5 Things To Do Consistently To Be Successful with Alison’s Pantry

lady with phone checking email.png


  1. Read Your Email.  We try not to send out too many emails but the ones we send have important updates and other necessary items you need to know to be successful in your Alison’s Pantry business.  Are you wondering why that item won’t go into portals? The explanation is in an email.  Are you looking for the 2017 delivery schedule?  It’s in your email.

For those of you who have a Gmail account, Gmail automatically sorts your emails into folders.  You need to check all of your folders to find your Alison’s Pantry emails.  AP emails sometimes go to your Promotions folder (see picture below).  Keeping up with your AP emails consistently will help you be confident in the information you have to offer your customers.



2. Contact your customers and follow up every month. You will hear it over and over from the reps who are most successful; they contact their customers on a regular basis.  People love AP products but usually won’t place an order until you remind them to do so.  They are grateful for the reminder; it’s good customer service.


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3. Reach out to new customers.  Customers’ budgets change. Customers die.  Or move away.  There are lots of reasons to regularly build your customer base and lots of ways to do that.  Getting new customers each month is a great way to have consistently high sales.



4. Ask for referrals.  Hands down the very best way to get new customers is to ask your current customers for referrals.  People trust their friends.  So don’t be afraid to ask for help getting new customers!  Try this: “Will you share your catalog with your friends at work?  I will give you free shipping on your order when you give me a new customer who places an order.”  Easy peasy.  Then FOLLOW UP.  Follow up is key.  Later in the month when you contact that customer say, “Did you get a chance to share the catalog at work? Was there anyone who wanted to place an order?”




5. Attend Webinars.  The webinars are fun and informative.  We train on Alison’s Pantry products, how to use them, and how to sell more of them. We also give great tips on how to build your Alison’s Pantry business.  Consistently attending webinars builds your confidence, your knowledge,  and your ability to be a great Alison’s Pantry representative.


Consistency works.  The more consistently you do the important things the more consistent your sales will be!


Be Nourished Flyers

As of September 2018 our Be Nourished Flyer is being discontinued and replaced with our Enewsletter Delicious Living.

Be sure you and your customers are signed up for our Emails in order to receive great recipe ideas and other product offers!



Our Be Nourished flyer will help you share featured products and offers with your customers for the upcoming catalog.  It includes meal-planning helps as well! We want to help make family meals more nourishing, in every way possible. Meal time is all about our families!

clickimageNew to the Be Nourished Flyer!:  The Be Nourished flyer will now be created bimonthly to cover 2 catalogs. The newest one covers both 7 & 8.

Send this beautiful flyer to your customers by email or post it on your Facebook page!  It now has interactive links to all the products!

Catalog 7&8 Be Nourished Flyer:  Flyer7-2018


Catalog 5 Be Nourished Flyer:  Flyer5-2018.pdf

Catalog 4 (2018) Be Nourished Flyer:  Flyer4-2018.pdf

Catalog 3 (2018) Be Nourished Flyer:  Flyer3-2018.pdf

Catalog 2 (2018) Be Nourished Flyer:  Flyer2-2018.pdf (updated 1/15/2018)

Catalog 1 (2018) Be Nourished Flyer:  PDF

Download the most recent Be Nourished Flyer

Put your name, email and phone number in between the lines.

Remember you can add your name and info to the PDF and then save it as a JPEG for posting on social media or texting!

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #12:

Flyer12-PDF,   Flyer-JPG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #11:

Flyer11-PDF , Flyer-PNG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #10:  

Flyer-PDFFlyer -PNG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #9: PDF, JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #8: PDF, JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #7: PDF, JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #6:  PDF, JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #5:  PDF, JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #4:  PDF (editable), JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #3: PDF (editable)JPEG

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #2:  PDF (editable)

Be Nourished Flyer for Catalog #1:  PDF (editable)

We’re excited to introduce our revamped “Special Offers” Flyer that will now be called the “Be Nourished Flyer”.
Watch our December webinar  from Catalog #1 to learn how this new flyer will tie into our catalogs each month, and help improve your marketing to customers.
In 2017, we’ll be doing more to help families make meal-planning easier, and celebrating how family meals nourish relationships as well as bodies.







Meet Lori in the AP Office


We would like you to meet Lori from the AP Office, if you have ever phoned the office it is her voice that you will likely hear at the other end of the phone. Lori has been with Alison’s Pantry for about 10 months, but even though relatively new to AP, you would never guess it. She has helped out in so many ways. She is the reason we have the beautiful special offer sheets and gift tags for the customer appreciation, she is very proficient at publishing programs and helps the RSM’s to look more professional in our correspondence with all of you.

Lori is so good at what she does because she loves her job.  The hardest thing about her job is that she can’t always get everyone everything they need and want. She often expresses her feelings about this by using emoji’s.  🙂

Lori is married to her husband Nate of 14 years; they have 2 sweet boys that are 8 ½ and 13 years old, and a yellow lab named Sunny.

Lori likes to read in her spare time, but lately says “she ran out of spare time”.  She also loves photography and doing crafty things.

Lori’s favorite AP products are the Pilgrim’s Chicken Breast Patties and the Piccadilly Fries.  It’s a must to STOCK them in her freezer. She has enjoyed finding different ways to use both of these products from Chicken Parmesan to Shepherd’s pie her family loves them both.

Her favorite family meal so far is a new product that will be coming in Catalog #1, it’s the Foster Farms Sauté Ready Fajita Marinated Chicken Breast Strips- They were able to sample them and loved how easy and delicious they were in the fajitas!

Thanks Lori, for going the extra mile and making a difference in all of our lives!


A Clean Work Location is Good Business!

Your order is being delivered tomorrow.  You go down your checklist to make sure you are ready.  Invoices printed – Check.  Freezers on and cleaned out – Check.  Work location clean – ?????

Part of preparing to receive your Alison’s Pantry order each month is to make sure that your work location, where you do your business and customers come to get their product, is clean and pleasant to the sight and smell.  You want your customers’ experience picking up their order to be a positive one so they will feel confident in telling others about you and Alison’s Pantry.  Word of mouth is the BEST way to grow your business so we want everything your customers share with others to be positive about you and Alison’s Pantry.

BUT, one thing that will quickly destroy your business is a dirty, disorganized work location!  When customers come to pick up their order, what do they see?

This??  (Unclean, disorganized)




Or something close to this?!!  (Clean, organized)




Wherever you do business, it must be clean and organized!  It looks good and smells good so that customers are not wondering if their food is okay.  The last thing you or Alison’s Pantry wants is to hear complaints from customers about the dirty condition of your work location.  **Sales reps have lost customers because of an unclean work location, especially their home.  And we really don’t want to see there be any issues that would involve the Health Department because that would shut you and potentially the whole company down immediately!

I also want to discuss the handling of your pets, if you have any, during order pickup. Please make sure your dogs are not running loose with the potential to jump up on your customers.  It would be best to make sure they are outside penned up or in a room with the door closed while customers are over. Cats also if you have customers who are sensitive or allergic to their hair or dander.  Also, do not place customers’ orders near cat litter boxes or animal food dishes or on tables with dirty dishes or other unpleasant items.

Again, we want your customers’ experience when they pickup up their food order to be a pleasant and positive experience that will be shared with others and will help to build and strengthen your Alison’s Pantry business.  So, please make sure a clean work location is a top priority each month when you are dealing with your Alison’s Pantry delivery and order pickup!

Becky Price, RSM

Lori Miskin, Rockland, Idaho


Meet Lori Miskin.  She is an amazing rep who is always going the extra mile with her customers.  lori-miskin

We have a “Yours, Mine and Ours” kind of family with a total of six kids ranging from age 19 (playing basketball in college in Colorado) down to a little 4 year old (who recently severely broke his arm). With high school boys, a junior high teenage daughter and elementary kids, you can imagine we are super busy!! Volleyball, choir concerts, football, church responsibilities, basketball, school plays, cross country, room mother duties, track, band concerts, and the list goes on and on!! I really wanted something to do to earn some money for our family but dreaded daycare for my littles and couldn’t imagine having any time to work.

Alison’s Pantry was a PERFECT fit for me! I was able to take over for the previous rep 2 1/2 years ago and continue to (slowly) build the business in our very small rural town and a bigger neighboring town, too. I love being home and still earning a little extra income. Even though sales fluctuate from month to month, I feel that I continue to improve. I make special effort to remember things my customers talk to me about and ask them later how that went for them. I also check with them when their favorite items are on sale to improve my sales. They trust my opinion and I’m always honest with them. I always do reminder calls, emails and texts. I think that makes a HUGE difference.

I take advantage of the tools AP offers to us as reps, like the webinars, Julie’s fabulous expertise, the fair kit, the beautiful images for facebook and I can’t wait to squeeze in a tasting party or two.

I especially love our cooking products like the parchment paper, the cookie sheets and the cast iron cookware. We offer things you can’t find in the stores. Alison’s Pantry is a unique opportunity for customers and reps alike. I’m so glad they found me!!

The Dreaded Phone Call



One of the hardest parts of this business for a rep is the dreaded phone call. Why is it so hard to pick up the phone and talk to a person? What are we all afraid of? One of the reasons it is so hard to call a customer is that we feel that we are intruding on that person’s space and time. We are afraid of potential rejection. One of the easiest ways to overcome this is to change the thought process regarding phone calls and to practice.



With every contact that you make you will risk getting a “NO” as the result. “Yes or No” you will want to   analyze it and see what works and what doesn’t.  Was the call successful? Why?  If it wasn’t successful, is there a better way to say it?

As a sales rep you are in the business of contact. You must contact your potential customers in order to receive the sales. If you wait until the customer contacts you, you will miss out on 75% of your sales. You must contact them to be successful.  So the easiest way to push through the discomfort is to practice and prepare.  Here are a few suggestions to help you maneuver the hard parts.


Think positively! If you think about your phone call as a service you provide to your customer to remind her to place her order, then it’s not like you are bothering her, but you are helping her to remember. Even the dentist office calls you as a reminder. You don’t think that they feel like they are bothering you, do you? If they didn’t call they would have a very large “No Show” in their office. You don’t want a “No Show” order do you?

Develop your greeting, make it personal yet professional.  Allow the other party to participate in the call; don’t just jump in to it. Be personal first then professional and ask them after you have found out about their day or situation. Thank them for taking the time to talk to you, confirm with them that you know that their time is valuable and you want to respect it.  Ask them if they wanted anything on the order; let them know that you don’t want them to miss out on our great products and life is so busy that you know that it might have slipped their minds. Let them know that you want to make sure that they are happy with our products and they can get them when they want them. Remind them of the special offers and the “can’t miss out deal” that we are offering them.

Here are a couple of example scripts that you can make your own. You will want to practice and make them feel like they flow and come easy to you. Remember practice makes perfect.


“Hi, ____________. This is __________, from Alison’s pantry. How are things going for you?  Do you have a minute?  I wanted to make sure that you received your catalog and had a chance to look it over; I know how crazy busy life gets every day.

Yes, they looked and want to order= Are you ready with your order? If so I can get that on the system for you.    Did they qualify for any of the bonus buys, or would they benefit from items to use with something they ordered? Remember to pair our items to help them utilize our products in the best way.

No, hasn’t looked at it yet = No problem, I can call you back, when would be a good time for me to call you? Call her back within a timely manner and if she doesn’t answer then shoot her a text to remind her of the order once again. (It’s not being pushy it’s going the extra service mile!)

Don’t want anything this month= that’s ok; I just didn’t want you to miss out if you did want something. If you change your mind and remember something you need, let me know by ___________ and I can put it on for you. I will make sure you get a catalog and will call you again next month.

After answering them accordingly, make sure to thank them for their order and to explain when the order will be ready for them and to that you will send them a confirmation.


The most important thing is to be yourself, make your script feel like it flows and feels real. You can adjust this script as you need, it is only a suggestion. Find what works for you, but most important is DO IT!  Good luck and Happy Hello!


Webinar: Easy meal planning, Christmas treats, and tips for upselling

We just concluded another fabulous week of webinars, and these were especially fun because they not only offered great recipe and menu ideas, but also practical tips to increase your holiday sales.   Enjoy!













Products leaving after #12

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It’s hard to believe we’re already making plans for Christmas, but it’s true!  After Catalog #12, the following products will be leaving our catalogs. Please let your customers know about these changes so they can stock up on any favorites before they’re gone.  Please note that we’re discontinuing some of our spices as well.

11-7848              Daily’s Hickory Smoked Boneless Mini Pit Ham 7-9lbs EACH–seasonal item; will return #10 or #11, 2017

11-4054              Norbest Sweetheart Boneless Turkey Breast 8-10 lb, Cook in Bag–seasonal item; we will assess success of this product line after Catalog #12. The soonest it will return will be #11, 2017.

11-4124              Norbest Ground Turkey Family Pack 5 / 1 lb.–seasonal item; we will assess success of this product line after Catalog #12. The soonest it will return will be #11, 2017.

11-3428              Norbest Traditional Ground Turkey Sausage 4 / 1 lb.–seasonal item; we will assess success of this product line after Catalog #12. The soonest it will return will be #11, 2017.

11-2511              Norbest Sweetheart Boneless Turkey Breast 6-8 lb., Netted–seasonal item; we will assess success of this product line after Catalog #12. The soonest it will return will be #11, 2017.

11-1747              Stouffer’s Classic Green Bean Mushroom Casserole 70oz Tray–seasonal item; will return #10 or #11, 2017

11-6918              Best Maid Mini Gingersnap Cookies Baked 320/.40 Oz. Case–product won’t likely be offered again. It is a Special Order item and delivery is challenging.

01-7975              San Saba Pecan Pie In A Jar 22Oz Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

01-9037              San Saba Pecan Praline Syrup/Topping 12 oz bottle–seasonal item; may not return.

02-4449              Lehi Roller Mills Cranberry Orange Scone Mix 1 lb bag–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-9010              Lehi Roller Mills Mint Truffle Brownie Mix–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-9011              Lehi Roller Mills Raspberry Pancake Mix–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-9012              Lehi Roller Mills Blueberry Pancake Mix–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-5211              Lehi Pride Buttermilk Pancake Mix & Marionberry Syrup–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-5010              Lehi Blueberry Pancake Mix & Blueberry Syrup–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-5011              Lehi Raspberry Pancake Mix & Raspberry Syrup–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

03-6400              AP Delectable Blueberry Muffin Mix 25 Lb. Bag–seasonal item; bulk mixes will be offered periodically throughout the year.

03-6401              AP Scrumptious Raspberry Muffin Mix 25 Lb. Bag

04-2070              Norpro Oven Gloves–haven’t yet determined whether this item will return; considering a different model.

04-2165              Norpro Stainless Steel Turkey Baster–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

04-2169              Norpro Nonstick Mini Pie Pans, Set of 4–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

04-2176              Norpro Mini Bread Pan–rotates periodically in the catalog

04-2187              Norpro Spoon-ita Taco Spoon–may return later in 2017

04-2520              Norpro Red Grip EZ Chopper Scraper–will return later in 2017

04-3017              Norpro Stuffed Treat Maker–product won’t be returning due to disappointing sales

04-7220              Norpro Silicone Pie Crust Shield Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

04-8438              Norpro Pastry Mat W/ Measures 19.5in X15.5in  Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

01-5892              Plentiful Pantry Pumpkin Cobbler 1/Order Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

01-1140              The Souperb Collection Soup Mix Gift Set–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

01-8054              AP Tortilla Soup & Cornbread Pack–seasonal item; will return #10 or #11, 2017

01-8055              AP Potato Soup & Beer Bread Pack–seasonal item; will return 10 or #11, 2017

01-8488              Plentiful Pantry HOLIDAY SHAPE Pasta Duo 2/12oz Bags–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

01-6309              Plentiful Pantry Teddy Bear Pasta 12 Oz. Bag–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-1167              Scrumptious Pumpkin Pie Almonds 16 oz tub–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-1190              Scrumptious Sweet & Salty Premium Holiday Nut Tray–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-2618              Scrumptious Chocolate Lovers Premium Nut & Candy Gift Box–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-2915              Scrumptious Cookies & Cream Caramels 14oz bag–will return later in 2017; removed so other candy options can rotate in.

02-2929              Scrumptious Cheesecake Caramels 14oz bag–will return later in 2017; removed so other candy options can rotate in.

02-3512              Scrumptious Large Holiday Candy & Nut Gift Tin–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-8547              Scrumptious Gold Coins Approx 80 Coins/14Oz Tub Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

04-3905              Victorio Nut Roaster–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-3906              Victorio Cinnamon Nut Glaze–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-3907              Victorio Toffee Nut Glaze–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-3908              Victorio Nut Roaster Bags–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-5265              Lindy’s Stainless Steel 9 in Pie Pan Heavy Duty Each–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-1004              AP Cinnamon Sticks 2 3/4″ 1Lb Heat Seal Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-1012              AP Pumpkin Pie Spice  1 Pound–seasonal item; will return next fall

04-1535              AP Mom’s Meatloaf Seasoning 1 Lb. Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-1752              AP Ground Sage  1 Pound Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-1820              AP Pronto Potato Salad Seasoning 1 Lb. Each–will only be offered during the summer.

04-1844              AP Cinnamon Ground Fancy 1 Lb. Container–removed due to low sales; available by the bag.

04-1848              AP Onions Minced 14 Oz. Container–removed due to low sales; we recommend 1847 which is a more popular onion product with customers (available by the container or bag).

04-1851              AP Garlic Salt Classic Blend 2.25 Lb. Container–removed due to low sales; available by the bag.

04-1896              AP Teriyaki Marinade & Rub 1 Lb. Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-2683              AP Green Bell Peppers 3/8″ 1/2 Lb. Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-2816              AP Mucho! Mexican Seasoning Mix 1 Lb. Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-3904              AP Italian ‘N Pizza Seasoning 10 Oz. Container–removed due to low sales.

04-5571              AP Ground Rosemary  1 Lb  Each–removed due to low sales.

04-5989              AP Chipotle Garlic Blend 1 Lb Each–removed due to low sales.

04-6110              AP Garlic Powder 1.25 Lb. Container–removed due to low sales; available by the bag.

04-8170              AP Roasted Garlic Granules 1Lb Bag–removed due to low sales.

04-8204              AP Toasted Onion Powder 1Lb Container–removed due to low sales.

04-8235              AP Roasted Garlic & Herb Blend 1Lb Container Each–removed due to low sales.

04-8550              AP Ground Nutmeg 1/2 Pound Bag–removed due to low sales; may be offered again for the holidays.

04-8247              AP Hamburger Seasoning–will only be offered during the summer

04-7225              ALL WRAPPED UP Gift Wrapping Tulle WHITE  6″x 25 yards  EACH–the All Wrapped Up gift wrap, tulle, and baker’s twine is available each year. Some colors of tulle return, and we choose new gift wrap prints to offer each year.

04-7910              ALL WRAPPED UP Gift Wrapping Tulle RED  6″x 25 yards  EACH

04-7993              All Wrapped Up Bakers Twine RED & WHITE 109 Yards Each

04-7994              All Wrapped Up Bakers Twine BLACK & WHITE 109 Yards Each

04-7980              All Wrapped Up Red & White Striped Tulle

04-8303              All Wrapped Up Clear Cello Wrap

04-7932              All Wrapped Up Gold Deer Head Premium Gift Wrap

04-7934              All Wrapped Up Gold and White Stripe Premium Gift Wrap

04-7936              All Wrapped Up Buffalo Check Premium Gift Wrap

04-7937              All Wrapped Up Merry & Bright Chalkboard Christmas Gift Wrap

04-7967              All Wrapped Up Vintage Truck Premium Gift Wrap

04-7973              All Wrapped Up Blue and White Snowflake Premium Gift Wrap

01-3006              Pioneer Valley Premium Hot Riotous Raspberry Jam 8 oz Jar

01-7894              UNCLE DENNY’S Gourmet Caramel Topping 17 oz JAR–will return in 2017

02-8013              Pioneer Valley Caramels Variety Pack 3/8 Oz Bag–will return in 2017

02-1702              J Morgan Heavenly Caramels Old Fashioned Butter Caramel 7oz–seasonal item; we will assess the sales on J Morgan treats after #12 and determine whether they will return next year.

02-1703              J Morgan Heavenly Caramels Vanilla Sea Salt Carmel 7oz

02-1704              J Morgan Heavenly Caramels Pecan Caramel 7oz

02-1705              J Morgan Heavenly Caramels Coconut Caramel 7oz

02-9014              J. Morgan Truffle Variety Pack 50t.

02-9016              J. Morgan Chocolate Covered Pecan Caramels 4.2 oz bag

02-9017              J. Morgan Chocolate Covered Sea salt Caramels 4.2 oz bag

02-9018              J. Morgan Chocolate Drizzle Popcorn Tubs 16oz

02-9019              J. Morgan Cashew Nut Brittle Popcorn Tubs  16oz.

02-9068              J Morgan Caramel Block 5lb–will return Fall 2017.

02-3008              Gilbert Pecan Company Aunt Janie’s Pecan Brittle 10 oz bag–we will assess the sales on this line after #12 and determine whether to offer it again next year for the holidays.  Due to sales so far, it sadly may not be back.  Be sure to orders some Toffee, Turtles, and especially some Sugar Pecans for yourselves!!

02-3009              Gilbert Pecan Company Sugar Pecans 1 lb bag

02-3014              Gilbert Pecan Aunt Lessie’s Nut Crunch Toffee 20oz bag

02-3015              Gilbert Pecan Chocolate Pecan Turtles 1 lb bag

02-7838              Gilbert Chopped Pecan Pieces 3 lb bag

02-1324              Sweet’s Rich Dark Chocolate RASPBERRY Sticks 10.5 oz. EACH–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-2173              Sweet’s Rich Milk Chocolate Orange Sticks 10.5 Oz. Each–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-2174              Sweet’s Rich DARK Chocolate Orange Sticks 10.5 oz. EACH–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-2175              Sweet’s MILK Chocolate RASPBERRY Sticks 10.5 oz. EACH–seasonal item; will return #11, 2017

02-7209              Krusteaz Pie Crust Mix 5 Lb. Bag–seasonal item; will return in 2017

11-1891              Good Old Days PECAN Cobbler 5lb tray–will assess the success of the Good Old Days sales after #12, and determine whether we can bring any of these items back. The Apple Caramel Crisp has been a great seller and will return.

11-1892              Good Old Days BLACKBERRY Cobbler 5lb tray

11-1893              Good Old Days PEACH Cobbler 5lb tray

11-1894              Good Old Days Old Fashioned CORNBREAD Dressing 6lb tray

11-3388              Good Old Days Apple Caramel Crisp 5.5lb Tray

01-6265              French’s French Fried Onions  24 Oz. Bag–seasonal item

05-1491              Minor’s Roasted Garlic Flavor Concentrate 1 lb. tub–will return later in 2017

03-2773              Industrial Gamma Lid-Yellow [Fits 5 & 6 Gal.] Each–these colors of gamma lids were very low sellers and will not be back.

03-3922              Industrial Gamma Lid Orange [Fits 5 & 6 Gal] Each

03-3923              Industrial Gamma Lid Black [Fits 5 & 6 Gal] Each

03-5128              Industrial Clear Plastic Jars W/Shaker Flap 12/16 Oz Case–removed due to low sales