Meet Cloe Wakefield

Cloe WakefieldMeet the newest employee at Alison’s Pantry!  When you call the office you might get a chance to talk to Cloe.

I have worked at Alison’s Pantry for about a month and a half, so I’m still pretty new around here.

I love the environment, everything is super laid back while still being pretty professional at the same time.

It honestly isn’t a very hard job, but there are a lot of little things to learn and keep straight which can be annoying!

My family has lived in Pleasant Grove, UT since I was 5 years old. I am the oldest of 4, by 3 minutes. (Yes, I am a twin, and no we are not identical). I have 2 brothers and a sister, and we have a dog and cat. I am getting married in April, so I will have my own little family too! My fiancé Cameron is from Provo/Orem area, and we’re really excited to be married and get this wedding stuff out of the way haha.

Between wedding planning and working full time, I don’t have a lot of free time right now, it’s kind of like having 2 full times jobs. When I do have free time, I love just spending time with my fiancé and family, and working out(my dad is a body builder so I get it from him, but I don’t love working out THAT much). I’ve always been a homebody but also like doing stuff outside too, my fiancé and I go camping and hiking a lot when it isn’t snowy and cold!

Since I haven’t worked here for very long, I haven’t had a chance to try a lot of the product. But I do love potatoes, and both the Simplot Julienne Fries look amazing. I will have to try them and test it out. 🙂

Again, I haven’t worked here for very long, but one of my favorite meals is biscuits and gravy- so that includes Krusteaz Professional Buttermilk Biscuit mix, Jones Dairy All-Natural Bulk Pork Sausage, and Custom Panroast Country Gravy Mix. Although if I’m being honest, since my fiancé went to Culinary School, he would make everything but the sausage from scratch 😉


Customers – Sales Reps – Alison’s Pantry

Alison’s Pantry consists of many parts.  Each of these parts is an important link in the chain of our success!


Every adult person is a potential customer because everyone has to eat!  Your sales come from your customer base so having a strong customer base is essential to having strong sales each month.  Without customers, you would not have anyone to sell our great products to and Alison’s Pantry would not be in business.


As you go out to build your customer base, talk to everyone you know and meet!  Do you advertise that you are a sales rep?  Do the people around you (friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.) know that you are a sales rep??  Have you offered them a catalog to look at?**  Are you sampling our products at order pickup or at fairs, tasting parties, or open houses?  Do you invite them to attend our product-training webinars?  Educate your customers on how great our products are (restaurant quality, larger quantities = price savings, 100% guarantee on everything we sell, online ordering, payment options, delivery time frame, etc.).

As a sales rep, we want you to grow in the town where you live but you can branch out to the towns around you to find customers, especially if you live in a town with a small population.  It is very important for every sales rep to understand that sales reps DO NOT have territories and there can be more than one sales rep in a town or area.  In fact, it is really better if there is more than one sales rep in a town.  You may be thinking “but this is MY area!” but it is important to understand that, as much as we may wish it, we may not get along with or be liked by everyone in our area, we don’t run in the same crowds or interact with the same people as someone else, so more than one sales rep allows more customers the opportunity to buy our great products!  More than one rep in an area means there are more than one of you sharing the good news of Alison’s Pantry and what we offer!

We encourage you to continually work at growing your customer base each month because customers don’t always buy every month nor do they buy the same amount.  In order to have consistent sales, you need a good-sized customer base.  As I mentioned, besides growing in your local town, you are free to reach out to towns around you AS LONG AS you are able to get product to those customers safely.  A good rule of thumb is within 30 minutes of you.  Any further and you risk the possibility of frozen items thawing out unless you have the means to keep the product frozen (coolers, dry ice, portable freezers, etc.).


We also want to stress The Golden Rule – if someone already orders from another sales rep, no matter where they live, they are that sales rep’s customer and they need to stay with that sales rep.  You would not want someone trying to take your customers away so please do not try to take customers from another sales rep.  As always, there are exceptions to that rule – immediate family, next door neighbors, your best friend (of course, they would want to support you in your AP business) BUT these people will need to contact the office or your RSM (Regional Sales Manager) personally through a phone call to request that they be switched to you.  Breaking this rule could result in you no longer being a sales rep for our company.  We take this very seriously.

How do you contact your customers to get orders (in person, phone call, Facebook post or personal message, text message, email?  Is it effective?  How often do you contact them?  Do you continue trying to contact them until you get a response from them? (Yes, they have an order or no, they don’t have an order.)  **Don’t be afraid to ask for the sale!!

Finally, what constitutes an “active customer”?  An active customer is someone who has placed at least one order in the last six months.  If it has been longer than that, they really aren’t a customer.  There are exceptions if you have “snowbirds” (people live part-time in two or more places throughout the year) and only order from you when they are in your area.  It is important to reach out to any customers who haven’t ordered in 3 or more months to see why and if there is something you can do to get their business back.  The “Customers Active in the Last 6 Months” report is super helpful to see who the customers are who haven’t order for at least 6 months.  Please use it!!


Our Sales Reps are the essential link that finds those customers and sells our great products to them.  We love our Sales Reps (yes, we do!) and we appreciate all you do each month to reach out to your customers and help them get what they need from Alison’s Pantry through you.

Being a sales rep for Alison’s Pantry entails more than just handing a catalog to someone.  We want our sales reps to treat their Alison’s Pantry business as a business and not a hobby that they do only when they feel like it or have time.  You will need to make time to work at your businesses by setting goals, learn company policies, learn the ordering and delivery procedures, gain product knowledge, build a customer base of loyal customers, and build a great working relationship with those customers, your RSM, and the office.


You are the face of Alison’s Pantry to your customers so we want every contact they have with you to be a positive one.  When your customers hear from you, are you pleasant and smiling?  Do they feel good after talking/interacting with you?  Are they happy with the products and service they are receiving?  Is your pickup location organized and clean?  Is the customer’s product in top condition – frozen items frozen, dry items in a clean box or bag?  Make their experience with you one they will want to look forward to every month!


Alison’s Pantry procures restaurant-quality food from food service brokers and makes it available to regular people through their wonderful sales reps.  We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on everything we sell.  We want our customers to be happy with the products they buy from us!  We provide a beautiful 48-page full-color catalog each month for customers to order the items they need.  These catalogs are provided FREE of charge to every ordering customer plus sales reps get 10 extra for FREE to help them continue growing their businesses or to hand out if a customer did not get one in the mail (if the rep pays to have catalogs mailed by the office).


We want you, our sales reps, to be successful in your AP business and we work hard to provide you with the tools you need to do that – personal contact with your RSM; ideas, recipes, reminders, and encouragement on our website Nourish Blog, Facebook groups and Pantry Academy blog;  product and sales tip training on monthly webinars; a wonderful website to order on with product information and product availability; professional truck drivers to deliver our orders each month; and professional and friendly office staff.

If there is anything we can do to make something better for you or your customers, please let us know!

Becky Price, RSM



February Webinar: Theme nights! Seafood, Italian, and Mexican night!

Introducing the professional chef Alex, who is Stacee’s son!  This webinar he covers two dishes using our great Alison’s Pantry products.  There is a bonus video of the third dish below that we couldn’t add to the webinar because of time constraints.  So if you want to view that, please click below.  The 2nd part […]

This month’s webinars are some more great cooking ideas with our RSMs.  First is Julie talks about ways to use some of our great seafood products for seafood night.



This next video is from Stacee.  She goes over some ways you can use our vegetables and pasta for Italian night.


This last video is from Becky where she creates some great Mexican dishes using our meats, vegetables and some new products from ‘Minors’.




Below are the handouts from the webinar.  I hope you enjoyed them!

February Webinar handout

February Webinar pdf



Declined Orders

Protocol for Declined Orders:

All orders will go out on your truck, but please do not deliver declined orders without first collecting payments for them or making sure their payment has cleared with the office.

All payments must be taken care of within 10 business days of receiving your order. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call and talk to Lori.

 To check for declined orders simply go to your orders screen in portals and search for “declined” in the search field. 

How do you know what form of payment was on the order?  Go to your invoice report and look at the bottom of the invoice for that customer.

 Resolving Declined Orders

  • Credit Card — Please notify the customer and see if they:
    • A. Need us to reprocess the payment.
    • B.  Want to pay you at pickup.
    • C.  Want to enter new payment info online and then let us know to reprocess it.
  • ECHECK – please plan on collecting from these customers when they pick up their order, then notify us within 7 days of your truck delivery that it has been deposited and is ready for withdrawal. There is a $5.00 returned check fee added to each order.  They can also enter credit card information online for us to reprocess the payment.




Register now for February’s Free Online Cooking Class/Webinar


Each month, Alison’s Pantry presents entertaining and informative “Pantry Academy” webinars, or online cooking classes, for our Representatives and customers. Pantry Academy segments feature Alison’s Pantry products in fun recipe demonstrations and menu ideas to make mealtime easier for families.

This month, our presenters will be sharing family-friendly meal ideas to give your menus some international flair.

  • Italian Night
  • Mexican Night
  • and Seafood Night, for lighter options the whole family can appreciate!

Our February Pantry Academy classes will be Tues.-Thurs., February 13th-15th. 

Click HERE to view presentation times, and select a time that fits your schedule to register.

Registering is Easy

Please Note:

For the best experience, the video demos should be viewed from a computer. Chrome is the recommended browser.

New to the Party?

If this is your first webinar, here’s a quick introduction.

Webinars are typically an hour long. We present for about 30 to 40 minutes. When the webinar starts everyone will be on mute except the presenter. You may ask questions throughout the webinar in the chat window and they’ll be answered as we go. At the end of the webinar, we’ll do a quick recap of those questions as well as answer any other questions you may have. You may ask them anything you’d like!

Meet Tammy Payne

Family Pic 2017

My name is Tammy Payne. I live in the Cleveland/Elmo UT area. I have been an Alison’s Pantry rep for almost 3 years. I have 4 children – A 10-year-old daughter, and 8-year-old son, and 2-year-old twin boys. I started selling Alison’s pantry when I was pregnant with my twins. Although I’ve always done all the contacting, ordering, delivering, etc. my husband would schedule his work week to be able to help me unload the truck (since I shouldn’t be lifting) and has continued to help me ever since. I love that he is willing to do that with me. My kids enjoy helping during the summer months, too.

20180206151439a0931c09f83ce257My favorite thing about Alison’s Pantry is interacting with customers and helping them fill their freezers with good, quality food. I also love how easy it is to “sell”. Everyone must eat. Although some months are better than others, I’m always amazed that if I do my reminders, the sales just come. The extra income has been great!


Besides selling AP and chasing my cute kiddos, I teach 30 piano students each week, and am currently the Young Women’s President in our ward. I understand busy, I love that I can work AP around my schedule.
As a family, we enjoy rodeo and horses. My daughter is a beautiful dancer. My son plays soccer and could saddle a horse before he could ride a bike. My twins are 2, so they enjoy making messes, hanging on my legs while I cook dinner, and making me laugh. I think I used to enjoy playing the piano, baking and being crafty. Now I enjoy an early bedtime. Thank you, Alison’s Pantry! The journey has been a joy!

Thanks Tammy, You do a great job of representing Alison’s Pantry and we are so happy to have you!

Stacee Izatt RSM

3 Things to Know to Persuade Your Customers to Spend More Money

  1. Know your customers

Who are they?  Do they have large families?  Do they work?  Are they retired?  Do they travel a lot?  Knowing who they are and their lifestyles can help you know how to best serve them. Which brings us to #2.

problem solving

  1. Solve their problems

If your customer is retired and all of her children have moved out, you wouldn’t tell her about our bulk Tater Tots.  But you would tell me about them!  I have a large family, I work full time, and when I need a quick side dish, Tater Tots work great.  You would definitely tell your retired couple who doesn’t really want to cook anymore about our Soup Supreme and Deli Containers.  They can cook the soup all day in the crock pot for a warm, nourishing meal at the end of the day.  The leftovers can be scooped into our deli containers and frozen for another day to warm in the microwave for a quick lunch for two.  Knowing your customers and understanding their needs can help you to better serve them and help them find products that not only meet their needs but also solve their problems.

February Catalog.JPG

  1. Know your Products

When you know and love our products they are so easy to sell.  Occasionally a customer will be reluctant to try something new.  But if you can share how much you love that product and how you use it at your house, they will want it too.  One time I had 2 customers picking up at the same time.  I was telling the first customer how much she was going to love her gluten free pizza crusts and all the ways she could use them.  The second customer was listening and got so excited she asked me to add them to her order on the spot!  By using the products yourself you will know how they come packaged, how to best prepare them, how they taste, and creative ways to use them.  When you are confident in AP products your customers will be excited to try them.

*Don’t miss our webinars!  We show you what the products look like and share great recipes for using them.  This invaluable knowledge can really help you grow your sales!

two ladies talking.png

Knowing your customers, knowing best how to solve their problems and knowing our products can help you offer top notch customer service.  When people feel like you care about them and their lives, and you help them get dinner on the table in a way that works for them, you will have loyal customers for life!

Julie, RSM

Melanie Bourne – Clinton, NE

Hi, our names are Melanie and Ty Bourne. We live in a little village called Clinton, Nebraska, population of about 26. We have Gordon to the East which is about 8 miles away, and Rushville to the West is about 6 miles away.  We have 2 children – Shelby (22) was just married in August and currently going to Nursing School and Ethan (10) is a 5th grader and active in baseball and football.

I have worked full time for 17 years as a cake decorator in Whiteclay, NE, which is by the Nebraska/South Dakota border by Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Natives buy cakes for funerals and sometimes I have over 20 cakes going to funerals. I draw Indian designs on cakes and then airbrush them. It keeps me on my toes, for sure, as there is a huge death rate on the reservation due to suicide, drug over-dose, or alcohol.


I am also very active in our community and the current Secretary of our local Cancer group called CARE. I am the treasurer and we hold different fundraising events during the year to raise money for our Sheridan county residents that have to travel outside our area for cancer treatments. CARE helps with food, motels, and gas for those suffering.

My husband, Ty, who is my rock, helps me in so many ways and supports me with Alison’s and CARE.  He is a custodian at Gordon Rushville High School.

I became an Alison’s Rep after seeing a catalog at my Dad’s house in Lusk, WY, and just got to wondering if it would “fly” in my area. After gallbladder surgery in February of 2016, I couldn’t do anything and was so bored at home by myself so I took the leap..and decided to give it a whirl..what did I have to lose out on? A few hours of paper work and maybe a few freezers that I could always sell? It has been almost 2 years now and we have loved doing this! (My Son Ethan fights me every truck day because he has school and wants to come help unload the truck❤️.) The people that have supported us in this adventure have been wonderful and I have met people in our community that I probably would have never spoken to.

Our favorite products are the flat iron steaks , bacon wrapped pork fillets, spices, egg rolls (amazing), and the #2 big buy bacon. The veggies we have tried are amazing as well, although we have a garden and a greenhouse and do tons of canning in the Summer months.

We have personally been struggling with orders since the online ordering took place. I have had some say they don’t like their credit card info out there, some that have said they don’t have a computer, some Moms that have said it takes so much more time and they don’t have time to sit down and order. But, I have a few customers that absolutely love it. I know we can’t please everyone, even in our everyday lives, but I think going back to Net 10 will help please a lot of Alison’s customers.  (Her #1 order was amazing with the Net 10 day payment option – $4,243.19!!)

Thanks so much to all of you for all of your help. Alison’s Pantry is a wonderful company!


January Webinar: A Healthy new you! Clever tricks with Soup Supreme and Game day favorites

Introducing the professional chef Alex, who is Stacee’s son!  This webinar he covers two dishes using our great Alison’s Pantry products.  There is a bonus video of the third dish below that we couldn’t add to the webinar because of time constraints.  So if you want to view that, please click below.  The 2nd part […]

This month’s webinars are some more great cooking ideas with our RSMs.  First is Julie talking about ways to stay healthy using some of our great products.

The second video is from Becky.  She goes over some ways you can use Soup Supreme for some great ideas and pair them up with some of our other great products.


Third is from Stacee where she combines several of our products to make some great snacks for any game day.



Below are the handouts from the webinar.  I hope you enjoyed them!

January Webinar handout

January Webinar handouts

