Get creative with our containers

There are oodles of fun ways to use our spice jars (#4435) and containers (pgs. 34 and 46) for the holidays!  On page 34 of Catalog #11, we mentioned using #4435 Spice Jars as placeholders for Thanksgiving guests. The Blessing Mix recipe, tags, and two more fun Thanksgiving ideas are printable from the links below.



There will also be more fun ideas for using containers for the holidays in upcoming webinars.


It’s Back to School time again.


It’s back to school season. Customers and Reps of Alison’s Pantry don’t need a desk and a tablet to be students again. We study daily in our own personal classroom most of us call our kitchens. We have our own special kind of pencil, paints, veggiescrayons, glue and erasers.

With those pencils we can plan out our menus and design healthy and wholesome dinners for our families. We use colorful vegetables, fruits and juices to paint all the colors of the rainbow.

Our glue, the meat and potatoes of the table, namely bacon, outstanding pork products with wonderful beef and healthy alternatives of chicken and fish is the strength of our classroom.

pizzaCrayons color in the lines with a variety of easy and fast meals, not to forget the breakfast and after school convenience that we offer for the busy family. No one can erase away the goodies and seasonal treats that bring delight to every mouth they come in contact with. We also can’t forget our easy to use muffin and brownie mixes, and flavorful snacks including jerky easy to bake cookies.


Our scissors, sturdy utensils and baking accessories that that help to cut out excess time and work in our classroom, add in the monthly training you receive in the webinars and you can easy learn helpful product information and ideas.  To sum it all up you have a great opportunity for learning and success in your own kitchen.      – Stacee Izatt

Professionalism – It’s All About the Presentation

I have been a sales rep for Alison’s Pantry since January 2000 so I have been through several phases in my life while being a sales rep.  As I look back and think about what helped me to make my Alison’s Pantry business successful over the last 16 + years (avg. sales of $4,800 for 2016), I would like to share some thoughts with you.

I am always dressed for the day.  I have 5 children who are all still at home and currently ranging in age from 23 to 12. My two youngest (boys) were born after I became an Alison’s Pantry sales rep so they have grown up with me doing the business.  Even when my children were young, I dressed for the day so I could head out at a moment’s notice, if needed, or was presentable if someone came to my home (especially during order pickup times).  I may not have had makeup on every day but I was clean, wore clean clothes, and my hair and teeth were brushed.  A great accomplishment some days!!

Beautiful woman in jeans welcomes at the wooden door

I treat my customers as friends but also as an important part of my business.  Nothing makes a person’s day better than to be greeted by name and with a smile!  Whether you see them at the store, school, or some event you are both attending or you are delivering their order or they are picking up their order, make them feel important and spend a few minutes of your time acknowledging them.  Everyone needs to feel important and, if they are bringing their business to you, they are important!  A good, positive attitude, even when dealing with a difficult customer, will go a long way to building a strong AP business.  Always remember the Golden Rule – Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated!


I treat my AP business as a business.  I make time each week and most days to do something with my AP business.  Sometimes its only a few minutes to check emails, post something on Facebook, or just look through the new catalog to familiarize myself with what is new, on sale, and if there are any special offers.  When it is order week, I dedicate time each day to do order reminders and process any orders that have come in and communicate with my customers with their order totals, answers to questions, etc.  My commission pays for my family’s groceries each month plus my business expenses, so I have a sales goal I strive to reach each month so I am not paying for anything out of pocket.

Todays goal

Sometimes its the small and simple things that make the biggest difference. Set some goals and take your AP business to the next level – build a stronger relationship with your customers, be up and ready for whatever the day will bring and face it with a good attitude. Set a goal with your business and then take the steps to reach it.  And, above all, remember – YOU ARE AWESOME!!

Becky Price, RSM


Are you giving 110%

Customer service is the name of the game, if you want a great business start by bettering your customer service.  Your home based Alison’s Pantry business is no different.You must treat your customers so that they feel special and they will reward you with their patronage. Some of the top reps in our company pride themselves on establishing relationships with their customers that go far beyond the monthly purchases.  Here are a few ideas to help you succeed on building a dynamic and fulfilling business. Capture

Give your customer a club experience.  Even though we don’t have a membership requirement to purchase, each of our customers should feel that they are a part of an exclusive buying club.  As their rep, supply your customer with insider knowledge on the products you offer, knowledge that they are not privy to at the local grocery store. Giving them the “scoop” allows them to appreciate you and the service you offer.

Be personal. People like doing business with people they know, they like and they trust.  Take time to personally reach out to your customers to get to know them better and find out who they are, what they like and what they really need. Be their personal shopper. Notify them when something that they would be interested in becomes available. Watch out for them and “have their back!”

110 quote

 Make your customers’ problem your problem.  By solving their problems and needs in a timely manner, you create a friendship; they learn to trust you and to listen to your advice. If you go the extra mile to make your customer happy, she/he will not forget your intentions.

 Get your customers excited to be around you. Make them feel better after leaving your home than when they came.  Make delivery day a fun experience. Be cheery and enthusiastic about the products you are serving them. Offer samples and insight that they will not learn without ordering from you. Involve your family in the experience to help to generate excitement and a family business. Offer assistance to your customers freely and generously.

carrying boxes shutterstock_451241899

 Consider a thoughtful gift for your customers to show your appreciation for their support. Not one that is expensive, but one that is unexpected, memorable and appreciated.


 Send thank you notes. A hand written expression of thanks and appreciation will go a long way in establishing the relationship you have with your customer. Offer drawings and contests to show your gratitude for the support of your customers, everyone likes to feel special and winning a gift is one way to accomplish this feeling in your customers.

Be flexible and easy to work with. Life doesn’t always go as planned. As they say, “it’s more important to be kind than it is to be right.” Treat your customers as you like to be treated and always with respect. If you need to make changes during a delivery time or if the customer is hard to reach, always give them the benefit of the doubt. If you have a difficulty with a payment, be patient and respectful, most people are honest and true in nature. Never make them feel less than or like they are a difficult problem. People return to where they feel they are respected.

Look at your customers as a community. Engage in conversations with them and listen to their ideas and suggestions.  Ask for their opinions and be willing to make adjustments to better the experience and improve upon your skills.

The customer is always right, even when they are wrong. If you will stand by this idea and honor your customers, serve them and be honest in all your business dealings, you will make a relationship that will stand against the competition.

Be personal. People like doing business with people they know, they like and they trust.  Take time to personally reach out to your customers to get to know them better and find out what they really need.


If you will take the time, make the adjustments and give 110%, you can be the rep, the one that soars to the top!


Grow Your AP Business with Contests!

contest (1)

Almost everyone loves to win things and your AP customers are no exception!  Contests are a great way to get your customers excited about buying our products.  There are so many ways to do contests that I will only cover some basic ones but the sky is the limit as to how many you do and what kind you choose and what prizes you provide.

How to Have a Successful Contest:

Plan ahead.  Decide what contest you are going to do and what prize(s) you are giving away.  Ideas for prizes:  a % off their order, FREE shipping, an AP item (if you ended up with an extra item and couldn’t sell it, buy it and give it as the drawing prize), a certain amount off their order ($5 or $10).  Give something to everyone who qualifies or just to the drawing winner.  Give away an item that you learned about in a training webinar and promote how great it is so customers will want to qualify to win it!

Give your customers plenty of time to participate.  Make sure to post your contest on Facebook, send out to all customers on email, send a text, let your customers know when they pick up their order from the previous month by telling them verbally and/or handing them a flyer explaining the contest.

Remind your customers about the contest and how they can qualify.  Do this several times throughout the two-week order period so all your customers know about it and can participate if they choose.

Announce the winner(s)!  Once the winner(s) have been chosen, advertise who they are and what they won. Make a big deal about it!  Get your customers excited for your next contest by seeing that people they may know have won something!!

Contest Winners

Ideas for Contests:

CUSTOMER BINGO – Whether you choose a certain time frame to run your Bingo game or have it run until a certain number of people get Bingo, make sure it is very clear how many winners there will be.  IDEAS:  The first customer to get Bingo?  Everyone who gets Bingo on Catalog #4?  The first 5 who get Bingo?  Find a Bingo card and more ideas for using it here:  AP Bingo

EARLY ORDER CONTEST – Use this type of contest to encourage customers to get their order to you sooner than the last day!  Have a different prize each month – FREE shipping, $10 off next order, FREE item, etc.

$100 CLUB – Customers qualify for this drawing when they order $100 that month or when their accumulated orders reach a $100 increment.  You could give customers one entry for every $100 they order that month too.  Give away one item of your choosing or let the winner choose one item up to $10 they would like to have.  You could even have a box of 5-10 items they can choose from.

FIND AN ITEM – This one is fun because you can choose any item in the catalog that you want to give as the prize and then you give your customers the item number and they have to find the item and tell you what it is and what page* they found it on when they place their order to get entered to win that item.  (*Ask them to provide the page number so they don’t just look it up on the website and never look through the catalog to find it.)

3-MONTH CONTEST – To qualify for this contest, your customers would need to place an order each month for 3 months in a row to qualify.  I usually offer a larger prize like a case of Flat Iron Steaks for this contest to make it something customers will want to win by ordering 3 months in a row.  I also usually require an order of at least $25 to qualify.  **This contest is a good one if you have a lot of customers who are only ordering every other month or every three months.  It could help them to start ordering every month.

$50 ORDER DRAWING – Choose an item to give away and for every $50 a customer purchases, they get one entry to win the item.  This encourages bigger orders from your customers.

SPICE CLUB – (or Frozen Veggie Club or Frozen Soup Club)  This contest encourages customers to buy more of that particular product line and when they have bought 10 items, they could get one free.  Create a punch card for your customer to present each month or keep track yourself.  (VistaPrint has business cards you can order that have a punch card template on the back or you can create your own.)

CUSTOMER REFERRAL DRAWING – Offer a larger drawing prize to all customers who refer a new ordering customer.  They would get one entry for every new customer they refer.  This could cover one month or 3-6 months so there are more chances for customers to enter.  *It would be a good idea to have extra catalogs for customers to share or a flyer with the company website listed so potential customers can go and look at the online catalog to be able to order.

Enter to Win (3)

Depending on the type of contest and the prize(s) you offer, it will cost you to do them but please remember that you are investing in your business when you do these and the prizes that you give away are a tax write-off for your business.  Give these contests a try and do them for more than one month.  Sometimes it takes a couple of months for customers to catch on that someone is going to win!!

Please contact your RSM if you want to do a contest and need ideas or want to run your idea by them.

Good luck!!  Becky Price, RSM

K.I.S.S. (Keep It Simple Sweetie)

When you decided to begin as an Alison’s Pantry rep, you had excitement for the business. Every day you watched for potential customers, and introduced them to AP. Whether you are a brand new rep or a little seasoned, the key ingredient in your AP business is customers. AP does all the rest; all we have to do is find the customers. Occasionally, we start to feel that we have found all that there are to find. But as time goes by the average rep will cycle through her customer list as some of them, move, change family sizes, and find other sources for their needs. During these changes we need to try to maintain consistency in our sales. Here are a few simple ideas to help you. I call it the K.I.S.S method. (Keep It Simple Sweetie)

*Make a list– Go back to the basics and start a fresh list. Look over the people that you meet each day and check whether you have offered these great products to them. Fill out the Who do you know sheet once again. See if there is anyone you are overlooking.  Ask your current customers for referrals. This is definitely one of the best ways to find customers. People will rely on the recommendations of their friends and your friends can be better salespersons than you are sometimes. Let them.

girlon phone

*Write yourself a script– If you feel awkward on the phone or confronting a person in person, then write a script and practice what you say in front of the mirror. Practice makes perfect as they say and soon it will feel very natural. I always say something along the lines of “ I wouldn’t want you to miss out on these great deals, so I thought I would share them with you”.  When people realize that you are focused on bringing them great deals and benefits  and truly want the best for them, they will be more receptive.

kiss scripts

*Remember your Manners – Always say “Thank you so much for your support and order. It means so much to me.”  Remember your customers have the right to do business elsewhere and they come to you because they feel special.

*Be a Brand Lover– Be loyal to Alison’s Pantry, try the new products and be enthusiastic to tell your customers about them.  Knowing about the products makes them easier to sell.  Attend the webinars to gain the knowledge that is offered.  Shop from your own store, if a customer sees you buying the products that are offered in our catalogs at the local grocery store, why would she purchase them from you?

* Listen – Learn what’s important to your customers and what their needs are. They will trust that you are there for them and this will secure the relationship you have with them.

If you will get familiar with these ideas and make them a part of your business, you will see growth and success in your future. Good luck in your sales and building a business that you can be proud of.



RSM- Utah

AP food


Be Your Own Best Customer

You are a sales representative for Alison’s Pantry and sell our great products to your customers BUT are you your own BEST CUSTOMER??  Do you buy all you can and need through Alison’s Pantry to feed yourself and your family??  If you don’t, then I want you to consider this question for a moment – if you don’t buy and use what you sell, why should your customers?!

Family meal time

I am far from having meals planned out a week at a time let alone a month at a time but as I continue to improve in this area, I find that more and more of what I need to make each meal is available from Alison’s Pantry!!  And, when finances are tight, I find that if I have ordered more of what I need from Alison’s Pantry, I am making less trips to the store and then I am avoiding that impulsive shopping trap that I fall into so many times, buying things I really don’t need and shouldn’t be spending money on!  And as far as quality is concerned, our products are superior to almost anything we can get at the grocery stores which means a great deal to me and my family!  I will never buy frozen fruits and vegetables from a grocery store again!!  They are tasteless mush compared to the firm, flavorful products we sell!!


I’m not saying you should be lining out your meals for the entire month but I am suggesting that you look at the types of meals your family likes and then buying what you need from yourself!  If you are using your commission to pay for your food, you are, in many cases, getting your food for “free” without having to put any money out of pocket and you are supporting your Alison’s Pantry business!  On top of that, you are learning about and using the products you sell!!  What better way is there to sell product than to have your customers see that you buy and use the products you sell!  That is why we are always encouraging you to share pictures of your meals with your customers through Facebook posts and emails.  This WILL help your sales!  I promise!!

Lazy Lasagna

I want to challenge you to look at your last grocery store receipt and see if there wasn’t something you had to purchase from the store because you didn’t have it from Alison’s Pantry.  I just looked at my last 4 grocery store receipts and there was only one item I purchased because we ran out of the one I buy through Alison’s Pantry.  I will definitely have to get an extra one on my next order!

So, BE YOUR BEST CUSTOMER!!  You are an Alison’s Pantry sales rep and sell amazing products!!  Use these great products, share them with your customers, and watch your sales grow!

Becky Price, RSM


Summer Grilling Ideas

It’s getting to be that time again, the days get longer, the flip flops appear, and the grill is “fired” up.  Alison’s Pantry has so many items that work well on the grill. How do you make the most of the sale items in the catalog to help you increase sales with your customers? Let’s talk about a few ideas.

First of all, how about steak? We offer some of the best prices on steak and burgers out there.  Speaking of steak, there are a few different cuts of meat and it helps to know what cut will work best for the event you are cooking for. First of all let’s review the grades of beef. Here’s a simple and easy to read guide to the differences in the quality of your beef.

beef grade

At Alison’s Pantry most of the cuts of steak that we offer are in the Choice category, so you won’t go wrong with any of the items in the catalog. Let’s now talk about the different cuts of steak.

First off we offer our Holten Flat Iron Steaks # 6044, 12-6oz. they are USDA Choice, are cut from the shoulder of the beef.  The Flat Iron is one of the most versatile pieces of beef, second only to the tenderloin. It takes to a marinade like no other, it’s tender beyond belief, and you can cook it with much success in many methods. You can grill it, use if for stir fry meat, use it for fajitas, braise it, pan fry it. Really, it is a great little steak that hopefully you will want to try.

The next steak on the menu is the Main Street Quality Meats USDA Choice Rib Eye Steak # 2602, 4-8 oz. Steaks; this cut is great for grilling or broiling. Ribeye steaks are harvested from the rib section of beef. A rib steak, ribeye steak and a prime rib roast are essentially the same cut of beef, a steak that is best when grilled or broiled.

And finally we have the Main Street Quality Meats USDA Choice Top Sirloin Steak # 2603, 4-8 oz. steaks, a family-sized steak that offers lean, well-flavored and moderately tender beef at an affordable every day price. Cut from the top of the loin, it is great for broiling, sautéing and grilling; a great value, juicy and delicious. Top Sirloin works well for Fajitas, Stews, Beef Tacos, Kabobs, and a host of other items.

Here is a few ways to prepare the best steak of your life.

  1. Pick out your cut of meat, the thicker the better. A thicker steak will allow a little longer time cooking on the grill before reaching a finished internal temperature. You do not want to burn the edges before reaching the optimum internal temp.
  2. Salt your steak minimum of 40 minutes BEFORE grilling. The longer the better. This is because when you add salt to the surface of the steak, the salt draws the moisture out of the meat. As the salt sits on the meat and tenderizes the muscle, it will have nowhere to go and with time it will eventually leak back into the muscle. If you cook it before the moisture has a chance to return to the meat, it will be dry. So for this reason it is better to salt the meat with enough time to have the moisture return.
  3. Allow the steak to reach room temperature before grilling as a steak at room temperature will grill more evenly than a steak that is cold in the middle.
  4. Flip your steak often, especially if you are cooking at a low heat. Use tongs to flip as a fork will puncture the meat and the juices will flow.
  5. Use a thermometer to check to see whether your steak is finished. It is the most accurate and you want to know what the temp is in the middle of the steak.

120° F (48.8° C) = Rare

130° F (54.4° C) = Medium rare

140° F (60° C) = Medium

150° F (65.5° C) = Medium well

160° F (71.1° C) = Well done


  1. About 5 degrees before your steak reaches the desired temperature remove your steak from the heat and let the meat rest. It should rest about 5 minutes, this allows the juices to settle. If you cut it right after removing the steak, the juices will all flow out leaving you a dry and lack luster steak.
  2. To top off your steak with the melt in your mouth taste, add a teaspoon of butter to the top of the steak as it rests and it will melt into the meat.

steak with butter


Now onto other grilling items-

Our burgers can’t be beat, whether you fancy the Holten Black Angus Chuck Hamburger Patties # 5161 at $1.50 each in a case of 40/ 10lb. or you like the 100% ALL Beef Hamburger Patties # 1075 at $.95 each in a case of 24/6lb. You will win either way. We also offer the Thick and Juicy Brand, especially made for the grill and to retain the moisture after cooking. Offered in 1/3 lb patties in Black Angus #8421,  Vidalia Onion Stuffed # 8376 and Cheddar Bacon Stuffed # 8377, along with our Holten Turkey Burger #9106  all $9.99 for 6/ 2lb  box. Don’t forget the buns! Stone Ground Round Ciabatta Rolls #1051, they will make any burger a gourmet burger.

If it’s grilled chicken you like, then your in for a treat. This month they are on sale at $9.99, a price that hasn’t been available in the last year. Our chicken breast goes well with so many seasonings, pick your pleasure and sprinkle and grill. Chicken is one of the most versatile meats to cook with. It is quick to cook, easy to season and inexpensive to buy. You can grill it, saute it, fry it and bread it. No excuses here!  We love our Foster Farms 100% Natural Chicken Breasts # 5513 or Chicken Breast Tenders # 6829. Be sure and point the great savings out to your customers.


How about kabobs and shrimp skewers, If you love shrimp may  I recommend the Black Tiger Shrimp from Contessa # 2806, absolutely the best shrimp I have eaten. It is easy to grill, a beautiful size and so good with the Baja Chili Lime Seasoning # 7664, this would be a winner with a flat iron steak. If you prefer to get the shrimp already on the skewers you can’t go wrong with the King and Prince Classic Marinated Shrimp Skewers # 8270. Serve it with a peach salsa made with our Dole Chef Ready Cuts Diced Peaches # 2833 (See Recipe) for an unforgettable taste.



We can’t forget the Atlantic Salmon Portions, these would be so good on the Camp Chef Square Skillet # 8631 with a little tab of butter and some dill sprinkled on the top before grilling, squeeze a lemon after grilling and serve with your homemade tartar sauce from the Dilly Dill Dip Mix # 1421.

 baconwrapped asparagus

Need a veggie to round out your dinner? Try our Daily’s Deep Applewood Smoked Bacon # 8464 in your skillet on the grill and then wrap it around your Asparagus Spears #3127.Grill it until tender, remove and season with salt and pepper. Add a few Roasted Mini Baby Bakers # 2423 to the mix to round it out.  For your sweet refreshment you can try one of the 4 flavors of Minute Maid Frozen Lemonade catalog #6, pg 33 on sale this month, and you have an evening that can’t be beat!  Take a minute, plan out your grilling ideas and get your burn on!

Happy Grilling!


Alison’s Pantry RSM





Boost Summer Sales

Most customers are last minute thinkers.  Sharing our fantastic products for family reunions, camping, and barbecuing, can help them plan ahead and help you grow your sales.  Customers are looking for fun new ideas for summer time meals and they definitely need the convenience Alison’s Pantry foods offer them!  So be sure to tell them about the following great ideas!

Plan a spectacular barbecue in less than an hour!

Start with our delicious meats; we have so much to choose from. Holten Flat Iron Steaks, Thick and Juicy beef patties, and Foster Farms tender chicken breasts will impress your guests and fill your tummies.

Next, add a delicious vegetable.


We have a great variety of frozen vegetables that add color and enjoyment to any meal.


Finally add one of our Blount Sides!

Blount mac and cheese

Savory bacon and pasta folded into a creamy three cheese sauce is something everyone will love and warms up in minutes.

Don’t forget dessert!

brownies shutterstock_247093414

You can’t go wrong with our delicious brownie mix served with a scoop of ice cream on top!

family camping shutterstock_181241993

It’s time for customers to start thinking about girl’s camp, scout camp, and family reunions.  Alison’s Pantry products make these events so much easier and everyone is happy with the taste, quality and ease of preparing our products.  Drafting a sample menu that incorporates AP products for the camp chef can be a welcome help!  Be sure to remind them about:

pancakes shutterstock_320201552

AP bacon paired with any one of our pancake mixes will make a memorable breakfast everyone will devour.

roasting sticks

Camp Chef offers so many great products to help make your camping experience more fun!  Don’t forget the roasting sticks, Camp Chef Cast Iron conditioner and other great items from Camp Chef!

Send out ideas in emails, on newsletters, in texts, or with social media. Thinking ahead and helping your customers find those products that will best help them is great customer service and your customers will love you for it.
