Jeannie Sykes, Winnemucca, Nevada

Hi, I am Jeannie Sykes and I am a rep. in Winnemucca, Nevada. I am a Mom to 3 boys and grandma to 6 wonderful grandkids. I was an Alison’s Pantry customer long before I became a rep. I loved the products and the convenience of them. Our boys still come by to raid the freezer for their favorite items.  

When my second rep was giving it up I talked to my husband about it. With his support I took on being an Alison’s Pantry rep. I had been a stay at home care provider for my Mother-in-law for the last ten years. This was something that would work around that and get me around people again. When we lost her last year I know that working Alison’s Pantry helped me pull through the loss. I had a reason to get up and face the day.  

When our shipment arrives it is usually just my husband, Jim and I working it. But summers are a different story. The grandkids argue over who gets to help with unloading, sorting, catalog prep (labels and flyer insert), and getting the mailed out ones ready. These loves of my life range in ages- 15, 13, 11, 6 and 18 months. They all love to spend time with us to meet and greet the customers and help with their orders.  

I try to keep ahead of the order week with texting, email, Facebook and the phone calls right up until the order closes or they tell me “not this month.” I let them know if something they like is on sale or something new they might want to try. On my first weekend of pick ups I try to have something for them to sample. I also have snacks for the kids who come with the parents or grandparents (curious George fruit snacks, granola bars, cookies and such).  I follow up with my new customers to see how they like the product they are trying.  I send birthday, anniversary, get well, and cheer up/thinking of you card to my customers. I do have drawings and prizes but not every month. I will do early order, first to pick up, bring a friend when they pick up, etc. I always offer 10% off for a referral who also places an order.

My last drawing was for those who used our new website and placed an order themselves. I also do deliveries to my day cares, seniors, and a few schools and businesses. I leave catalogs at my groomers, hair salons, doctors offices. I make sure to get the webinars watched and enjoy the Q&A sections. I also check the Facebook pages, blog and academy sites daily to see what is going on.

I can’t believe that I have been doing this for 4 years. I really enjoy it and

I’ve made so many friends since I started. I hope to keep doing it until I can’t.  My replacement is waiting for me to quit. She needs to finish school first. Thank you to all of the RSM’s, Office and warehouse people who make this such a great company to work with.  Your appreciated more then you know!


Ideas to Help Customers LOVE Online Ordering

We finally have it!  Our new online ordering program!  And we hope ALL of you are loving it!  But if you and your customers are struggling with it, here are some tips and ideas to help you and your customers enjoy it more.

Embrace it!  This is how we will be ordering from now on and it really is easy once you learn how.

Be enthusiastic about it!  If you are excited about our new ordering program and share that excitement with your customers, they are more likely to love it too!  Anytime you talk about it, share what you love about it – easy to use, can see everything that is available in the catalog, Hot Deals, Overstock Items, Gluten Free items, etc.  We have pictures for everything plus descriptions, baking directions, nutritional information, etc.  All the information you customers will need at their fingertips!  (If you find something missing, please let the office know.)

Educate yourself and your customers!  If you haven’t watched the training videos yet or need a refresher course on them, here are the links to the videos for sales reps and customers:

Sales Reps – Sales Rep Training – New Ordering Program(20 minutes long)

Customers – Customer training  (8 minutes long)

**Share this video with your customers.  Educate them so they will be more likely to go online and place their own order because they will know how.  Have the program up and available when customers come to pick up their orders.  Take a minute to show them how easy it is for them to place an order and to find out information on items they are interested in buying.  Offer an incentive to those willing to place their first order online!  (Incentives could be – $1 off their next order; have a drawing and give away a prize such as an AP item, FREE delivery of that order, $5 off their next order, etc.)

Website Main Page

IMPORTANT – If your customers really don’t want to place their orders online themselves, you can still place their order for them just as you always have!  I actually offer to do exactly that.  This is an example of what I say in my email order reminders to my customers – “Order deadline is almost here!  Please let me know if you need anything this time.  And, if you love ordering online, you can now place your own order!  Just sign in on MY ACCOUNT with your email and your password (first time users use the password 123123).  I will need your payment information to process your order.  You can pay with a credit card, debit card or bank account (ACH).  Payments will be processed the Friday after we close this order.  I look forward to helping you get our fabulous products!!”

Encourage customers to pay for their own orders.  Having prepared my customers for this new online ordering program so they were ready to pay for their own orders when the time came, I can honestly say “I LOVE not having to collect money from my customers!!!!!”  It is such a relief to not stress about getting money collected and in the bank by Day 10!  And my customers love that they don’t have to remember their checkbook or credit card.  Many have commented how nice it is to just stop by and grab their order.

I know there are some of you who want to pay for your customers’ orders with your own credit card so you can earn extra points/sky miles/etc. and some of you have thought your customers would NOT be okay with the changes and you would lose business if you asked them to pay for their own order so you are paying for their orders and still collecting when they pick up, but I would like to give you a few ideas on how to encourage customers to pay for their order if you ever want to change what you are doing.

Woman ordering

3 Ways to Pay – Let your customers know they now have three different ways to pay for their orders – credit card, debit card, or bank account (ACH)!

With a credit card, the customer can earn extra points/sky miles/bonuses by using their own card to pay for their order.  They have 30-60 days to pay for the charge on their card and it helps them build credit.  When paying with a credit card, their payment will be “authorized” by verifying the card belongs to them, the billing address in their profile matches the credit card’s billing address, and there are enough funds at the time the order is placed to cover that order.  **

With a debit card, the program will also “authorize” the payment the same as a credit card but the money will come out of a bank account when the payment is processed the Friday AFTER we close that order. **

If customers want to pay with a bank account (ACH), the customer’s bank routing number and bank account number are entered.  (These numbers are at the bottom left of the customer’s checks.  Anyone they have ever given a check to has seen these numbers so they are not “secret”.)  The program will check that the bank account belongs to the person paying for the order by verifying their billing address (which needs to be the same in the billing address section of the payment screen).  It does not check the balance in the account. **

**When payment information is entered at the time an order is placed, the payment DOES NOT post to that card or account nor does it put a pending hold on those funds at that time.  ALL payment will be processed the Friday AFTER we close your Group’s order each month.  Orders now close on Mondays at midnight MST.   (I tested paying for orders each of these different ways and Credit Card charges showed on my account the following Monday, Debit Card charges and ACH showed on my account on Tuesday or Wednesday of delivery week.)

Time and Money

Saves Time and Money – If you have customers who do not want to pay for their order because they don’t want their account information online or they don’t understand how it works, be patient as you try to explain how it works:

1.  When a customer pays you for their order with a check, once you deposit it into your bank, the money is transferred from their account to your account over a secure internet site.  Someone from your bank does not physically walk over to their bank and withdraw the money and then go back to your bank to deposit it into your account.  Alison’s Pantry’s order payments are processed by Heartland Clark (the same company that prints checks for many financial institutions) and they process those payments on a very secure SSL site, just like your customers’ banks do.  It is also a faster process for customers to pay Alison’s Pantry directly by taking you out of the payment process.

Customer pays rep –> rep deposits to their bank –> $ from customer bank to rep bank –> $ from rep bank to AP’s bank.

Customer pays AP online –> $ from customer’s account to AP’s bank.

2.  Because the customer’s payment does not process until the Friday after the order closes and before the order ships to you the following week, the customer is paying for their order less than a week earlier than if they were paying you directly when they pick up their order.  **This is, of course, based on the customer picking up their order in a timely manner instead of leaving you waiting for them to stop by and pay you for 1, 2, 4 or more weeks later.

3.  Because the customer’s payment is processed electronically, they don’t have to use up a paper check to pay you and can save it to pay for something else which, over time, will save them money.  It also saves you from having to deal with NSF’s if they write you a bad check.  (Alison’s Pantry will take care of these if it happens although they may ask for your help in collecting funds if they cannot get hold of the customer.  **Your job is to NOT let the customer have their food until their payment clears.)

4.  Not having to collect order payments also gives YOU more time to work your business!  When customers pick up their orders, instead of having to focus on getting their order payment, you can focus on building a stronger relationship with them,  discussing their purchases and giving them ideas on how to use the products, letting them sample something while you are collecting their order, sharing upcoming events like webinars or holidays they will want to purchase items for, etc.

Ultimately, we are extremely excited to have our new website and online ordering program!  With time, we hope every one of you and your customers will love it too!!

Becky Price, RSM

Meet Beverly Atherley

I have been selling Alison’s Pantry for around two years.   My daughter was selling it when her life changed drastically and she didn’t have the energy to keep up so I took over her customers. My granddaughter, Emily had a reaction to the HPV shot and now can’t be left alone.  She has daily seizures, no movement on the right side, and hasn’t spoken in two years. So I spend a lot of my time with her and this allows me the freedom to do that and have a little extra income.  It has been a long two years but Alison’s Pantry has been so supportive as my family has traveled this path.
  I have 4 children, 2 daughters-in-law, 2 sons-in law, 10 grandchildren, and one husband. We are retired and enjoy taking off when we can to camp and ride in our side by side. I love to craft.  Painting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, and gardening are some of my favorite things to do.  I always have some kind of project if not two or three in the works. I am getting back into family history and spend every Tuesday in Salem,UT working on this with my sister.
I live in West Jordan, Utah and I have a lot of competition from the big box stores as well as several grocery stores close by.  I have had some people say to me that they can get anything in the catalog in the store for less.  This mindset required a bit of thought from me to find what AP offers for my customers that the stores don’t.  First thing I did was try something new each month so that I could answer questions and make recommendations.  Since many of my customers are elderly with health issues,  shopping is hard for them. This allows me to make deliveries to these families.  They can shop the catalog and get food without leaving home.  I carry the items into the house so they can easily deal with their order.   On my group’s order week, I call, text, Face Book message or email everyone on Monday before order close to let them know when the order deadline is,  then remind them on Wednesday, and on Saturday.   I always ask about how they are doing before I ask about Alison’s.  In my texts I comment about something  before I bring up Alison’s.  For instance “Hope your summer has been full of fun.  Fall is in the air and the Alison’s catalog is full of fall specials.  This is order week!”
 I haven’t held contests but offer more incentive type rewards.  I have given 10% off if they share their catalog with a friend and they both order over $25.  Currently,  I am refunding 1/2 of the shipping if they order over $100 on their order.   Little samples sent home once in a while gives them a fun surprise with their order.  I offer to keep orders if they are not going to be here when it comes in.  I make sure to be available when they want to pick up their orders.   If there is an issue with their order I give them something extra.  (Webinar gifts were great for this)   Also, I try to make them my main concern and not the order.  My customers are what’s important and I try to remember that and not just worry about the orders.
I love the food, the ease of preparing it, and how wonderful it tastes.  But most of all, it is the people who make Alison’s great.  Thanks for letting me be part of it.
Reps like Beverly is what makes Alison’s Pantry great! Thank you for being such an important part of our company. We couldn’t do it without you.
  Stacee Izatt RSM

Webinar #11: Cooking with leftovers, Holiday ideas, and Festive Finger Foods

Introducing the professional chef Alex, who is Stacee’s son!  This webinar he covers two dishes using our great Alison’s Pantry products.  There is a bonus video of the third dish below that we couldn’t add to the webinar because of time constraints.  So if you want to view that, please click below.  The 2nd part […]

This month’s webinars are some more great cooking ideas with our RSMs.  We have three videos today.  The first is from Julie, where she shows us how to use our holiday leftovers for meals later.  The second video is from Stacee.  She shows us some great baking ideas for the holidays.  Third is from Becky and she shows us some great ideas for Finger foods and appetizers using our products.  Enjoy the movie!


Below are the handouts from the webinar.  I hope you enjoyed them!

Cooking with leftovers

Holiday Leftovers Recipes

Holiday idea recipes

Nutmeg Sauce, Buttermilk Syrup and Flipping Good Pancakes

Festive Finger Foods

Festive Finger Foods Recipes


Freezer Meals For Customers

Tasha Losing and her mom

Tasha Losing had a fantastic idea to offer freezer meals to her customers using Alison’s Pantry foods.  Here it is in her words:

The idea came to me while scrolling through Pinterest, I got most of my freezer recipes from there! The post was about how to freeze potatoes without them browning and I thought to myself how much easier these recipes would be with AP products, already frozen and some already cut and precooked! I then asked a few of my customers if they would be interested in coming to a freezer meal workshop and I had some interest.

I created a Facebook event inviting all my customers, offering 18 freezer recipes that I would show how to make (I suggest doing fewer or planning to make it a full day event). I did allow those customers who raise their own beef to bring it. I had 8 commit to coming to the event and they had to pay a $50 retainer. I did have to buy a few things at the local store that we don’t offer like sour cream and a few canned goods but most of the meals I was able to substitute AP products in. I had the event start at 1pm offering a few sample AP products like brownies and cookies. I asked them all to bring a friend to help and hired my sister to babysit kids in my basement while we made these meals.

Everyone enjoyed putting the meals together and didn’t have to worry about the mess to clean up.

I did all the calculations for the recipes and how much product I would need ordered per recipe. I did subtract the cost of the ground beef off for those who brought their own. I then divided the total cost between 8. I knew we would have some left over AP products and I allowed my customers to split and take home the extras. I did learn with cooking the chicken and pork from the cases they cooked faster than the recipes called for. I also learned that by doing my freezer show my sales where up the month I did the show but those who attended didn’t order the next month because they had full freezers.

The freezer meals are a great way to bond with your customers and see what they like about our products. Timing is also key, I planned my workshop just before calving to helping many some ranch wives out who help and are very busy.

I would love to answer any questions and take any suggestions for the next one I do!

Tasha Losing


My Alison’s Pantry Pinterest board-

Here are the recipes and the grocery list:

Tasha’s chicken freezer meals

Tasha’s beef freezer meals

Tasha’s pork freezer meals

grocery list freezer meals-detailed


A Letter From Our Owner


Dear Alison’s Pantry reps-

In an effort to address some concerns that have been brought to my attention I thought I would share my response with all of our reps. I really appreciate the opportunity to have an open dialogue with all of you; even if it’s a difficult subject.

So, here’s the problem a lot of our reps are up against-
“I have been price comparing at the local Sam’s here to see why a lot of my customers seem to be getting their groceries somewhere else and I have to admit I am now one of those customers.”

I have to admit when I first read this I felt pretty bad. This certainly isn’t the first time I’ve heard of our pricing being higher than big box stores like Costco, WalMart, and Sam’s Club. We’ve lost some great reps and customers due to low prices at club stores; however, I wanted to address that with everyone today.

Let me be honest with you: Alison’s Pantry will probably never be able to compete on price with the multibillion dollar big box stores. They can buy in product for such a low cost that at times we can buy it from them cheaper than we can directly from our vendors!!! We’re not the only business this is happening to either. Our food brokers are constantly getting complaints from their buyers that they see prices from club stores that are cheaper than what they buy them directly from the vendors. The poor food brokers never know what to say because they and I feel that it’s not fair that a food manufacturer give big box stores a massive discount just because they can buy in huge volumes. It makes us feel like we’re not an important customer.

Unfortunately I can’t control any of that, but I can control my attitude and how I react to problems. I hope you’ll join with me to consider what makes Alison’s Pantry awesome.

1- Alison’s Pantry uses a sales force (representatives) to sell our products. We pay a commission to our sales force for selling our products. You not only receive a discount on everything you buy, but you get paid a commission for everything you sell. Our commission might be lower than other MLM businesses, but how many of those businesses have the repeat customers like we have? With other businesses once you’ve run out of your warm market it becomes extremely difficult to continue selling.
Our product sells itself and everyone needs to eat…….month after month…….after month…..after month…..well, you get the idea. ☺

2- Sam’s Club and Costco both charge you a membership fee where Alison’s Pantry is free. (you have to pay $45 to $100 just to walk in the door) Most customers forget about this cost and while it’s not too expensive, that’s how the club stores make their money.

3- Alison’s Pantry delivers the product to your home whereas you have to drive to the big box stores. Our rural reps have an edge on the competition because it can be a long drive to the nearest club store. Here is an example of a store being 75 miles away: If you use standard mileage tracking of 53.5-cents per mile it’s really costing you $80.25 per trip. I know you may say that you were driving there anyway, but the fact of the matter is that you’re paying for a home delivery with Alison’s Pantry versus having to drive 150 miles. In this situation it’s costing you time and convenience.

4- If your customers don’t have a membership then compared to other similar options like Schwan’s we are much better priced; and believe me not everyone in America has a club membership.

5- Most customers (I know, not all customers) are willing to pay a higher price on products because it helps their neighbor. That’s what Alison’s Pantry was founded on. People like to buy from someone they know because you also provide a service. You have knowledge about the product in how to prepare it and you also provide a social aspect -that if you’ll forgive me for saying so- we’re desperately in need of
in this day and age.

6- Alison’s Pantry is constantly striving to find unique products that you can’t get anywhere else. Most of our products are foodservice which means they are a much higher quality than what you’ll find at other grocery stores. Sometimes there is almost no comparison to our products vs ‘Great Value’ items. The old saying “You get what you pay for” rings very true in those situations. If your customers say that they can purchase this product somewhere else that’s fine, but point out all the other products we have. We stock over 800 items and a good portion of those can’t be found in big box stores. If you have a mentality of: “There’s something for everyone in our catalog” then you’ll have a much easier time selling the product. The reason we spend so much time and effort in training our reps is because it adds value to you and our products. Customers aren’t just buying food; they are buying knowledge and convenience. We pay reps an average commission of 16% and which needs to be added onto the cost of product so we can make a profit. We NEED you to sell the product, but in order to pay you a commission we need to charge more for the product. See how that works? If we didn’t have to pay reps commission and charged a $45 to $100 membership fee our pricing would be quite a bit lower, however, then we wouldn’t have a sales force.

Anyways, hopefully I have explained the difference between Alison’s Pantry and most other big box retailers. I know there are some customers where the only thing they care about is the cost, but that’s not where we can compete. Our reps are our greatest asset, but if you’ve lost the vision of what makes Alison’s Pantry awesome then it might be time to reassess and remember what makes us different. Thanks for your time and I welcome
your comments.


Joshua Kissee, Co-Owner

Pamela Schilling – Upton, Wyoming

I’m Pam Schilling and, my husband, Steve, and I live on the family ranch north of Upton, Wyoming.  Life is never dull or the same from day to day here!  We have a commercial Angus cow/calf operation, and all the ranch duties that involves! Our family has been truly blessed to be able to grow up in the fresh air and beautiful country! Steve and I married in 2003 and combined our family with my two kids, Travis and Mandy.  Both are adults now and Travis added to the family with his wife, Shenna. They in turn gave us two beautiful grandchildren that bring laughter and sunshine into our lives.

Becoming an AP Rep was totally unexpected; I had never thought about it until my name was brought up to the regional manager!  I haven’t regretted it – I have a wonderful customer base and have made some great friends! I try very hard to have good communication with ALL of them.  So many of them thank me every time I call, text or email them to remind them the due date is near.  Having been a customer first, I know I always appreciated a reminder – life gets busy and we are all prone to forgetting from time to time!  I also find being flexible with delivering orders is much easier than just a set date and time.  Life not only gets busy, it happens, and there are times that you cannot make the appointed time. I try not to make extra trips, but incorporate having to make a trip to town with delivering the groceries!!  In turn they reciprocate by coming to the ranch if it happens again!!

Since I make a lot of my meals from scratch, some of my favorite products are the pre-made ones… #7944 mashed potatoes are wonderful and easy to make, and the #7151 frozen doughnuts are a particular favorite around here anytime, but especially on the weekends!!

My sales have picked up!  I tried everything at first – ads in the newspaper, going to craft fairs, etc., but the best advertisement for me was my customers!! The food sells itself; it is wonderful!!  I try to provide the best customer care service I can.  Together it seems to have been a good combination because I have gotten more new customers through word of mouth than any printed ads!!  Thanks Alison’s Pantry for giving me something that I enjoy doing!!