We’ve done the work so you don’t have to! Download these beautiful images and post them to your social media accounts or add them to your marketing emails to help boost your Catalog #5 sales.
Author: admin
Monthly Marketing Helps: Catalogs 5 & 6
Maintaining current customers and growing your sales is easy if you use these helpful tools each month!
Please remember to let customers know about the products that will be leaving our catalogs after #6.
Be sure to check this link to see which products will be unavailable after Catalog #6. Then you can share this information with your customers so they can stock up on personal favorites before they leave the catalog.
Catalog 5: Alison’s Pantry offers products to suit any diet. We’re currently spotlighting products for ketogenic (“keto”) diets with special sales in Catalog #5.
A printable list of keto products offered by Alison’s Pantry can be downloaded here to email to customers or print and share: Keto Foods
Marketing Focus for Catalog #6: We’re kicking off summer and promoting products for grilling and backyard barbecues. We’ve also provided marketing materials to address some of our survey responses, specifically requests for smaller pack sizes and ideas for cooking for smaller families.
Allowing your customers to sample products can really help your sales! Here are a few products that we suggest sampling to help your summer sales:
- Our new Ancient Grain Blends (page 4, offered by the 1 lb. bag and by the case; 1096/1097, 1129 / 1130, 1101 / 1102, 1098 / 1099)–these are awesome products, but they’re somewhat unique so it will really help your sales to allow customers to see and taste them. Plus, they come in frozen, microwaveable bags that are easy to prep and serve to your customers. We suggest serving a spoonful in a sample cup and explaining to customers that there are multiple ways to serve these products. The Southwest Quinoa Blend (#1129) is excellent stirred into taco meat to stretch it in a healthy way, or any of the blends make a perfect base for protein bowls with meats and more veggies layered on top of them. They’re also delicious as side dishes or stirred into soups.
- Any of our J & J Snacks products (back cover)–tube items (like Barq’s, Luigi’s, and Icee) are easiest and most economical to sample. These items are available through Catalog #8.
- Our new Sqwincher Sqweeze Freezer Pops are another great items to sample. You can tell customers they are a better summer option than an Otter Pop because they have electrolytes! They’re basically a Gatorade-type product in a tube for a refreshing treat during the hot months. This item is also available through Catalog #8.
- New Best Maid Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies. With 320 of these little gems in a case, they’re an easy item to sample. Just thaw and serve!
Plan for Success: “A plan is what, a schedule is when. It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done.” Peter Turla
Visit the link above for helpful tips to organize and manage your Alison’s Pantry business with a monthly plan and schedule for success.
Duplicate this text script and send to your customers to round up better orders. We’ve included shortened links to make it easier for you.
Copy for Catalog #5…
Today’s the day! Don’t miss your deadline to order from Alison’s Pantry this month. Eating “Keto?” We have special sales this month on products that are great for ketogenic meals. Click here to see all of this month’s sales: https://bit.ly/2mTHQ7K
Copy for Catalog #6…
Don’t miss out! Today’s your deadline to order from Catalog #6 and grab this great deal on our popular Cinnamon Rolls. Reg. $39.99 Sale $32.99 https://bit.ly/2A5A51I You can also click here to shop with our FlipBook: https://bit.ly/2rlHIwH
Bi-Monthly Be Nourished Newsletter: Whether you email a copy, or print it and insert in your catalogs, our bi-monthly newsletter helps you spotlight products and increase sales. Put it to good use! Click on the newsletter below to download for Catalogs 5 & 6.
Click here for our Catalog #5 marketing images. We’ve done the work so you don’t have to! Download these beautiful images and post them to your social media accounts or add them to your marketing emails.
Click here for our Catalog #6 marketing images (including the one below).
You can copy and paste the links below to your own personalized texts or emails to customers to link them directly to the current catalog.
Catalog #5 PDF: https://bit.ly/2E8uiIQ
Catalog #6 PDF: https://bit.ly/2rlHIwH
Email Reminder: We’ll be sending a last call reminder, similar to the one below, to all customers on our email lists the Saturday before their order deadline. Many customers are not on our list though, so it’s a great idea to copy the info below and send it on to your customer list.
Copy for Catalog #5…
There’s still time to save BIG on chicken!
But only a few days. This is the last weekend to order from Catalog #5 and it’s full of great sales on chicken and other items that are perfect for keto (or any!) menus. We know a lot of our friends are eating ketogenic diets lately, so we’ve spotlighted some of our favorite keto products in Catalog #5 with some special sales.
The kids will also be happy to see that our popular frozen treats are back for summer! Click here to see all of our new products.
Icelandic Cod Fillets, 5 lb. box
Mild tasting, wild-caught cod
fillets. Individually wrapped in
cellophane. Approx. 12 fillets
WAS $39.99 NOW $33.99
Pierce Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breasts, 48 / 4 oz.
Our large, boneless skinless chicken breasts with rib meat are plump and ice glazed to prevent freezer burn. Restaurant-quality, cleanly trimmed.
WAS $52.99 SALE $46.99
NEW! Main St. Quality Meats Beef Flank Steak, 2 lb.
Flavorful, lean, tender beef flank steak, ready for your favorite marinade. Delicious as the star in steak salads, quinoa bowls, and carne asada.
Reg. $25.99 SALE $22.99
Copy for Catalog #6…
Grilling season is here and the savings are fired up!
It’s the last weekend to order from Catalog #6, and a great time to plan your menu for the 4th of July and other backyard barbecues this season. Save on favorites for the grill, and stock up on refreshing frozen treats to welcome the summer heat.
Click here to shop all of this month’s sales.
Holten Restaurant Quality Beef Patties
24 / 4 oz. (6 lb. case)
These juicy quarter-pound patties are the perfect reason to fire up the grill! 75/25 lean to fat ratio. Gluten free.
WAS $20.99 NOW $17.99
Camp Chef 6-Piece Cast Iron Set
- 6-quart legless Dutch oven
- 10-inch skillet
- 10″ lid fits Dutch oven and skillet
- Deep 12-inch skillet
- 12-inch lid doubles as skillet
- Dutch oven trivet
WAS $79.99
Declutter your Customer List
Anyone looking at cleaning out and organizing anything hears the word “declutter” – verb – to simplify or get rid of mess, disorder, complications, etc. So what does this have to do with your Alison’s Pantry Customer List?
Do you have a lot of potential or past customers in our ordering system who are not ordering? How long has it been since they placed an order? You can answer these questions by going to your Reports Menu in your Rep Portal and clicking on the “Customers Active within the last 6 Months” Report. This report will show you all your active customers in our ordering system, if you are paying to have the office mail them a catalog (Catalog Subscribed), and if they have ordered at least once in the last 6 months.
The ultimate goal for every sales rep is to have a customer file full of active, ordering customers who order on a regular basis. This is accomplished by making monthly contact with your customers through email, texting, Facebook and phone calls; by marketing our great products to them using our professional images and catalog links; by sharing what you buy and how you use them (recipes, ideas); by helping them get what they need from Alison’s Pantry to provide for their families through ordering online; and by getting their orders to them after you receive your delivery each month. Unfortunately, there will be times when you will have a customer who has stopped ordering (moved, died, financial issues, irreconcilable differences) or you find a duplicate customer file and you need to deactivate that customer file.
DEACTIVATING a customer file – Deactivating a customer file is easily done by clicking on your Customer Page, clicking on the customer file to be deactivated, and then clicking on the box with a check mark that says “Status” which is just above their Billing Address. (Clicking on the box will remove the check mark.) Then go to the bottom of the page and click SUBMIT in the green box to save the change.
NOTE: Deactivating a customer file will not delete it from our ordering system, but it will remove that customer file from showing in your customer list. **If you need a customer file reactivated, you will need to contact your RSM or the office to do this.
You should be decluttering your customer list at least once every 3 months to keep it clean and showing only ordering/active customers. This will help you focus on your ordering customers each month so you are not wasting time and money sending out catalogs and trying to get orders from people who are not going to order anymore.
**A personal phone call to non-ordering customers is the best way to determine if they are interested in ordering again and will remain in your customer file or if they need to be deactivated.
IMPORTANT: Before deactivating a customer, make sure to remove them from your Mailed Catalogs list if you have been paying to have a catalog mailed to them each month. Otherwise, they will continue to get a catalog mailed to them even though they have been deactivated.
Being aware of who is on your customer list will help you stay organized, will keep you in constant and consistent contact with your customers to get their orders in each month, and will help you to strengthen and grow your Alison’s Pantry business.
Becky Price, RSM
A Plan Is What, A Schedule Is When. Here Is both.
“A plan is what, a schedule is when.
It takes both a plan and a schedule to get things done.”
Peter Turla
When I first started selling Alison’s Pantry I pulled out my calendar and wrote down everything that needed to be done and when I was going to do it. For instance on Monday May, 15th I wrote: deliver catalogs. Life is so crazy, busy and stressful if we don’t plan ahead and schedule when things are going to happen, either A. they don’t get done at all, or B. we do them but rushed and stressed out because they should have been done yesterday or last week. I promise you that if you write down when you are going to do your AP tasks it will change your life! Procrastination only works for people who have a nice stash of Xanax because they are ALWAYS stressed out.
Everyone does things differently, and everyone is on a different schedule depending on what group you are in, but here are some suggestions on things to schedule and when.
- Get catalogs out either by mail or hand deliver them: 2 weeks before order
- Make a list of who, and give catalogs to potential new customers: 2 weeks before order
- Reminders – send email the week and a half before order closes, 1st text Mon/Tues of order week, phone calls Wed/Thurs of order week, text Friday, text Sat. night, last call text Monday night. Check out some great things to say in a text here: Marketing Helps
This is what Becky recommends, “I rotate through reminders, at least one of these per day – email, text, Facebook post, phone call, then start over. Monday, if my order is low, I would do an email and Facebook post in the morning, send a text at lunch, then email/text/phone calls after work until about 8 p.m.”
- Print invoices: Don’t print invoices before the Friday the order ships and the orders are processed. You can print invoices anytime after the invoice says “shipped” or “declined”. Don’t wait until delivery day to do this (your printer might break).
- Check declined orders and contact customers and the office: as soon as the order processes, the Friday after the order closes, or the next Monday. Read how to handle declined orders here: Declined Orders
- Decide on samples: when you place your own order, the day before delivery is too late, you won’t have what you need.
- Contact customers with pick up times or delivery schedule: The Monday before the order arrives (unless your order arrives Monday) send an email. The night before send a text (or phone call) with pick up/delivery times and if they owe you money how much, and you could text again the day of pick up/delivery (people forget).
- Sample prep: the day before delivery if possible, if not, before your customers arrive. You might need to schedule your pick up times a bit later to give you time to prepare samples. Here are some great ideas about what to sample: Ideas
- Print labels for catalogs and the Be Nourished Flyer: the day before delivery. Be nourished flyer
- Facebook posts: once a day all month long, at least 3 times per day order week.
I challenge you this month to pull out your calendar and plan ahead what and when you will do your AP tasks. You will find things go so much more smoothly and your sales will increase!
Julie, RSM
March Webinar: Sales tips for reps. Samples, food safety and How to get your customers to spend more of their grocery budget on Alison’s Pantry
Introducing the professional chef Alex, who is Stacee’s son! This webinar he covers two dishes using our great Alison’s Pantry products. There is a bonus video of the third dish below that we couldn’t add to the webinar because of time constraints. So if you want to view that, please click below. The 2nd part […]
Check out these great tips from our RSMs on how to grow your sales!
Below are the handouts from the webinar. I hope you enjoyed them!
March Webinar handout
Social Media Images for Catalog 4
Share these great images on your social media pages to help boost your sales and introduce new items!
Just right click on the image in the slideshow and save it to your computer. Then post on your preferred social media, or email.
March Webinar – Just for Reps
Monthly Marketing Helps: Catalogs 3 and 4
Maintaining current customers and growing your sales is easy if you use these helpful tools.
Marketing Focus: Reduced prices on over 250 products!
Monthly Sales Training: Good, Better, Best: Find sample text, email, phone and inperson scripts for contacting your customers in the best ways this month.
Text Scripts: Duplicate this text script and send to your customers to round up better orders. We’ve included shortened links to make it easier for you.
Copy for Catalog #3…
Today’s the day! Don’t miss your deadline to order from Alison’s Pantry this month. Orders close tonight. We’ve lowered prices on 250+ items! Check them out here: http://bit.ly/2CqFjEw
Try our Flipbook catalog for easy shopping, too: http://bit.ly/2omqG14
Copy for Catalog #4…
Today’s the day! Don’t miss your deadline to order from Alison’s Pantry this month. Orders close tonight. Watch for our price slash icon on 250+ items in Catalog #4!
Shop easy with our Flipbook catalog: http://bit.ly/2Hu3Knp
Monthly Be Nourished Newsletter: Whether you email a copy, or print it and insert in your catalogs, our monthly newsletter helps you spotlight products and increase sales. Put it to good use! Click on each newsletter below to download for Catalogs 3 & 4.
Marketing Images: Click here for our Catalog #3 marketing images (including the one here). We’ve done the work so you don’t have to! Download these beautiful images and post them to your social media accounts or add them to your marketing emails.
Click here for Catalog #4 marketing images (including the one shown below).
Email Reminder: We’ll be sending a last call reminder, similar to the ones below, to all customers on our email lists the Saturday before their order deadline. Many customers are not on our list though, so it’s a great idea to copy the info below and send it on to your customer list.
Copy for Catalog #3…
Last chance to order for Easter.
Easter falls on April 1st this year, so now’s the time to order favorites for a special brunch or dinner. Whether you like to wake up to sweet cinnamon rolls on Easter morning or gather the family for a traditional meal of spiral ham, scalloped potatoes, and fluffy Beehive rolls (psst, they’re on sale!), we have everything you need.
The sales in Catalog #3 are stellar, but they’re really just the beginning because we’ve worked with our suppliers to lower prices on over 250 products throughout our catalog. We hope they help you stretch your grocery dollar further. Thank you for being an Alison’s Pantry customer and allowing us to be part of your family meals and traditions. I’ll give you a call on Monday to make sure I haven’t missed your order.
Pilgrim’s Homestyle Breaded Chicken Tenderloins 10 Lb. Case
Big tenderloins carefully cut from the juiciest part of the breast; marinated to keep them extra moist and flavorful.
WAS $39.99 NOW $35.99
Sales you won’t want to miss
Catalog #3 offers fantastic sales on popular products too, like these Bacon Wrapped Pork Fillets from Farmland.
Reg. $11.99 SALE $9.99
Shop all of this month’s sales »
Copy for Catalog #4…
Bring new life to your spring meals.
It’s the perfect time of year to try a new recipe or shake up your dinner routine. If you need some new ideas, be sure to join us for our next free online cooking class, April 10th-12th. We’ll be sharing multiple delicious family-friendly recipes that can be made from one case of Pilgrim’s Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts. Order a case while they’re on sale this month, and you’ll be ready to start cooking right after the webinar.
Catalog #4 offers great sales in addition to lower prices on over 250 products throughout our catalog. We hope they help you plan some fun new meals and stretch your grocery dollar further. Thank you for being an Alison’s Pantry customer and allowing us to be part of your family meals. If I don’t see your order on the Alison’s Pantry website, I’ll give you a call on Monday to make sure I don’t miss ordering what you need.
Pillsbury Frozen Pot Pie Crust Dough
48 ct.
From personal pies to turnovers and the adorable tarts above, our multipurpose pot pie crust dough is sure to become a family favorite.
WAS $36.99 NOW $33.99
Wyman’s Mixed Berries, 5 lb. bag
Favorite blend of strawberries, red raspberries, blackberries, and blueberries.
WAS $17.99 NOW $14.99
Sales you won’t want to miss
Catalog #3 offers fantastic sales on popular products too, like these Foster Farms Corn Dogs.
Reg. $32.99 SALE $26.99
Shop all of this month’s sales »
Last weekend to save on Beehive Rolls
They’re an AP favorite for a reason!
Reg. $39.99 SALE $33.99
Lori Paulsen – Worland, WY
Hello. My name is Lori Paulsen from Worland, Wyoming! I have been an Alison’s Pantry Rep for about a year and a half. I love the convenience of the products and the quality. I enjoy going through my delivery and seeing all the interesting products my customers have ordered; I actually make a list of products I want to order after seeing them. I get a lot of help from my boyfriend and son; they do most of the heavy lifting and help with boxing orders! I couldn’t do this without them!
Our list of favorite items keeps growing; it’s hard to find just one thing. A few of our favorite items are: Bacon Wrapped Pork Fillets, Potato and Cheese Pierogies, Trident Alaskan Salmon Burgers, the wonderful soups (love how they taste like I spent hours making them), and the Potato Pearls. I try to order something new each month.
I try to keep an eye on items I know my customers have an interest in and let them know if quantity is getting low or if it’s going on closeout. I have a calendar I use as a helpful reminder for me to make contact with my customers about upcoming order deadline, highlight a special item or new products. I note when contact was made, what I highlighted and how I made contact. Helps me track so I don’t unnecessarily repeat information. When I first started, it was a little overwhelming but I couldn’t imagine not being a rep today.
Good, Better and Best
For the next few months we would like to focus on helping you to strengthen your businesses and gain consistent sales each month. One of the best ways for you to maintain your sales is to have customers that order regularly and often. It is said that it costs more in business to find a new customer than to reactivate a previous one. We all have customers that have stopped ordering for no apparent reason, this is money that we are leaving on the table. With the switch from old portals to the new online system, many reps had customers that didn’t transfer over because they lacked emails or vital contact information. These customers are not lost or gone forever. These are what we call in the sales industry “hot contacts”. They have had contact with our company and have engaged in business previously and will likely do business again if they are contacted and approached. Your customer list is one of your most valuable resources when it comes to increasing your sales. What is the best way to contact your “lost” customers?
These “Lost” customers need a little more focus than just a random text. They need you to rekindle the relationship that you once had when they ordered. How do you do this? You must have personal contact, not just words on a screen. When you take the time to contact them through phone or in person, you are showing that they matter to you as a person. You are taking the time to show them that you will serve them and offer them your services. Take the time to ask them what they liked or didn’t like about AP, overcome any problems they may have had and then offer them an incentive to order again with you. If you are a brand-new rep and have been given a customer list from a previous rep, you will need to contact each customer face to face or minimally on the phone. Remember that these customers do not have any established relationship with you. Your focus should be to build a relationship by getting to know them and extending a hand to them. Whether the previous rep was bad or good at connection, you are following in their footsteps. You need to establish a connection to the new customer to gain their confidence in you. The faster you do this, the more likely you are to retain the customer. It takes a lot more energy to warm an ice cube than it does a glass of lukewarm water.
Of course, in a perfect world, we would like our customers to place their orders online without us having to do it for them. But we don’t live in a perfect world and most of us need reminders and encouragement for even the most common tasks. We can’t expect our customers to place orders without reminding them and sometimes it takes 3 or 4 times before they remember. So how do you go about contacting these customers? Whether they are regular customers or once a year ordering customers, they all need to have regular contact with you to keep the relationship open. How will you know if they have an order for you if you don’t ask? Remember, they aren’t likely to place the order without your contact. What is the best way to contact your customers? There are three types of contact. Good, Better and Best.
Any contact is GOOD contact. Text message and email reminders are good but, unless the customer responds back to you, you won’t know if they have seen the text or email and you won’t know if they have an order or not. No response is not a “NO”. You need to make sure to ask them for a response and continue trying to contact them until you receive one.
Text or Email:
Hi, __________, I haven’t heard back from you and wanted to check and make sure that I didn’t miss you. Was there anything that you wanted in the catalog I dropped of the other day. The order will close on ________________, just let me know. If I don’t hear back from you, I will contact you again. Thanks, and have a wonderful day.
Texting reminder for orders:
Hi _______, Just a quick note to let you know about the Alison’s Pantry order. The deadline for catalog #___ is __________ and I didn’t want to miss you if you wanted something. Please let me know either by texting, FB messaging, or email, or you can go online and enter your own order. If I don’t hear back from you, I will call you back again so that I can be sure I didn’t miss you. Thank you for all your support! You’re the best!
A BETTER form of contact is to contact them by phone.
As mentioned before, a better way to contact your customer is through personally speaking to them, whether face to face or on the phone. When you talk to someone, you can distinguish underlying tones. They can feel your excitement and can sense your likes and dislikes of a product. In turn, you can distinguish their thoughts better in their voice reflection than in words on a screen. If they are interested in a product but are hesitant in their voice, you can reassure them of our money-back guarantee. You can also offer your suggestions and recommendations. They are less likely to brush you off if you are talking to them. Sharing your comments and thoughts on a specific product is much easier on the phone rather than texting it.
If you have a phobia to the phone and have a tough time initiating the call, you need to practice first. Just like anything we do in life, practice makes perfect. One of our previous reps Stacie Callahan, shared with me the difficulty she had in beginning her business. “I was shy and didn’t like to talk to people. I was afraid to call them. I began calling and it got easier and easier. After a while, it became something I enjoyed. I began to love the relationships that it had fostered. Alison’s Pantry has been the best thing for me as a shy person to help me to get outside of the box and meet new people. Along with helping me feed my family, it helped me gain confidence in myself as a person.” Pick up the phone; it just takes practice. Here are a few scripts to help you on phone calls:
An established customer:
Hi___________, this is _______. How are you? I just wanted to check in with you and make sure you received your Alison’s Pantry catalog. I left it the other day for you. I know that it is so busy this summer and I have a hard time getting back with you, and I don’t want you to miss out on anything if you want to order. If you have it ready, I can add it right now. If not I will call you back next week and check in with you. You can email, text or phone me when you’re ready. Thanks!! Have a good day!!!
Call back-Follow up:
Hi__________, I haven’t heard back from you since we last talked and I told you I would call you back. Did you get a chance to look over the catalog? If yes, then say. Good, do you have your order ready? I can take it now.
If no, say ok, do you need more time? I can check back with you tomorrow. The deadline is ___________. If you want you can text me the numbers or email it. Whatever is easier for you. Thanks!!! I appreciate your support.
Follow up on a catalog placement:
Hi ___________, Do you have a minute? Yes, great! I wanted to check back with you and get your thoughts on the Alison’s Pantry catalog that I left with you. What was your first impression? Did you see anything you might like to try? Yes: I love that product and it is one of our customers favorites. Did I tell you about our guarantee on everything in the catalog? Would you like to me to order it for you to try?
We have an online site where you can place your own order. O if you prefer I can do it for you with your information. If you prefer to do it yourself, that’s not a problem. I have already created an account for you so just log on with your email and the password 123123. You can change the password when you log in. Enter your items and the payment form and I will do the rest. Thank you for your help. I will be happy to help you or if you have any problems, please let me know. I appreciate your support!
Hi____________, Do you have a minute? NO- Is there a better time to catch you? I just wanted to ask you about the catalog that I gave you. I don’t want to keep you long because I know your time is tight. I will call you back. What time works best for you? Thanks!!
Another wonderful way to contact customers is in person. If you can introduce yourself and establish a face to face contact, this will be your best chance of gaining a customer. This is one reason why your friends, family and neighbors will make a good customer. They already have established a trust with you as a person. Find every opportunity to talk face to face when you can. Here are a few scripts to help you with this:
Scripts in person:
Introductions to AP.
“Hi ________, My name is __________ and I have recently started working with Alison’s Pantry. Have you ever heard of it? No, well, do you have a minute? We are a UT based company that offers restaurant quality food for your home. It is delivered by a truck about a week after the order deadline. Everything we sell is 100% guaranteed, if you don’t like it you will receive a refund. We send out a monthly catalog that you order from either through me or on our new website. I was wondering if you would mind taking one and then looking through it? I would like to call you in 2 days and get your opinion and thoughts on our catalog and products. Would you be willing to do that for me? Can I get your phone to call you back on _______? Thank you!”
Hi ________, I have been thinking of sharing this with you. Here is a catalog from a company called Alison’s Pantry. I have been using these products and love them. I thought you might like to see some of the things that I love. Would you mind taking a minute to look through it and I will check back with you to get your opinion and thoughts? What time is best for me to contact you? What is your number? Thanks, I will call you back and see what you think. Thanks!
The BEST form of contact is using all forms. Texting, phone, in person and messaging. By using all of these, your chance of contact is greater. I watch FB messaging on order week and, if any of my customers are active, I message them. Send text reminders along with email reminders. Most people will not check email daily, so you have a better chance of reaching them using text but use email too. You never know the best way each month of contact and it will likely vary. The most important thing is to follow up and maintain the contact. Work hard and your efforts will pay off. Contact is the most important part!
Stacee Izatt RSM