Use your mouse to right-click on these images to save them to your own computer for marketing on social media, newsletters, and emails to customers.
Author: admin
What’s New in Catalog #2?
There’s a contagious undercurrent of excitement at Alison’s Pantry as we zip into 2016! Beautiful catalogs are being delivered directly to customers, orders are arriving to Reps in just 1-2 weeks, and fun, new products are debuting on our catalog pages.
Since February is the month for love, Catalog #2 is a gorgeous tribute to our much-loved Daily’s bacon! You’ll find a great offer on our front cover for half-priced 60 ct. precooked bacon with each order of $75 (details on page 2), and delicious suggestions throughout the catalog for pairing bacon with other AP products.
And, these mouthwatering new items in Catalog #2 offer even more to love!
Two great new items for Mexican food meals. Our Blount Organic Black Beans (#9238) and Chicken Poblano Pepper Soup (#9236), found on pages 4 and 18, are convenient boil-in-bag additions to family fiestas. The Black Beans are organic and GMO-free as well. The Chicken Poblano Pepper Soup is rich and creamy, with a great peppery kick. In addition to serving this item as a soup, it will also work well as a sauce poured over a pan of cheese enchiladas for a Southwestern casserole.
Fun new potato products. If you attend a webinar this month, you’ll have the opportunity to order one of these tasty new McCain items for 50% off. Our new Cross Trax Waffle Fries (#2416, pg. 4) and Smiles Shaped Potatoes (#2417, pg. 4) can be oven-baked or fried, and are the perfect upsell items to pair with many entrees in the catalog. They’re a fun and affordable side for hamburgers, corn dogs, chicken nuggets, and more. Be sure to share our beautiful pre-designed Facebook posts about these items on your Facebook wall this month.
High-quality new seafood options. We’re so excited to be able to offer black tiger shrimp again! Our premium Contessa Black Tiger Shrimp (#2806, pg. 5) are a better quality jumbo shrimp product, at a better cost. They have nice firm texture and great flavor. We’re confident customers will love their value. We’ve also added a new, Pub-Style Battered Cod (#2807, pg. 5) product that offers a scrumptious, wild-caught option in a smaller pack size for customers who feel our 5 lb. Piccadilly Pub Cod is too large.
Find these great new items as well as a mouthwatering new Triple Berry Blend (#1215) from Wyman’s, our first Blount entrée product (#9239), a new flavor of our popular Mrs. T’s Pierogies (#4991), adorable Norpro mini tools, and more on pages 4 and 5. Share the love!
**Due to changes in our ordering process, we’re no longer able to allow Reps to pre-order new products. However, there will be opportunities exclusive to Reps each month to purchase discounted products when you attend a webinar.**
Welcome AP Reps!
Welcome to the newest Reps in Alison’s Pantry. We love to see smart women join such an incredible company. Good luck to you in this fun and exciting endeavor. Remember to watch and listen from all of the successful reps around you. Join in on the AP blog and on your Facebook group and ask questions and contribute information so we can all learn from each other.
February 2016
Leia Rasmussen- Orem, UT
Elexia Walter- Panquitch, UT
Krystle Neyssen – Hebron, North Dakota
Jane Haakenson – Williston, North Dakota
Laurel Conover-Jess – Deer Lodge, Montana
Katie Martinez – Casper, WY
Misty Monks – Wray, CO
Mary Palo – Hot Springs, SD
Sade Phillips – Afton, WY
Janalyne Roberts – Mountain View, WY
Stephanie Volmer – Wall, SD
Misty Wilson – Green River, WY
Justa Witt – Buffalo, SD
Order Deadline Reminders
Oh, No!! Order deadline is approaching and you don’t have very many orders from customers yet! What can you do to encourage customers to get those orders to you before the order closes? Do your reminders! Reminders are critical to achieving great orders each month. There are many different ways to do reminders that other sales reps use with great success. Here is the process that I use each month to remind my customers that order deadline is approaching and to get their order in on time. Whether you use one or more of these or other ways to do reminders, the goal is to make contact with every customer AND get a reply back from them that they do or do not have an order this time.
- Email – This is a very fast way of doing reminders because you can do a group email to a lot of people quickly. I set up groups of 45 customers (I currently have 3 groups) and then send the same email to each group. It only takes a minute to send the same email out to all my customers this way. **Do not send a group email to more than 100 people at a time or your email gets marked as SPAM.
I send email reminders at the following times during the 2-3 weeks before order deadline:
- When catalogs are mailed out – I let customers know they are coming and to let me know if they don’t receive one. I also try to point out a sale item or special offer in the new catalog.
- When Portals opens to start entering orders – I let customers know I can start entering orders for the current catalog. I also remind them about my Early Order Drawing I do every month and when they need to have their order to me to qualify.
- Monday of order week – the office sends a really nice Constant Contact email reminding customers that it is order deadline week. This email goes out to all customers whose email address is in Portals and to those who have signed up to receive it. (This is another reason why it is a good idea to have your customer’s email address entered in their Portals file.)
- Friday (the day before deadline) – this email goes only to the customers I have not been able to contact up to this point. I remind them that the next day is deadline and I point out any special offers, great sales, contests, etc., again. Here is a sample email:
- Facebook Post – We went into specifics about using Facebook to market Alison’s Pantry on the December 2015 Webinar, so I will only remind you that this is also a great way to potentially reach a lot of people with each post. (If you have a business page, you will be reaching out to more people than just your customers and it could help you pick up new customers.) Post reminders of order deadline or order pickup, contests, pictures and information about AP products, items on sale or special offers in each catalog, testimonials of what you use and like (with pictures and recipes or how you use the product), etc. And remember to post at different times during the week/day to reach more people.
- Text Messaging – This is also a great way to reach a lot of people quickly. Depending on your cell phone plan, you can send the same text message to a group of people at one time. (For example, I can now send one text message to 20 people at one time.) I send text message reminders at the following times during order deadline week:
- Tuesday of order week – this is sent to those customers who have not yet responded to my emails or who have not already given me their order.
- Saturday morning (order deadline) – this text is only sent to those customers I have not heard back from or gotten an order from so it should be a lot smaller group than the Tuesday one.
- Phone Calls – Ultimately, a phone call is the most personal and customer service friendly way to contact your customers, hands down! This used to be the main way I would contact my customers when I was not an RSM and had more time and it would usually take me a couple days to call each of my 100+ customers. With less time to do phone calls, I only make phone calls to customers who do not have or regularly check email, who don’t have cell phones or don’t use texting, and those who have not responded to any of my other attempts to contact them. I make phone calls on Wednesday/Thursday of order week. Usually, by the time I do phone calls, I only have a small part of my customers that I need to call. My phone call will sound something like this:
- “Hello, _______, How are you today? (Listen and respond accordingly to their answer.) I’m getting ready to place an order from Catalog #1 this Saturday and we have some really great buys this month (16 soups on sale, sale on hash browns and bulk bacon, etc.). and I’m calling to see if there is anything you needed this time? (YES – enter their order, give them their total, thank them for their business.) (NO – Very good. I’m glad you are stocked up. I will make sure you get next month’s catalog and we will talk to you soon.)
- If the customer does not answer and you get their voice mail, LEAVE A MESSAGE!! You will basically say the same thing as if you were talking to them in person and this is also an important way to contact them.
Keeping Track of Reminders – It is very important to keep track of who you have contacted, how you contacted them, and if they placed an order or not so you are only continuing to remind those that have not responded. There are several ways to do that but here is what I do:
I go into Portals, click on the Reports link, click on Customer List, and print the list. The first page will show the Customers With Orders. Obviously, we won’t need to contact them. 🙂 The next one or more pages will be the customers with No Orders. When I do a reminder, I will make a note on the right side of each customers name – e for email, t for text message, p for phone call, and a ? if they indicate they have an order but have not given it to me yet so I know to check back with them to get it before the order closes. Once I get a response back from the customer, I put Yes or No to the left of their name. I also update any missing or incorrect information if I can. Here is what my list looks like:
As you can see, I didn’t get a response back from every customer last month and didn’t get very many phone calls made but that is my goal each month so I don’t have a customer contact me after the order closes wanting to place an order. That is the last thing I want to happen!
I hope this blog on doing Order Deadline Reminders was helpful to you and gave you some ideas on how to better contact your customers and get their orders in on time! Good luck!!
Becky Price, RSM
Organizing your Inbox
This is a continuation of the previous post about organizing your computer …
Organize your Email Inbox
When you receive an email that you need to keep from your RSM or AP support, you will want to move it out of your main email inbox to a sub file in your email account. Set one up for your customers, and AP, then you can sort the emails and not get them lost in all of the other items that clutter your inbox. They also are archived in the sub files instead of shuffled in the main file.
When you receive an email from your RSM or Support that you want to keep, you will want to download it to the AP sub file that corresponds; you will want to designate it to where it should go at download. Then when you need to retrieve it, you can locate it quick and easy.
Keeping Track of your Mileage
I also keep a log of my mileage for taxes, anytime you travel for your business, such as customer deliveries, if you travel to the warehouse, or to meet the truck for your order, banking transactions made in person at the bank, travel to the post office for mailings can also be deducted. You must keep accurate mileage records of these trips. I have attached a form that I designed and have made in to a booklet form that I carry in my vehicle. I use a new one each year.
Postage that you purchase to send AP related items
Any postage or mailings, that you use for your AP business can be deducted on your income tax, this includes PO box rental fees. Keep your receipts for all of the purchases you make that are business related, printer cartridges, paper for printing, checks for your account, general office supplies etc. For tax related questions, consult your accountant, they can give you further information regarding what you can deduct.
Another great idea is to use your email to notify your customers of pick up day. With our quicker delivery cycle we don’t have enough time to send out postcards like we used to so this is the way I have chosen to do it; it is quicker and easier for some, and more cost effective. You can download a sales order after you input the order and then attach it in an email back to the customer. If your customer does not use email, but you can text, you can text them a confirmation, take a picture of your computer screen with the sales order on it and attach the picture to the text. You can send a picture of the sales order in your email or Facebook as an attachment. I use a snipping tool for a screen shot saver. It allows you to save a picture of your screen, so I enter portals and snip a pic of the sales order individual and send it in an email to remind them of pick up.
See example below
Hi Customer,
I received your #1 January AP order.
It will be ready for pick up on Thursday Jan 7th from 2-9pm.
Please see the attached invoice and let me know if you need any changes before Monday Jan 4th. Thank you for your support! Stacee
Hopefully these ideas will help you to organize and streamline your AP business, making it more efficient, profitable and rewarding.
McKenzee Ellis – Kemmerer, WY
Hello, Reps!
I have been recently asked to share how I have grown and maintained my Alison’s Pantry sales. And I’m thrilled and happy to share.
To begin, I’d like you to ask yourselves a few questions. How important is being a representative for Alison’s Pantry to you? Do you enjoy being a rep? Would you want to live without the products that Alison’s Pantry has to offer? Does the amount of income you bring in benefit you and your family?
These are the questions that I have asked myself time and time again throughout my time being a rep. My answers to these questions are simple! YES, I enjoy being a rep! NO, I do not want to live without the products from Alison’s Pantry because I love the quality. YES, the extra income I make from being a rep benefits my family.
I believe that because I enjoy being a rep, it in turn helps me better and sustain my sales. If you believe in what you’re doing and taking action, how can it fail? I believe there are two main things that will help anyone with their sales and they are:
- Customer Service! I cannot emphasize this enough! My customers are the sole reason I exist as a rep. Without them, how could I be a rep? I really try to make them feel most important and they are! When they arrive each month, I like to ask them, “How are you doing? Have you been satisfied with your past orders?” I also like to take a personal interest in them. They are my friends!
- Dedication! You’ve all heard the saying, “You get out of it what you put into it!” It’s so true! I have tried hard each month to make sure all my catalogs are out (and now that catalogs are mailed for us, that customers have received their catalog in the mail). I think if you make the effort to reach your customers, they in turn do the same. I send emails out informing my customers of specials, hot deals, order deadlines, and upcoming drawings and events. I feel that if anyone is like me (Forgetful Kenzee) they want reminders! But make sure that any contact you have with your customers is not pushy in anyway. They are not a dollar sign to me. Remember, they are important!
I believe that if you believe in your cause, you cannot fail. Be dedicated to your cause and your job. I recently had a booth at a local boutique and I could not believe the response I got from our little town of Kemmerer! If people see how engaged you are in your product and job, they’ll want to investigate. If you haven’t tried getting out there…do! It’s a great way to get people informed! All you have to do is act! I hope what I have shared will help you in your upcoming sales. Good luck!
Special Offers Flyers 2016
These are the monthly Special Offers Flyers you can hand out/email to your customers each month.
Catalog #12, 2016 Special Offers Flyer-12 2016
Catalog #11, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 11 2016
Catalog #10, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 10 2016
Catalog #9, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 09 2016
Catalog #8, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 08 2016
Catalog #7, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 07 2016
Catalog #6, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 06 2016
Catalog #5, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 05 2016
Catalog #4, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 04 2016
Catalog #3, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 03 2016
Catalog #2, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 02 2016
Catalog #1, 2016 Special Offers Flyer – 01 2016
Check out this video on how to put your contact information and sales tax percentages on these .pdf files before you print them off for your customers.
Are you Ready for the New Year?
Are you ready for the New Year? It’s here whether you are ready or not.
As I reflected on my last years goals for Alison’s Pantry, I remembered wanting to be more organized in my office to aid in being more efficient for my customers. This is an ongoing goal for most business women. As business women and men we try to do it all and sometimes feel like we fall short. One of the ways that helped me to feel more organized and productive was to organize a quick and efficient way to store the information on my computer, helping me to locate it when I needed it. Most of us don’t have time to wade through thousands of computer files, emails, texts and messages. Knowing that organization is a learned and practiced skill, as your RSM’s we are planning on focusing on ways to improve this area of business during the month of January. We will teach you what works for us and new ways to organize and make your home based business work better for you. Below you will find the system that I use which works great for me, I think that it can work well for you too. Please feel free to make adjustments and use as you would like. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment or ask your questions on our Face Book groups. Happy Selling!!
How to Organize your Computer Files for your AP business.
One of the hardest things to do is manage your business; the most important thing you can do is to set up a system that you understand and is easy to use. Start with a filing system for your home office.
I recommend a system with hanging file folders for your office. Have a file for each catalog IE. Catalog #1-2016. You will want to include these hard copy items in each file.
1. A copy of the AP catalog
2. A copy of your sales invoice with the demo products or giveaways highlighted.
3. A copy of the AP invoice that came with your order.
4. Any credit invoices that you had from returns for that month.
5. A copy of the Tax report for your taxes.
6. I also include any copies that I may need for my customers, receipts from business expenses and mileage reports.
When you finish up a catalog, you will want to keep a copy of the catalog, your tax report, your personal order, and your AP invoice. I also keep any business expense receipts with the packet. Then I clip it together and place it in a file in my office. If I used any items for a demo or sample, I would highlight the item number and cost on my invoice for tax purposes. Also if I gave any items as a gift for a customer for contest, that also can be adjusted on your taxes. I also keep any mileage or postage receipts that I may have gotten in the packet for your taxes
Organize your Computer
Your computer is organized in files; usually most files are located in the documents file in your “C” drive. You will want to become familiar with your system to find out where your files are stored when you save them. After you locate the documents file, then you will want to make a sub folder for Alison’s Pantry (see example). After you make the folder you can then save your Alison’s Pantry items to that folder. I make sub folders in the AP main file for each catalog (see example) i.e. Catalog # 8.14
For example, AP order forms, invoices, personalized newsletters, special offer sheets, and any contests that might be in effect should be placed in the corresponding file. Then when the month is over and you no longer need it, make sure that you have hard copies of all of the important items you may need for taxes and then delete the file. I usually wait for 2 months before deleting, just to be sure I have all that I need out of it. Some reps place the current catalog file on the desktop to access it quicker. Then they just remove it after the month. I keep all of my catalogs and then file them in a yearly file, thereby allowing me to look back on past catalogs.
Check back for more ideas on organizing your email accounts….
Best Practices
Since this is the first month with all the changes, here are some reminders to help ensure great sales on Catalog #1.
- If you are in the Blue group, orders will close Monday Jan. 4th at 5 p.m. MST. All orders must be in by then. (Red group order deadline is Monday Jan. 18th). As a reminder, our catalogs are printed with the Saturday date prior to these deadlines, so your customers won’t wait until the last minute to place their orders. Since we’re adjusting customers to other changes, adjust them to ordering with you by Saturday to avoid a last-minute rush.
- Remember there are no more late orders, and educate your customers about this change.
- Be sure to call your customers and ask them if they’ve received their catalogs. If you are Blue Group and customers still have not received catalogs, contact them to verify their mailing address to make sure it is correct in Portals. You must have the mailing address in the pink fields, not the physical address, if they have a PO Box. If they still did not receive their catalog with everything correct in Portals, you will need to either give them a catalog (if you ordered extra ones), or encourage them to look at the catalog online for this month. Here is the link to our online catalog.
- Educate your customers on our new process. Guide them to their own order deadline on the back of their catalog so they’ll know where to find it each month.
- Remind customers about our special offer – for every $75 or more they buy, they qualify to purchase one 5 lb. bag of popcorn chicken for just $4.99!
- Ask for referrals! Anyone who refers a friend who orders $25 or more will receive FREE BROWNIES from Alison’s Pantry!
- Tell your customers about our BIGGEST SOUP SALE EVER! Remember to repost your beautiful Soup Supreme images on social media sites, or in your reminder e-mails to customers. Put that “soup-er” new product knowledge to work!
- Reminder phone calls, texts, emails, and Facebook posts are key. Ask for the sale, customers appreciate the reminder!
- Before the order closes – double check that all hot deals, overstock items, and special offers have been added. Add any contest prizes or samples you need for your customers.
- Save the report “Sales Order-All” to your computer and check each customer’s order to make sure it’s there. No one likes dropped orders!
- Make sure your order is above minimum to receive a commission.
- Don’t forget our Holiday Rep Appreciation Program has been extended and anyone whose order is above $2000 will receive a discount off of their own personal order!
Good luck on your orders this month!
Taking Great Food Pictures
I have a confession to make; I take awful photographs. If it’s people, someone’s head ends up getting cut off, or the picture is blurry. Usually I delegate picture taking to someone else. But taking great pictures of AP foods and adding it to your Facebook business page or an email can be a great way to build your business. People love to see what you are eating and are always looking for good ideas for their families. So with that in mind, here are some great tips to take better pictures of food:
- Use lots of natural lighting. Overhead lights cast a yellow glow and are not very appealing. Take pictures by a window.
- “Food shot on a small plate is better. It’s more balanced, more inviting, and appetizing when it fills up the plate.”
- Angle is important! Try tipping your camera at an angle to get the shot or shooting from directly overhead.
- Composition is everything. Limit distractions in the background. Add garnishes such as herbs to make the food more appealing.
- Keep it simple.
- Use an eclectic collection of dishes or glasses; experiment with the lighting, or by changing the white balance to alter the mood of the image.
It’s a great idea to take pictures while you are preparing the food, or your family eating the food. If your children cook, grab a picture of them making dinner. Adding pictures of your family and making it personal is more interesting and will get more engagement on Facebook. Here is a great example from company founder Alison Chuntz and her grandson, William Kissee:
Making waffles with little William. I’m always amazed at the ability of small children to cook and bake. It adds a lot of confidence to their life and it makes grandma happy too.
Good luck with taking great pictures for your Facebook marketing!
Here are a couple of resources I used that you can check out for more information: