order was over $4,000!  She has really built her business.  I think her enthusiasm and willingness to talk to everyone about AP is key to her success.  This is what she had to say:

I am a new rep whom was delivered this awesome opportunity to have my own business and still keep my job at our local school too.  I have lived her in Carin now for 14 years. I moved her from Elko where I had lived since 1986.  I graduated Elko High School in 1990. I have had food service positions over the years with Pizza Hut, Maverick Country Stores and now the Lunch Program here in Carlin.  So I have been in the public eye for a long time and I talk to everyone, even the people I don’t know.  I at least say hello and smile.  🙂

The ladies who sold before me built the customer list for me.  I now take a section of names and go through and look at all the customers’ information and call them.  I tell them who I am and ask if they would like to see a catalog.  I also have added each month 6 new customers of my own which of course are my friends closest to me.  My sister is a hair dresser and has had a shop here in Carlin for 20 years.  She has helped out a lot because she knows a lot of people.

Alison’s Pantry has great deals on bulk foods and we don’t have that available to us in our small town.  The closest for us to buy bulk is a case lot sale at the local grocery store.  The wide variety of products that Alison’s Pantry has to offer is amazing and everyone that I have talked to that has tried their products has been very satisfied.

I am still learning and trying to organize so I can be successful here in Carlin for a long time.  People say they are happy I am now their rep because I have lived here for so long and am established.  I LOVE MY TOWN.  I am very happy to keep providing Alison’s Pantry products here.

We are excited to see you continue to grow Tammy!


2017 Order & Delivery Schedules

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Dear Alison’s Pantry Reps,
     Thank you so much for your hard work in 2016.  As this year draws to a close I’d like to make sure you receive and understand the schedule for 2017.
     Next year’s schedule will be very similar to this year with a couple of changes.  One change of note is that we will no longer be placing reps in red or blue groups.
     Instead, we’re assigning all reps to an order group (1,2,3 or 4).  By doing this we’re able to deliver to all reps one week after their order day!  So, just to be clear in 2017 there will no longer be a red or blue order group.
     As a company we feel like the faster delivery may not have increased sales like we thought it would, but the positive feedback has been amazing. So, we’re stepping it up next year to make sure all reps receive their orders the very next week after they order.
On your schedule, we’ve included four important dates you need to know for each month of ordering.
  • Update Addresses By this date, make sure all mailing addresses are up to date and you have turned in any requests for extra catalogs or mailings.
  • Portals Opens Date when you are able to start keying in orders for your customers in portals.
  • Order Day 5:00 pm deadline for entering in orders for that month.
  • Delivery This is the week you can expect delivery each month.  It’s always the week after ordering!
Please take note of the following deadlines for Catalogs #1 and #2:

October 24, 2016 – Have all customers updated for your #1 Catalogs

November 28, 2016 – Have all customers updated for your #2 Catalogs

Find your 2017 schedule below!

You will be receiving a magnet of your schedule with your #12 order.
These schedules are for reps only. We will be posting Customer Schedules soon!
Please make sure you are looking at the correct group before you download your schedule!
If you do not know what run you are on, check your last truck invoice!
8.5″ x 11″ (Full Page) Schedules



Get creative with our containers

There are oodles of fun ways to use our spice jars (#4435) and containers (pgs. 34 and 46) for the holidays!  On page 34 of Catalog #11, we mentioned using #4435 Spice Jars as placeholders for Thanksgiving guests. The Blessing Mix recipe, tags, and two more fun Thanksgiving ideas are printable from the links below.



There will also be more fun ideas for using containers for the holidays in upcoming webinars.


It’s Back to School time again.


It’s back to school season. Customers and Reps of Alison’s Pantry don’t need a desk and a tablet to be students again. We study daily in our own personal classroom most of us call our kitchens. We have our own special kind of pencil, paints, veggiescrayons, glue and erasers.

With those pencils we can plan out our menus and design healthy and wholesome dinners for our families. We use colorful vegetables, fruits and juices to paint all the colors of the rainbow.

Our glue, the meat and potatoes of the table, namely bacon, outstanding pork products with wonderful beef and healthy alternatives of chicken and fish is the strength of our classroom.

pizzaCrayons color in the lines with a variety of easy and fast meals, not to forget the breakfast and after school convenience that we offer for the busy family. No one can erase away the goodies and seasonal treats that bring delight to every mouth they come in contact with. We also can’t forget our easy to use muffin and brownie mixes, and flavorful snacks including jerky easy to bake cookies.


Our scissors, sturdy utensils and baking accessories that that help to cut out excess time and work in our classroom, add in the monthly training you receive in the webinars and you can easy learn helpful product information and ideas.  To sum it all up you have a great opportunity for learning and success in your own kitchen.      – Stacee Izatt